Thursday, April 25, 2024

Hormone Therapy For Depression And Anxiety

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Differences In Progesterone Preparations

Hormones, Depression, and Anxiety (3 of 8)

Progesterone, synthesized by the ovaries and adrenal glands, also has widely distributed receptors. Among its multiple roles is to function in an antagonistic manner to estrogen, modulating estrogens trophic effects . In women who still have a uterus, HT is prescribed in combination form in order to counteract the potential for endometrial cancer which estrogen would otherwise facilitate. As with estrogen, progesterone may be taken in different forms. Medroxyprogesterone acetate , commonly prescribed with CEE in the HT Prempro, is a synthetic progestin, which has been found to ameliorate the potential for cognitive benefit engendered in other hormones such as E2 for a review). Prempro has been associated with numerous side effects, including heart disease, adverse changes in lipid metabolism, and thrombo-embolic processes . By contrast, micronized progestin , bioidentical to the progesterone produced in the ovaries, has not been associated with such side effects. Taken together, evidence suggests that the type of hormone preparation utilized may significantly influence outcomes.

It Is Obvious When Someone Is Suffering From Anxiety And/or Depression


Unfortunately, many individuals suffering from anxiety and depression have learned how to keep their symptoms secret, often out of fear or shame of being labeled with a mental health condition. Anxiety and depression are known to be so common in our society that it is very likely you know at least one, if not more, individuals that are suffering. If you arent sure, ask. It can be hard for those who are suffering to talk openly about their struggles.

Neurotransmitters Anxiety And Depression

Three neurotransmittersserotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine are mainly responsible for relaying chemical messages throughout your central nervous system. When you suffer from depression and anxiety, a significant imbalance in neurotransmitter levels exists that negatively influences your emotions and attitude. Studies investigating the onset of depression and anxiety have found that just a minimal reduction in neurotransmitter levels may cause depression and anxiety symptoms. Deregulation of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine also affects your sleep, appetite, libido, and ability to cope with stress productively.1

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Listen To Binaural Beats

You can find these on Spotify and make a playlist to listen to when youre feeling anxious. These make a great travel playlist if you get anxious on planes or with delays in travel. If you have trouble falling asleep at night, try doing some deep breathing and listen to binaural delta rhythms. This is an incredibly non-invasive way to manage anxiety that many of my patients have had success with.

Hormones To The Rescue

Pin by K Monique on wellness in 2020

At some point, most women will experience some hormonal discomfort. It might hit during pregnancy or after giving birth. Women might struggle due to peri- or post-menopause shifts. Studies have shown that it is possible to recover from these symptoms! By restoring stable, optimal levels of estrogen, many women will experience relief.

Multiple hormones can contribute to mood problems. If youre struggling with depression or anxiety, all too often, hormones are to blame. By staying on top of those changes in your life, you can save yourself a lot of suffering.

Early evaluation and treatment can help prevent a lot of mood changes caused by hormones at any stage of a womans life. This includes:

  • Period-related shifts
  • Pregnancy
  • Menopause

See an expert in hormone restoration to rebalance your hormones and improve your mood. Be sure to ask for bio-identical hormones! That means the hormones are chemically and molecularly identical to the ones already in your body. These are the safest, most effective hormones. Using bio-identical hormones can help reduce anxiety and relieve depression while eliminating the risks of other hormone use.

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How Bhrt Can Help With Anxiety And Depression

If you are someone who suffers from anxiety or depression, then you know how debilitating the symptoms can be. These conditions can interfere with your day-to-day life, leaving you irritable, unmotivated, and fatigued. But did you know that your anxiety and depression symptoms may be caused by a testosterone deficiency? Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can be one effective way to treat your symptoms for a better quality of life.

Trying A New Medication

It was at this point, after trying everything else, that my psychiatrist decided to try a new medication. This was a much more potent drug usually meant to treat people with bipolar disorder or even schizophrenia, but nothing else was working and he desperately wanted to help me. I think he thought if he couldnt fix the anxiety, at least he could stop me from feeling it. And it worked. I didnt feel the anxiety. Of course, I didnt feel anything else either. I stayed on it for a couple of months and was doing okay . Then I started to have some nasty side effects and had to go off of it. My body was used to being sedated for so long that it didnt take well to removing the sedation. All of the anxiety came rushing back, and this time it brought a friend with it depression.

Until this point, depression wasnt an issue for me. But now, all I felt was fear and sorrow. Admittedly, I had days when I wished I could end it all. Thank God I had my family there. Without them, I hate to think how bad things could have gotten for me. The depression and anxiety lasted for months. My doctor tried everything. I was taking several pills a day just trying to get back to a functional place in my life, but nothing worked. I was long past the point of feeling hopeless. Little did I know that my life was about to change.

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Natural Remedies For Hormonal Imbalance In Females

The following lifestyle factors may improve hormone levels:

  • A healthy diet with limited sugar and refined carbohydrates and includes sufficient protein and foods high in omega-3 fatty acid may help to regulate hormone levels, says Dr. Salinger, who also recommends drinking decaffeinated green tea and plenty of water.
  • Get plenty of regular exercise.
  • Practice stress reduction techniques such as meditation.
  • As for vitamins for hormonal imbalance in females, the supplement inositol, occurring naturally in cantaloupes, citrus fruits, and legumes, may be helpful in improving symptoms.

If natural remedies dont control symptoms, see your physician for help.

Search Strategy And Selection Criteria

Treating Low Mood, Anxiety & Depression with Bioidentical Hormones

This review is one of a series of systematic reviews on gender-affirming care conducted for WPATH to inform the eighth revision of the Standards of Care. The protocol is registered on PROSPERO , and we followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines in reporting our findings .

We searched PubMed, Embase, and PyscINFO from inception to October 2018 and updated the search through June 10, 2020, for studies assessing QOL, depression, anxiety, and death by suicide among transgender participants of any age in the context of gender-affirming hormone therapy . We also reviewed the reference lists of previous reviews and hand-searched the International Journal of Transgenderism. Using DistillerSR , 2 reviewers independently screened titles, abstracts, and full-text articles. Differences were resolved through consensus adjudication.

WPATH provided the research question and reviewed the protocol, evidence tables, and report. WPATH had no role in study design, data collection, analysis, interpretation, or drafting. The corresponding author had full access to all the data and had final responsibility for the decision to submit for publication. The authors are responsible for all content, and statements in this report do not necessarily reflect the official views of or imply endorsement by WPATH.

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How To Lower Your Stress Hormones Naturally To Beat Anxiety And Panic Attacks

So, these hormones are dangerous in high amounts. You will want to beat them but without the nasty side effects of drugs. Here are some natural ways to manage them and overcome panic attacks.

1. Meditation

First of all, is meditation, or transforming the mind. It relies on techniques that create positivity and increase concentration. It also gives a person a clear perspective on life. A study by American researchers from the Georgetown University Medical Center put participants of their research through an 8-week meditation course. They found that meditation lowered inflammation and stress hormones.

2. Exercise

Being physically active also helps to keep unhealthy stress at bay. It increases cortisol levels for a short time, but not by much. Exercise makes us less crabby as well. These researchers show that it has a positive effect on mood.

3. Sleep well

Another way to reduce cortisol levels is to get enough sleep. The length and quality of rest affect how much cortisol there is in our bodies. A study published in the Journal of Nursing Research shows that disturbing a persons circadian rhythms causes feelings of illness. Furthermore, participants in this study experienced a rise in cortisol levels.

4. Recognize And Change Stressful Thoughts

5. Just relax

Get inspired, join us today!

You Really Are Noticing More Symptoms

For some women, PMS hits like a truck. It doesnt just bring on new symptoms. It may also make the problems youre already dealing with considerably worse.

Take Abby, for example. Abby struggles with anxiety every day. Shes constantly double-checking to make sure shes taken care of everything. The idea of anything falling through the cracks terrifies her. She often snaps at her loved ones without meaning to.

When PMS arrives, it often makes Abby feel even worse. Sometimes, its hard for her to even leave the house! Abby doesnt suffer from PMDD. Its just that PMS makes her anxiety much worse. It is clear she needs treatment for anxiety and depression. That treatment is hormone balancing.

Anxiety isnt the only thing that can get worse during PMS. You may also notice an increase in:

  • Depression
  • Seizures
  • Herpes

One study followed 32 women who appeared to meet the criteria for PMDD based on their symptoms. After daily charting, it became clear that 59% of these women also met the criteria for a current depressive or anxiety disorder. These women, rather than suffering from PMDD, had symptoms of depression or anxiety that got worse with PMS.

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Can Pcos Affect Moods

As I mentioned earlier, women with PCOS are statistically more likely to battle issues with anxiety and depression.

They are at high risk for developing major depression, binge-eating disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder.

While we cant say for sure exactly why this is, some research indicates its due to the insulin resistance thats characteristic of PCOS. Whether this is exactly why or not, incorporating dietary changes that support balanced blood sugar and inflammation are key to getting PCOS in check.

If you are experiencing anxiety and a cluster of the following symptoms, you may want to talk to your doctor about PCOS:

  • Acne
  • Hair loss
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding

Since one of the hallmark traits of PCOS is anovulatory cycles, women can often find themselves low in progesterone and high in testosterone. As Ive explained, both imbalances in progesterone and testosterone can contribute to anxiety.

I would encourage you to check out my PCOS Kit that is designed to support womens natural hormone function to help clear up acne, lose weight, and even get their period back.

I also have a ton of great information on my website specifically to help you ladies struggling with PCOS.

Anxiety And Depression Scores

Estrogen, Stress, and Depression: A Neurocognitive Model

The mean score for the total group for anxiety was 8.07 . It was higher in those assigned female ) versus those assigned male at birth . The mean score for depression was 7.24 , also higher in assigned females ) than assigned males at birth ).

At T0 , 51.13% of participants scored 8 or over on the HADS-A subscale, and in the case of the HADS-D subscale, 47.75% of participants scored above 8 placing these participants within the categories of possible to probable presence of an anxiety or depression disorder. At T1, 47.19% of participants scored 8 or above in the HADS-A subscale showing a reduction of 3.94%, and in the HADS-D subscale, 25.84% of people scored 8 or above showing a reduction of 21.91%.

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Neurobiology Of Estrogens Effects On Cognition And Mood

Estrogen works synergistically with many biological systems to promote physical, cognitive and affective function. Basic science reveals that administration of estrogen results in increased levels of antioxidants, reduces free radicals and substantially lowers oxidative damage to mitochondrial DNA . Critical to neuronal health, estrogen also regulates glucose and oxidative metabolism, mitochondrial function, and promotes ATP . Indeed, declines in these processes are characteristic of neurodegenerative diseases such as AD .

Estrogen also interacts with a number of neurotransmitters affecting cognition and mood. Animal research reveals that long-term use of estrogen prevented declines in cholinergic nerve cell fiber length and density at menopause . In humans, the negative effect of cholinergic challenge on cognitive performance and neural activation patterns was counteracted by prior exposure to estradiol . Of note, naturally occurring higher levels of estrone were associated with poorer cognition, specifically working memory performance .

Q: Are Problems With Memory And Concentration A Normal Part Of Menopause

A: Unfortunately,trouble concentrating and minor memory problems can be a normal part ofmenopause. Experts dont understand exactly why this happens, but if you arehaving them, talk to your doctor. He or she can at least provide somereassurance.

Activities that stimulate your brain can also helprejuvenate your memory, so spend some time with crossword puzzles or cozy upwith a book. Keep in mind that depression and anxiety may make memory concernsmore noticeable.

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Menopause And Depression: The Untold Symptoms

Rachel was prepared for menopause to bring changes to her sex drive and energy levels. She didnt expect increased anxiety. Shes started to struggle to get out of the house. Normal social activities leave her feeling flustered and upset. She worries more than she ever did before. She cant find an outside reason for those changes.

Her hormones are to blame for anxiety and depression.

Menopause brings with it plenty of changes. Many of those changes can also increase the risk of depression. Unfortunately, depression during menopause often goes undetected. Postmenopausal womenthose who are more than a year from their last periodhave higher rates of depression than women who havent yet gone through menopause. In fact, you are more susceptible to depression after menopause than at any other time of your life.

Curing Anxiety Without Hormonal Drugs

Depression and Anxiety Testosterone Replacement Therapy TRT Low T

When hormonal imbalances cause anxiety, curing it completely can be tough. In some cases, you may need to seek out professional assistance, especially if a condition is causing the hormonal issues, such as those caused by the thyroid.

But even if your hormones are causing your anxiety, anxiety reduction tips can still successfully help you cope with that anxiety, and in some cases once your anxiety is reduced, your hormones may even go back to normal.

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Try Deep Breathing Exercises

In yoga and meditation, the breath is seen as the most powerful tool we have. So, it makes sense that breathing exercises are often recommended for calming anxiety.

Deep breathing, which uses the full space in the abdomen to fill with air rather than only our chests, is scientifically proven to increase oxygen within the body, creating energy and improving functionality. It also balances the nervous system, lowers our heart rate, decreases the production of stress hormones, cortisol and adrenaline, and cleanses our body of carbon dioxide and 70 per cent of other bodily waste.

Find out more: Stress breathing exercises: self-soothing breath technique

Hrt May Boost Serotonin To Help With Depression

Did you know an estimated 20% of women will experience depression during menopause? If youre experiencing depression symptoms during menopause, HRT may be able to help. Estrogen injections may help increase the serotonin in your body, which may help boost your mood and reduce your risk for depression.

If youre feeling depressed during menopause, treatments are available! Even HRT can help increase serotonin to help boost your mood.

Depression is one of the most common mental health issues in the United States, and women are about twice as likely to experience it than men. In some cases, this can be attributed to changes in serotonin due to fluctuating or low estrogen levels. For example, premenstrual syndrome, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, and postpartum depression have all been linked to estrogen levels. Women who experience these or have been diagnosed with depression in the past may be more likely to experience depression during menopause. However, its important to understand that help is available!

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Hormone Imbalances And Depression

Have you ever wondered if hormone imbalances contribute to feelings of depression and anxiety? Many factors that can impact depression and anxiety, and hormone imbalance may be a cause. An imbalance in cortisol, thyroid, estrogen, progesterone, or testosterone can be a problem, especially if your depression or anxiety is new or suddenly worse than usual.

Q: Is There Anything Else I Can Do To Cope With Emotional Concerns During This Phase Of My Life

Bonding hormone

A: A healthylifestyle can help ease the menopause transition, including the followingsteps:

  • Exercise and eat healthy.
  • Engage in a creative outlet or hobby that givesyou a sense of achievement.
  • Turn to friends, family members or aprofessional counselor for support. Stay connected with your family andcommunity. Nurture your friendships.
  • Take medicines, vitamins and minerals asprescribed by your doctor.

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The Link Between Estrogen And Mood

It is well known that estrogen affects depression and anxiety. Women who are in their peak estrogen-producing years or transitioning to menopause tend to be affected by these disorders more often than either men or postmenopausal women. In addition, when women are experiencing hormonal fluctuations, such as prior to their menstrual periods and after giving birth, they tend to be more prone to mood disorders.

Perhaps not too surprisingly, depression and anxiety are also potential side effects of medications like Premarin, which affect hormone levels. The reason that estrogen-containing medications have the potential to affect mood is that estrogen plays many roles in the body, affecting more than just the sex organs. It can exert effects on the urinary tract, the heart, the blood vessels, bones, breasts, skin, hair, mucous membranes, pelvic muscles, and the brain.

Though Premarin can cause the side effects of depression or anxiety, some studies have shown that women who take conjugated estrogen during late menopause and early postmenopause have markedly less depression and anxiety than those who received a placebo.

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