But There Are Potential Cons Too
- The insertion procedure can be mildly to moderately painful. I recommend that people take ibuprofen beforehand, says Dr. Brant. It doesnt actually help with the pain during the insertion, but it does help with the cramping afterward.
- With either type, during the first few months, you may experience irregular bleeding and/or cramping. You can continue to take 600 to 800 mg of ibuprofen every six to eight hours for this as well, Dr. Brant says. (NOTE: If the pain persists or gets worse and ibuprofen isnt cutting it, and/or youre soaking through a pad or more an hour, youll need to see your doctor right away.
- Irregular bleeding and/or cramping that hasnt gone away after three months may result in your doctor putting you on ibuprofen for one to three months to alleviate pain and decrease bleeding or temporarily prescribing birth control pills to help regulate your cycle.
- If you do get pregnant with an IUD , your risk of ectopic pregnancy is higher.
- Youll need to see your doctor for another procedure to get the IUD taken out.
- An IUD isnt recommended if you have an abnormally shaped uterus since placing it is more difficult and increases the risk of perforation.
What Are The Types Of Iuds
There are 5 different brands of IUDs that are FDA approved for use in the United States: Paragard, Mirena, Kyleena, Liletta, and Skyla.
These IUDs are divided into 2 types: copper IUDs and hormonal IUDs .
The Paragard IUD doesnt have hormones. Its wrapped in a tiny bit of copper, and it protects you from pregnancy for up to 12 years.
The Mirena, Kyleena, Liletta, and Skyla IUDs use the hormone progestin to prevent pregnancy. Progestin is very similar to the hormone progesterone that our bodies make naturally. Mirena works for up to 7 years. Kyleena works for up to 5 years. Liletta works for up to 7 years. Skyla works for up to 3 years.
When Do The Side Effects Of Hormonal Iuds Go Away
Some people have side effects after getting a hormonal IUD. They usually go away in about 36 months, once your body gets used to the visitor in your uterus. So if you can stick it out for a few months, theres a good chance the side effects will ease up. Over-the-counter pain medicine can usually help with cramping.
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In Response To My Very Popular Article About The Mirena Iud And How That Can Upset Hormone Balance Or Further An Existing Imbalance I Talk About A Condition Called Estrogen Dominance Can Result In Hormonal Symptoms Such As Pms Infertility Weight Gain And Anxiety
Hello everyone, my name is Dr. Talia Marcheggiani. Im a naturopathic doctor with a special focus in mental health and hormones, especially womens hormones.
So, today Im going to talk about an article I wrote about a year and a half ago that gotten a lot of activity online and its called Lets Talk Mirena: Anxiety and Hormone Imbalance. I wrote the article because I was seeing a few patients who had the Mirena IUD and a series of similar symptoms. So, anxiety, panic attacks, and just a general sense of hormone imbalance. And when we ran their labs, when I looked at the levels of progesterone in their blood, they had very low progesterone. So I wrote an article about this and about the phenomenon of estrogen dominance that we naturopaths talk about a lot. And I got this resounding response online, so even today, sometimes, Ill get a couple emails a day of people expressing their experiences and their agreement with the article and their confusion and frustration and anxiety around some of the symptoms that theyve been experiencing since getting the IUD.
But even without an underlying health condition, just primary dysmenorrhea, thats not caused by another diagnosis is often the result of estrogen dominance.
So women will mention, and one of the most common symptoms is anxiety and panic attacks, because progesterone this kind of calming effect on the central nervous system, on the brain, so it kind of chills you out and helps you handle stress.
Prerequisites To Use Mirena
Your doctor might not recommend you to get the Mirena inserted , if you have any of the following conditions-
- If you are currently a Breast cancer patient or had it in the past
- If you have Uterine or cervical cancer
- If you are experiencing any Liver related illness
- If you have abnormalities in the uterus, such as fibroids that might interfere in the placement or the retention of IUD
- If you are experiencing an infection in the pelvic region presently or a pelvic inflammatory disease
- If you are experiencing unexplained vaginal bleeding
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How Long Can It Be Left In And Is It Safe Long
Dr. Rebecca: It works for 5-7 years, and is safe to leave in that long. It doesnt hurt you to leave it longer, but it no longer works as birth control or to suppress menstruation, and will no longer protect the lining if you are taking estrogen.
Are there side effects? If using Mirena for menopause, when should it be removed?
Dr. Rebecca: There is discomfort with placement and removal.
People are often concerned about infections, as they remember reports from decades ago about different IUDs. With the Mirena, there is a small risk of infection when it is inserted and removed , but once in, it actually thickens the protective cervical mucus and reduces the likelihood of infections travelling up to the pelvis.
Many women see irregular bleeding or spotting over the first 3-6 months after the device is implanted, which resolves.
While there are reports on the Internet of weight gain, in fact, studies show weight gain is not a side effect of the IUD because, remember, it results in very low hormones being circulated systemically.
Why Do You Recommend Mirena For Perimenopause What Is The Impact Of It
Dr. Rebecca: In perimenopause, cycles can get more irregular, with bleeding occurring less frequently. When this happens, periods can be heavy and crampy in menopause. The Mirena keeps the uterine lining thin, so periods get much lighter and less painful and easier to manage, without having to use systemic hormonal manipulation to achieve this.
Also, its good protection for the uterine lining , so if a woman needs estrogen to ease or get rid of hot flashes and sleep disruption, she doesn’t need to take oral progesterone if a Mirena is in place, providing the Mirena has been there less than 7 years and is still working.
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Possible Side Effects When Using A Mirena Iud
Although it has proven to be 99% effective in preventing pregnancy, the company that produces Mirena reports that users may experience the following side effects:
· Bleeding, pain or dizziness during or after placement of the device
· Device coming out after placement
· A small percentage of users stopped having periods
· Bleeding and spotting
· Heavier than normal bleeding
· Development of ovarian cysts
Some users may develop infections, pelvic inflammatory disease or perforation of the uterus. Perforation may occur if the device attaches to or goes through the wall of the uterus. This may cause scarring or infection requiring surgical removal of the device.
How Long Do Mirena Side Effects Last
In many cases, unwanted effects of the Mirena IUD are not long-term. According to Planned Parenthood, common side effects such as spotting between periods and cramping typically get better in 36 months.
Meanwhile, a person might want to have some side effects of Mirena, such as lighter periods or none at all. Research suggests that these are usually long-term changes for people who experience them while using the IUD.
Serious complications, such as PID, typically develop shortly after the person starts using the IUD often within the first month. These issues are uncommon.
Speak with a doctor about any severe or persistent symptoms that occur during Mirena IUD use.
The Mirena IUD releases the hormone levonorgestrel, a synthetic form of progesterone. Levonorgestrel works by thickening the cervical mucus and thinning the lining of the uterus, which prevents pregnancy from taking place. This synthetic hormone can also prevent ovulation, though it does not always have this effect.
The Mirena IUD has several key advantages. It:
However, there are some disadvantages, such as the:
- insertion procedure, which can be painful
- possibility of unwanted effects
- small risk of infection and other complications
- symptoms that may occur after the IUD is removed
It can take some time after a doctor removes the Mirena IUD for periods to return to normal. Also, some people experience a Mirena crash, which involves changes to their mood, sleep, weight, and skin health.
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There Are A Bunch Of Iuds On The Us Market And Theyre Not One
Heres a secret: female doctors and family planning providers are way more likely to use IUDs themselves than U.S. women overall. Maybe its because they know the intrauterine device is safe, low-maintenance, and super-effective.
There are two different types of intrauterine devices : hormonal and non-hormonal. There are currently four brands of hormonal IUDsMirena, Skyla, Liletta, and Kyleenaand one brand of non-hormonal IUD, Paragard. You may have heard about the different brands in the media, but, fancy TV commercials aside, whats the difference between them and is one of them right for you?
Can Iuds Be Used As Emergency Contraception
Yes! The Paragard IUD works super well as emergency contraception. If you get it put in within 120 hours after unprotected sex, its more than 99.9% effective. Its actually the most effective way to prevent pregnancy after sex.
Another great thing about using the copper IUD as emergency contraception: you can keep it and have really effective birth control that you can use for up to 12 years. The other kind of emergency contraception is the morning-after pill. You can take it up to 5 days after unprotected sex to reduce the risk of pregnancy.
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Are There Any Side Effects From Using The Hormonal Iud
- When the hormonal IUD is first inserted some users have period type cramping that usually settles after a few days.
- Your vaginal bleeding pattern will change. Spotting or frequent bleeding is common in the first 3 6 months. By 6 months most users will have a light regular period or no bleeding at all .
- Sometimes the IUD can fall out. This is more common in the first 3 months of it being inserted.
Other possible side effects for a small number of users can include:
- headaches
- sore/ tender breasts
- mood changes.
These side effects nearly always settle with time. The hormonal IUD has not been shown to cause weight gain.
Mirena Removal Side Effects
While most women do not experience issues after Mirena removal, some side effects may occur.
For example, if a woman gets pregnant while on Mirena, removing the IUD may result in pregnancy loss.
Some women refer to the Mirena removal side effects as the Mirena crash, according to an article in Refinery29. But, there are no scientific studies about the crash.
Side effects reported after removal include:
- Pain and cramping
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Removing Mirena At Home
Bayer and most doctors do not recommend removing Mirena at home because of possible complications.
Some doctors feel educating women on how to remove the device themselves might encourage more women to use it.
For instance, a study in the journal Contraception found 25 percent of women questioned would be more willing to try an IUD if they could remove it themselves.
However, another study by Advancing New Standards in Reproductive Health found only one out of five women who tried self-removal did so successfully.
When I needed my own IUD removed I did not do it myself. Even though I have inserted and removed thousands I went to a gynecologist.
Is Kyleena Less Painful Than Mirena
IUD insertion may cause some pain, bleeding, dizziness, and discomfort. You should feel better within about 30 minutes after placement. If you do not feel better by this time, your healthcare provider will need to examine you to ensure the device was placed correctly. Kyleena is slightly smaller in size than Mirena, so some patients tolerate insertion better.
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Bloated Belly And Other Gut Trouble
Ive seen many patients who complain of bloating after having their IUD placed. We are just at the cusp of understanding how our gut, microbiota and hormones interact, but we do know they are all intimately linked.
In my practice, Ive reviewed womens timelines and found that all their digestive symptoms began following the IUD placement. Some of these patients have gone on to be diagnosed with SIBO, yeast overgrowth and bacterial dysbiosis.
While we can not say definitely that the IUD causes digestive issues, it is definitely a symptom I tell my patients to be on the lookout for.
Who Is A Good Candidate For The Mirena Iud
Dr. Rebecca: Most women are good candidates only women with a history of allergic reaction to levonorgestrel, who have a current pelvic infection, or who have a uterine anomaly are not good candidates.
Unlike estrogen, progesterone is generally considered safe for women who have blood clot risk, and as the Mirena is very low dose, its even safer.
Use of Mirena for women with a history or high risk of breast cancer is generally, but not always, discouraged, so have a good conversation with your doctor about the benefits and risks.
If want an expert’s perspective if Mirena is right for you, a menopause-certified health coach can be helpful. Book 30 minutes for your personal consultation with a health coach.
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Hormonal Vs Non Hormonal Iud
Non-Hormonal Copper IUD
The Copper IUD is a non-hormonal form of birth control that is T-shaped and wrapped in a bit of copper. It works as a preventative by releasing copper ions into the uterus, causing an inflammatory response toxic to sperm. Many women choose Copper IUDs as a non-hormonal birth control option but still wonder if it impacts hormones.
Is It Possible for a Non-Hormonal IUD to Impact Hormones?
Copper and estrogen have a very intricate relationship as estrogen enhances copper retention in the body.
There is a chance that a Copper IUD will enhance the symptoms of estrogen dominance if a woman already has an estrogen dominance issue. The same goes for if there is an iron-copper-zinc imbalance or imbalance of nutrients that work with said minerals.
When there is an overload or imbalance of copper in the body, symptoms can include:
- Depression
- Interference with adrenal and thyroid activity
- Increased risk of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
To read more about the cons of a Copper IUD, go here.
Hormones and minerals have an intimate relationship, meaning they can impact each other one way or another. This is an important thing to consider when looking at birth control options.
Hormonal IUD
Hormonal IUDs include Mirena, Skyla, Liletta, and Kyleena. They secrete progestins, which is a synthetic form of our bodys naturally produced progesterone.
Even With All Their Benefits Iuds Arent For Everyone Here Are A Few Reasons Why A Different Birth Control May Be Better For You
Maybe you like the sense of control that comes with taking a pill every day or youd prefer a method that you can start or stop at any time . IUDs have been established as safe and effective for most birth control users, but you also need to feel completely comfortable with your birth control method.
Its true that IUDs come with a small risk of expulsion, which is basically when your body starts to push out your IUD. According to the limited research on IUD expulsion, the average incidence rate is between 3 and 5 percent of all IUD users and 5 to 22 percent of adolescent IUD users, says the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. But its important to note that this research was done in 2009 and 2010 and only looked at Mirena and ParaGard, not any of the newer options that have been developed over the last several years.
IUDs also come with the risk of perforation, which happens when an IUD pushes through your uterus, although this is even less likely than the chance of expulsion. One study published in the journal Conception in 2015 found that out of 61,448 women who had an IUD, only 81 reported having a perforation.
Technically, you could use an IUD until youre ready to start trying and be just fine, but thats not exactly cost-effective, Dr. Streicher says. IUDs can be expensive if your insurance doesnt cover them.
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How Effective Mirena Is
Mirenas effectiveness is claimed to be over 99%, which is a great result. However, in some cases, healthcare professionals recommend using Mirena in conjunction with other emergency contraception methods, such as birth control pills.
Condoms are also a must. Even though there is a ridiculously low risk of impregnation while using Mirena, this intrauterine device still doesnt give any protection against STD.
How Long Does The Mirena Crash Last
It is difficult to pinpoint how long the Mirena crash will last once the symptoms begin to show. Since it is brought about by a hormonal imbalance, it is reasonable to suggest that the symptoms will dissipate once a hormonal equilibrium is restored. In essence, it will depend on how long a womans body will take to restore hormonal balance. The Mirena Crash can last anywhere from a few days to several months.
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