Saturday, September 7, 2024

Evexipel Hormone Pellet Therapy Reviews

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What Are The Advantages Of This Therapy

Hormone Imbalance? Pellet therapy might be the answer
  • EvexiPel hormone therapy has the same molecular structure as human hormones. It means that the effects of this treatment last longer than other forms of therapies.
  • This therapy offers a steady stream of hormones in your blood.
  • It is a safe approach to balance your hormones over other forms of treatments and therapies.
  • This therapy is clinically effective. The hormones are delivered in your body constantly for several months.
  • Patients who receive this therapy experience an increased level of energy, decreased body fat, improved libido, enhanced mood, low-stress level, a better quality of sleep, and better mental focus.
  • This therapy’s side-effect profile is low compared to other forms of treatment.

To find out more about the healthcare services we offer at Medipro Holistic Health, Beaverton, OR, call 828-9265 or schedule an online consultation. You can also visit us at 17933 NW Evergreen Place, Ste 285, Beaverton, OR 97006.

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Evexipel Hormone Pellet Therapy Testimonials

Its obvious were big fans of hormone pellet therapy here at EvexiPEL! We could talk all day about its benefits, and the amazing experiences our patients have had by undergoing pellet therapy with EvexiPEL providers.

But sometimes, you need to hear it from someone who has been there someone who has made the choice to go through our patented bio-identical hormone replacement therapy program and has first-hand experienced its effects on their lifestyle.

So well help you out this post provides a rundown of four patients:

These four patients have various reasons for undergoing pellet therapy treatment, and couldnt be happier they decided to improve their lives with EvexiPEL.

Lets take a look at their stories, and if any of them are sounding a little too familiar to you, give us a call!

Request Hormone Pellet Therapy Information Today*

Patients who receive EvexiPel® hormone pellet therapy reportincreased energy levels, improved libido, decreased body fat,better mental focus, improved mood and much more. If youreinterested in finding out whether the underlying cause of yoursymptoms is hormonal, and exploring hormone pellet therapy, requesttreatment information today call us at 961-2366orcontact usonline.

*EvexiPel services are currently offered through the sistercompany Renaissanics, LLC. Renaissanics, LLC does not currentlycontract with any insurance company and is neither owned noroperated by Pineapple Health.

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Limitations & Who Should Use Hormone Pellets

Hormone pellets certainly arent for everyone, but Ive combined a list of patients who tend to do well on this type of hormone therapy below:

  • Those who desire the set it and forget it approach
  • Those who travel frequently or who frequently forget to use gels/creams
  • Those who have trouble remembering to apply their hormones on a daily basis
  • Those who already know what their dose is and just want a more convenient approach
  • Those who have better symptomatic control with pellets over gels/creams
  • Those who would rather not take the risk of exposing family members to hormones through close touch, etc.

If you do not fit within these parameters then it may be wise to seek out other ways to take your bio-identical hormones such as the transdermal route.

Consistent Delivery Of Hormones

Is EvexiPEL Right for You?

When you partner with the right medical professional, like those trained through the EvexiPEL method, youre ensuring that youll get the appropriate dosage your body needs.

Pellets will communicate with your body to release the right amount of hormones at the right time for a sustained period . Synthetic hormone replacement methods require you to take the exact amount at a specific time intervalEvexiPEL gives you the freedom to live your life.

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What Is Evexipel Hormone Pellet Therapy

EvexiPel® hormone pellet therapy is a treatment created toaddress the hormonal imbalance. Hormonal imbalance occurs when oneor more of the body’s key hormones is deficient or otherwise not atits optimal production level. This issue can occur in men andwomen.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance include:

  • Extreme fatigue

EvexiPel® hormone pellet therapy has several advantages overthese other methods. These benefits include:

  • It has the same molecular structure as human hormones
  • It lasts longer than other treatments, typically around threeto five months
  • It’s the most widely studied form of natural hormonetherapy
  • It provides a steady stream of hormones in your blood
  • It provides individualized dosing

The type of hormone pellet therapy we provide is calledEvexiPel® hormone pellet therapy. This type of hormone pellettherapy is meant to be hassle-free: EvexiPel® hormone pellettherapy provides outstanding results with minimal side effects.Pellet therapy is also the only modality that mimics the body’snormal diurnal and circadian rhythms.

Other benefits of EvexiPel® hormone pellet therapy are:

Expert Champions Study Results With Emphasis On Risks Of Pelleted Hormones

Nanette Santoro, MD, professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine says that this study helps us to understand the concerns about using non-FDA approved hormones. And, raises the need for women to discuss the risks as well as the potential benefits of pelleted bioidentical hormones BEFORE committing to their use.

The legal loophole through which these treatments have slipped, allowing them to be considered dietary supplements, means that no one has any reason to study their safety and efficacy before marketing them.

The FDA steps in only when there is evidence of harm, says Dr. Santoro something that has happened only three times in 25 years or if there someone complains that a company is making false claims. In other words, theres no real monitoring system. Most suppliers can say what they like, and Im sure they are experts on how to exactly phrase some of the more impressive claims that allude to anti-aging effects without incurring the wrath of the FDA or any other regulator.

There is no standardization in the manufacture of these products, Dr. Santoro tells EndocrineWeb, so if they are prescribed, a patient could have irregular absorption, or there could be more or less hormone than what is stated on the label, and no one is any the wiser.

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What Are Pellets Made Of

Bio-identical hormone treatments are made of organic plant materials. This is often safer and more natural than hormone therapy that uses synthetic ingredients. The hormones in the pellets are often molecularly identical to the hormones that are naturally produced by the human body. The pellets are about the size of a grain of rice, so the organic materials have to be pressed into a solid compound. The hormones inside the pellet depend on where your deficiency lies. Common hormones include estradiol and testosterone.

How Do Testosterone Pellets Work

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)

Testosterone pellets work by emitting a steady, low level of testosterone over a period of several months. A doctor will typically implant the pellets under the skin, or subcutaneously, near the hip or on the buttocks. This procedure is quick and can take place in the doctors office.

First, the doctor will thoroughly clean the area where they plan to implant the pellets. They will then administer a local anesthetic before making a small incision in the skin and using a tool called a trocar to insert about ten pellets.

The pellets should release a steady dose of the hormone for several months following the implantation.

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Legitimate Health Concerns Demonstrated In Women Taking Pelleted Hrt

In this study, Xuezhi Jiang, MD, PhD, and his colleagues examined the medical records of postmenopausal women who were patients at the Reading Hospital in Pennsylvania. Their goal was to compare serum levels of estradiol and total testosterone in women who had taken bioidentical pellet hormone therapy compared with women who used regular hormone therapy. The women who received hormones by solid pellet had it inserted under the skin. Dr. Jiang is an obstetrician-gynecologist and associate professor of medicine at Jefferson Medical College, in Reading, Pennsylvania.

The researchers were surprised by their findings they reported that the mean serum estradiol and total testosterone levels for women using pellet therapy were 237.7 pg/mL and 192.84 pg/mL, respectively, compared to 93.45 pg/mL and 15.59 pg/mL in women receiving traditional hormone therapy.¹ These high levels of hormones can be very concerning, Dr. Jiang tells EndocrineWeb.

Pellet therapy users also had significantly higher incidences of negative side effects, he says. Among the issues reported by the women who had pelleted hormones were: abnormal bleeding, mood swings and anxiety, breast tenderness, changes in hair patterns, acne, and weight gain.¹

Requiring A Minor Surgery

In a technical sense, your pellet implantation is a surgery. Its a very minor surgery that uses local numbing instead of general anesthesia, and the incision is tiny, but its still surgery.

This is a deterrent for some patients because it requires scheduling the procedure, which can be challenging with a busy calendar. The procedure also requires that you take precautions for several days like limiting your exercise regimen.

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Is Biote Right For You

Biote might be a good option for those who are experiencing hormone imbalances related to estrogen or testosterone deficiency. While a Biote-certified provider can help determine whether its right for you based on an initial evaluation and hormone panel, consider reaching out to your primary care physician first, as they will likely give you their honest opinion about the therapy.

However, its important to keep in mind that compounded hormone therapy is not FDA-approved, nor does the ACOG recommend it over available FDA-approved therapies.

Because they vary in strength and purity, customized compounded hormones pose more risk. Also, the risks and side effects associated with bioidentical hormones may vary depending on an individuals medical history, says Dr. Roskin. So that you fully understand the benefits and disadvantages, I recommend talking to your healthcare provider first to see if you might be a good candidate for this type of treatment.

Young Women May Need Hormone Therapy Especially If They Feel Tired

ZO Skin Health

Most women feel tired, especially after having kids. The problem is so pervasive throughout society, its expected and standard for women to feel tired. Except, its not normal or healthy. We interviewed HTCA provider Dr. Armi Walker, who explains it well in our interview with her .

Women should be able to experience a full and vibrant life, filled with energy and a good nights sleep throughout their entire lives, including going through menopause. Decreasing levels of hormones, particularly estrogen and progesterone, affect a womans energy.

Using BHRT to help a woman stabilize her hormone levels helps reduce highs and lows of fatigue and sleep problems. As a woman feels better during the day and gets a better nights sleep, she finds that she has more energy during the day. Having more energy allows her to take care of her family, be successful at work, and have time to take care of herself properly without sacrificing anything.

Of course, if a woman simply feels tired, society expectations almost require her to ignore it. Its up to the doctor to begin speaking to women of all ages who report feeling a little tired. Additionally, doctors should talk to their women patients about fatigue, even if they dont bring it up themselves.

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How Ehs Changes Lives

Transforming Healthcare

EVEXIAS Health Solutions was founded by leading experts in integrative functional medicine, who understand what it takes to prevent disease, address the root cause of illness, and provide healing that will all you to live life to the fullest.

As part of our mission, the EHS team trains and certifies top practitioners from around the nation in the art and science of preventive medicine, providing each with the tools and education to change the lives of patients just like you. In building a network of the highly qualified and trained practitioners, EHS can deliver lifechanging preventive care to more people every day.

EVEXIAS Health Solutions is transforming the face of medicine through the advancement of preventive medicine products and therapies such as bioidentical hormone pellet therapy, pharmaceutical grade nutraceuticals, and peptide therapies. The path to a longer, healthier, higher quality of life begins here.

What Are The Side Effects Of Bioidentical Hormones

When the FDA approves a drug, the drug company must report any side effects they are told about. These side effects are included in the paperwork you get when you pick your medication up at the pharmacy. Pharmacies that compound hormones do not have to report drug side effects to the FDA or provide paperwork. This contributes to the myth that compounded hormones are safer when healthcare providers don’t know all of the possible side effects of these hormones.

Side effects can occur, especially after the first dose. Your body is not used to the new level of hormones. Many side effects get better as the body adjusts to the new level of hormones. In some cases, the dose may need to be changed.

Some common side effects of bioidentical hormones include:

You may itch or get red around the area where you apply your hormones if you use a patch, cream or gel.

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Theres Misinformation Out There About Bioidentical Hormones

Synthetic and bioidentical hormones confuse a lot of people, even doctors. As we explained in this article, bioidentical hormones are chemical identically to the hormones the body creates. What makes the most significant difference is that each bioidentical hormone pellet dosage we provide precisely matches the particular person, so they are getting the exact type of bioidentical hormone that their body requires.

Unlike synthetic hormones, which come in a one-size-fits-all approach and are not chemically identical, bioidentical hormones dose correctly for the person. People see a reduction in side effects and an increase in their health markers.

Who Is Eligible For Evexipel

BioTE Hormone Pellet Therapy | Dr. Shel Wellness & Aesthetic Center

If you are suffering from symptoms of hormone imbalance, such as sleepless nights, chronic stress, weight gain, sexual dysfunction, anxiety, depression, or irritability, you may be eligible for EvexiPEL.

Patients with certain types of cancers or conditions may not be eligible for EvexiPEL. Every certified provider will review your medical history and lifestyle to ensure you can experience the benefits of EvexiPEL without putting your health at risk.

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What Are Testosterone Pellets

Testosterone pellets are a form of hormone replacement therapy. They are about the size of a grain of rice, and a doctor will implant them under the skin.

These pellets contain crystallized testosterone and deliver a steady, low dose of this hormone to the individual for up to 6 months at a time.

Although many people believe that testosterone replacement therapy can be beneficial, it can cause side effects and increase the risk of certain health conditions.

Hormone Pellets Vs Other Hormone Administration Methods

Hormone therapy differs not in the hormone you use but primarily in how you put it into your body.

How you take your hormones dramatically impacts the serum levels of your hormones, other sex hormones in your body, your symptoms, and much more.

Because of this, its worth exploring all of the options before you jump into hormone pellet therapy.

Hormone pellets require a procedure to be placed, which is unique among all other forms of hormone replacement therapy.

These pellets are usually inserted into the subcutaneous tissue in your hip or stomach area with a small incision .

The pellet then dissolves slowly over a period of months, all the while slowly releasing a stable amount of hormone into your bloodstream.

The exact amount of hormone which is placed into each pellet can be adjusted based on the needs of the individual.

In addition, these pellets can also come formulated with multiple hormones.

Taking hormones through the skin, or via injection/pellet therapy, is preferred over oral administration.

So, pellets are favored in that way.

But how do they compare to creams/gels/shots?

In terms of efficacy, pellets are no more effective than a gel/cream or injection in theory.

Basically, as long as you dont take your hormones by mouth you should be good to go.

Creams/gels/shots/pellets tend to differ in other ways such as patient compliance , potential negative side effects, ease of altering your dose, and so on .

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Take A Customized Holistic Approach

Your hormone imbalance could involve several hormone disturbances. Not all of the hormones you need may be available in a pellet.

Its important to begin your journey by asking your provider for lab testing. This will evaluate your hormone levels and get to the root of your symptoms. Instead of playing a dosage guessing game, your provider can customize a treatment plan for your exact needs.

Increased Risk Of Breast Cancer


A 2019 study suggests that using combination progesterone-estrogen hormone replacement therapy may increase the risk of developing breast cancer. This risk can persist for over a decade after patients stop using combination HRT.

If you have a family history of breast cancer, discuss this potential side effect with your doctor before deciding on implantation.

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Who Is A Good Candidate

Good candidates for this pellet hormone replacement therapy include anyone who has unbalanced hormone levels. Not everyones symptoms are the same, which is why it is important to undergo testing in order to determine whether this treatment is right for you. Finding the underlying cause of your condition is the most important thing.

What Are The Risks Of Bioidentical Hormones

It has been shown in research studies that there are risks to taking hormones. It can increase the risk of blood clots, stroke, and gallbladder disease. Your risk of heart disease and breast cancer may also increase if you are older or use hormonal therapy for an extended period. Many healthcare providers who use bioidentical hormones claim they are safer than traditional hormone therapy treatments. But there have been no large research studies of bioidentical hormones to show evidence of this.

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Pelleted Hormone Therapymore Risks Questionable Benefits Warn Experts

Certainly there is great appeal to the notion that you can have a personally formulated hormone cocktail made to address your menopausal symptoms and, this option has been fueled by the endorsement of some highly visible actors like Angelina Jolie and Suzanne Somers, who touted the benefits of bioidentical supplements for women going through menopause.

Yet, most doctors worry about women who seek out so-called bioidentical hormones that are customized and compounded for personal use, and now there is reason for renewed concern regarding the newest formulation: Pelleted hormone therapy,¹ which was the topic of a presentation at the 2019 annual meeting of the North American Menopause Society in Chicago, Illinois.

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