Friday, October 4, 2024

Does Blue Cross Blue Shield Cover Hormone Replacement Therapy

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Are Bioidentical Hormones Covered By Insurance For Women

Hormone Replacement Therapy Cost

Menopause begins after a woman has her last menstrual cycle. The average age for women entering menopause is 51. Even before that last cycle, menopause changes the hormone balance in a womans body.

Progesterone, estrogen, and even testosterone levels begin to drop. The result is symptoms like mood swings, hot flashes, and thinning of the vaginal lining.

A doctor may prescribe hormone therapy to relieve these symptoms. Hormone therapy also treats some of the long-term effects of menopause like bone loss.

The same coverage guidelines apply here as they do for men. Your policy may cover traditional hormone therapy but not bioidentical hormones. Also, most insurance carriers dont cover testosterone when prescribed for women.

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Covered Equivalents For Drugs Not On Our Formulary

Our three plan options have certain drugs that are not covered on their formularies. Each non-covered drug has safe and effective, alternative covered drug options. You can see the list of whats not covered and available alternative options for Standard Option and Basic Option. FEP Blue Focus members can apply for coverage of a drug not covered on their formulary with the Non-Formulary Exception Process form.

Communication Is Key For Smooth Transition

If you are considering using these new health insurance benefits to transition, contact your health plan first and see exactly how they are going to handle the benefits. We know that you will need a diagnosis of gender identity disorder or gender dysphoria. Some plans may want to approve a treatment plan in advance. The communication you and your doctor can have with the insurance company, the fewer hassles you will encounter.

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What Causes Hormonal Imbalance In Women

Hormone variations in women occur naturally, hormonal imbalance may occur during puberty, menopause and perimenopause. Hormone imbalance may also be caused by toxins or living an unbalanced lifestyle. Understanding the causes of hormone imbalance helps us to prevent them, and at the same time, feel better, think better, and better prevent breast cancer.

Moreover, there are many factors that can influence the levels of the female hormones found in the body and it is known that the absence of certain key macro- and micronutrients will affect hormone release by inhibition or causing an over secretion leading to hormone levels away from the expected norm.

Hormone Replacement Therapy & Health Insurance

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No health plan is created equal. Each plan takes into account a variety of factors, from types of treatment to types of providers to which types of medication are covered. If your insurance comes through your employer, as your human resources department for information on hormone therapy coverage. Otherwise, call your insurance company directly to ask about the specific types of treatment youre considering.

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Why Is It Important To Understand Stress And Know How To Cope With It

Stress is a fact of life. Most of us have periods of stress at various times in our lives. But extra stress can have a serious effect on your health, especially if it lasts for a long time.

If you are transgender, you may be under a lot of extra stress because of discrimination in the community. Rejection, prejudice, fear, and confusion cause long-term stress in many transgender people.

Constant stress can be linked to headaches, an upset stomach, back pain, and trouble sleeping. It can weaken your immune system, so that you have a harder time fighting off disease. If you already have a health problem, stress may make it worse. It can make you moody, tense, or depressed. Depression can lead to suicide. Teens with depression are at particularly high risk for suicide and suicide attempts.

People who are under long-term stress are also more likely to smoke tobacco, drink alcohol heavily, and use other drugs. These habits can lead to serious health problems.

It’s important to recognize the effects that stress can have on your life, to learn how to cope with stress, and to know when to get help. For more information, see the topic Stress Management.

Are Bioidentical Hormones Covered By Medicare

Original Medicare has limited prescription drug coverage. It doesnt cover hormone therapy medications at all, even those for menopause.

If you need coverage for HRT, youll need a Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plan. You can opt for a private insurance company. Or, you can add a stand-alone Part D Prescription Drug Plan to your original Medicare.

Another avenue is a Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug. This plan covers prescription drugs, including those for hormone therapy.

For a list of covered medications, see the plans formulary. A formulary is a list of covered medications. If your doctor prescribes a drug thats not on the formulary, you can request a substitute.

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Does Blue Cross Blue Shield Cover Testosterone Treatment

Insurance coverage will vary based on your deductible, Scientific evidence of safety and efficacy has not been proven.Re: HRT or TRT with Blue Cross Blue Shield Everyone of you has said many true things here, Clomid®, non biodegradable drug delivery Corporate Medical PolicyAn Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association Testosterone Testing AHS G2013 Notification The Endocrine Society-Endocrine Treatment of Gender-Dysphoric/Gender-Incongruent Persons Testosterone levels monitoring is suggested atProprietary Information of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama Medical Policy #444 Effective for dates of service prior to December 29, In Georgia: Blue Cross Blue Shield Healthcare Plan of Georgia, which outlines these special programs.Implantable Hormone Replacement PelletsSubcutaneous testosterone pellets as a treatment for menopausal symptoms and/or reduced libido or any other indications not listed above are considered experimental/investigational and therefore non-covered, All benefits are subject to the definitions, the Testosterone in Older Men with Mobility Limitations trial, and I was told by last Doc that alot of the times it depends on how the Doctors office gives the procedure code meaning it has to be a code that BCBS accepts in order for us to be qualified for coverage.Yes, Its only a matter of time before all follow suit, medications, Inc, co-pay, and anastrozole) Diagnosis of Erectile Dysfunction

Does Blue Cross Blue Shield Cover Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Does Insurance Cover Bioidentical Hormones

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Blue Cross Blue Shield does not cover bioidentical hormone therapy or bioidentical hormone pellets, and its far from being the only health insurer that wont cover bioidentical hormone therapy. In fact, no insurance covers bioidentical hormones, bioidentical hormone pellets, but will cover the lab work necessary to calculate the optimum dose of the bioidentical hormones.

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Other Insurers Instructions To Consider

Some insurance companies consider only levels of testosterone in a blood test and the endocrinologists conclusion. Their plans allow patients to reduce final treatment costs only partially. For example, Cigna and Regence insurers offer the coverage of lab evaluation and clinic-based medical services but do not compensate expenses on injections and other oral medication prescribed.

Nevertheless, many patients would like to save at least a part of the costs for their low T treatment cycle. That is why insurer clients agree to receive partial compensation to cover their medical expenses. Most American pharmacies and private clinics with endocrinologists offices accept bills from insurance organizations like:

  • Health Net
  • ODS
  • UnitedHealthcare, etc.

Anyway, it is possible to start therapy without insurance and at affordable prices because some US-based clinics provide consumers with profitable discounts. Some price lists include special offers for regular procedures that are not covered by the insurance. For example, each second visit to the doctor will cost twice as little as the first appointment. If you will require the second treatment course, your costs for injections will be covered as well.

Contact our physician here to get a free consultation about insurance for testosterone replacement treatment.

Medicare Part C And Hormone Replacement Therapy

Medicare Part C or Medicare Advantage is a plan that replaces Original Medicare Part A and B, and usually adds benefits like prescription drug insurance coverage. This plan is provided by private insurance companies and can be customized to fit your specifics needs, and monthly premiums depend on the plans that are available.

A Medicare Advantage plan may help you cover the cost of hormone replacement therapy.

Here are some reasons why folks choose Medicare Advantage or Part C plans for coverage:

  • Hospice care
  • Mental Health services
  • Copay and deductibles

This is just the tip of the iceberg on the different benefits Plan C has. If you would like to learn more about how to apply and find the best-customized plan for you, contact us at . Our experienced insurance agents will be able to provide a free consultation and get you in the right direction.

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Puberty & Menopause Problems Caused By Hormone Imbalances

Getting First Period too Young or too Old

Typically, a girl will begin her period at a similar age to when her mother began getting hers. Some girls have their first period as early as 10 or 11. Others dont get their first period until theyre 15 or even 16. If you or your daughter are outside those age ranges and are concerned about that first period, it is worth a visit to her Pediatrician, Family Doctor or OBYGN.

Common factors that affect when a girl begins her period are weight changes, environmental factors that stimulate the hormones, or adrenal gland problems.

Irregular Periods in Teens

Pre-teens and teenagers have very irregular periods as their bodies mature. Sometimes, teens have unusual bleeding because they arent ovulating regularly. In this case, they have some hormonal development that isnt complete so the uterus isnt getting a clear enough signal of what to do.

Issues During Menopause

When women approach their mid- to late-40s, their cycles may become irregular as they enter the perimenopausal stage. You can read more about what to expect in perimenopause in our recent article. Signs that you may be experiencing perimenopause include skipping periods and having lighter periods.

If your periods are becoming heavier, more frequent, prolonged, or with spotting between periods, you should mention this to your doctor. These changes could indicate menopause, but they could also be caused by abnormalities in your cervix or uterus.

Is Hormone Replacement Therapy Covered By Insurance

Does Insurance Cover Testosterone Injections  Relevant ...

A common concern among individuals who seek hormone replacement therapy is how theyre going to pay for it. This often raises the question of whether hormone replacement therapy is covered by insurance. In short, the answer is, it depends. Factors such as the type of therapy and the type of insurance plan can affect whether the treatment you seek is covered.

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Does Blue Cross Blue Shield Cover Couples Counseling

No. While it depends on your specific plan, it is unlikely that Blue Cross Blue Shield will cover couples counseling.

That said, even if your insurance doesn’t directly cover it, you still have options for getting affordable couples counseling. Here are five ways to pay for couples counseling if its not included in your health insurance plan.

Finding Insurance For Transgender

The following insurance carriers have available plans without blanket exclusions for transgender surgery and other trans-related healthcare.

Generally, individuals in the U.S. secure health insurance coverage through one of the following channels:

  • Employer-provided Group Plans
  • Government Subsidized Plans like Medicare/Medicaid
  • An Individual Plan purchased via State Insurance Exchanges

Employer-Provided Plans:

Many large private sector employers have taken steps to actively remove exclusions on transgender healthcare from their employer provided plans. HRCs Corporate Equality Index surveys employers on this important benefit. You can find a list of employers who offer coverage here.

Additionally, some state and federal public employees are covered for transition-related care through their group benefit plans.

Medicare/Medicaid:Medicare provides health insurance to millions of older and disabled Americans. Medicare provides for transgender healthcare such as routine medically necessary care, hormone replacement therapy and gender reassignment surgeries.

For more information on Medicare and transition-related care, please see the National Center for Transgender Equalitys resource: Know Your Rights: Medicare.

Some Medicaid programs, a type of state and federally funded program for health insurance for low-income people, provide for transition-related care. See your state Medicaid program for details.

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The Doctors Note: Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

On average, menopause occursin women at 51 years of age. Common symptoms include hot flashes, mood changes,sleep disruption and altered tissue linings of the vagina and urinary tract.Loss of ovary function and estrogen production are responsible for thesechanges.

American women have seen anincrease in expected lifespan, from less than 50 years of age in 1900, to 80years in 2000. Women now live for decades after the onset of menopause. 30years ago, physicians were trained to recommend hormone replacement therapy formost menopausal women. It seemed reasonable that estrogen replacement couldhelp symptoms of menopause, possibly even prevent dementia, cardiovasculardisease, osteoporosis, stroke and other age-related ailments. As moreexperience and data has been gained, we discovered hormones do not preventdementia or cardiovascular disease as previously hoped. Additionally, risksrelated to uterine cancer, breast cancer and blood clots have beendefined.

Currently it is recommendedthat women approaching menopause discuss the risks and benefits of hormonereplacement therapy with their physician. Individualized treatment consideringmedical and family history help guide therapy. Many well-studied Food and DrugAdministration approved options and routes of administration areavailable to help alleviate symptoms of menopause while minimizing risks.

Transcript Of Todays Episode

HRT Day : Starting Transgender Hormone Replacement Therapy

Announcer: Youre listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. Its strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. Okay, guess what were talking about, hormones today. Yeah, well, a survey came out, and I always found it interesting. Men, you listen up, and the reason Im saying that is because we dont go through this. Okay. Men have a little bit, maybe, of an andropause, but nah, we dont get to comment too much. Im going to give you some information this morning, this is interesting. These are the top 10 symptoms on a survey of menopausal, pre-menopausal symptoms.

Now let me just explain here that as you get older, estrogen comes down, progesterone comes down, normal. And medicine has this idea that they usually want to give you HRT, hormone replacement therapy. And Im very concerned about that, because theres been enough years now that weve been able to study it, and let me just give you some stats.

Announcer: Youve reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast with your hosts Dr. Martin Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode, and thanks for listening.

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Also Check: Does Blue Cross Blue Shield Cover Testosterone Therapy

Prior Authorization/step Therapy Program

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois prior authorization/step therapy program is designed to encourage safe, cost-effective medication use. Most HMO groups and standard products plans include this program. Self-insured and custom fully insured groups offer a variety of these programs to help effectively manage their prescription drug benefit.

Does Health Insurance Cover Testosterone Therapy

Because testosterone replacement therapy is sometimes considered a new therapy, many patients ask us this question, Does health insurance cover testosterone therapy for me?

Most health insurance providers will cover the majority of the cost of testosterone replacement therapy for men, as long as you can demonstrate a need.

Of course, the amount that your insurance covers varies from provider to provider, and it also varies based on your specific health plan and other variables, like your deductible.

Though we cannot guarantee that your insurance will cover the cost of your testosterone replacement therapy, we can at least help you get the process started with a free consultation or with a simple call to your insurance carrier.

Your health insurance company may have already approved you for testosterone replacement therapy if you have certain medical conditions or diagnoses from a physician. Depending on the insurance company, these conditions can include the following:

  • A pituitary tumor
  • Klinefelters Syndrome
  • Kallmans Syndrome

Other conditions, like having had a prostatectomy, may also preclude you from needing tests to prove low testosterone.

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Medicare Part D And Hormone Replacement Therapy

Medicare Part D, or the prescription drug plan may cover some medications that Original Medicare Part B doesnt cover. Part B only covers drugs provided at a doctors office or hospital, which leaves a lot of other prescription drugs unaccounted for. For example, if the doctor requires you to go to a pharmacy to obtain a certain drug, Part B wont cover that and that could leave you in $100s of dollars in drug cost.

With Medicare Part D, youll be able to get some coverage for unexpected expenses and save in the long-run from drug costs. As mentioned before, with Part D, this can help pay for the hormone replacement therapy drugs partially if not fully.

The monthly premiums on Medicare Part D will depend on your specific needs. Maybe you might need a lot of prescription drugs or you may need more than average. Prices will vary with the carrier and specific Part D plan.

To learn more about Medicare Part D, give us a call at . One of our experienced insurance agents will be able to help you find the plan best suited for your needs.

Some Health Plans May Lag


Gender Health Center in the parade

Because this is a California state law that pertains to plans managed by the California Department of Managed Health Care and the California Department of Insurance, all health insurance plans will need to cover the transgender benefits. Anthem noted that all requests for services must be manually entered as they update their system to handle the procedures and codes. Expect similar issues with the other insurance carriers.

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