What Are The Possible Risks Of Using Nexplanon
1. Problems with insertion and removal
The implant may not be placed in your arm at all due to a failed insertion. If this happens, you may become pregnant. Immediately after insertion, and with help from your healthcare provider, you should be able to feel the implant under your skin. If you can’t feel the implant, tell your healthcare provider.
Location and removal of the implant may be difficult or impossible because the implant is not where it should be. Special procedures, including surgery in the hospital, may be needed to remove the implant. If the implant is not removed, then the effects of Nexplanon will continue for a longer period of time.
Implants have been found in the pulmonary artery . If the implant cannot be found in the arm, your healthcare professional may use x-rays or other imaging methods on the chest. If the implant is located in the chest, surgery may be needed.
Other problems related to insertion and removal are:
2. Ectopic Pregnancy
If you become pregnant while using Nexplanon, you have a slightly higher chance that the pregnancy will be ectopic than do women who do not use birth control. Unusual vaginal bleeding or lower stomach pain may be a sign of ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy is a medical emergency that often requires surgery. Ectopic pregnancies can cause serious internal bleeding, infertility, and even death.
3. Ovarian Cysts
4. Breast Cancer
5. Serious Blood Clots
Some examples of serious blood clots are blood clots in the:
Implanon Risks And Side Effects
Like other types of birth control methods, some risks and side effects are involved in using Implanon. These can include:
- fibrosis as a result of implantation
- increased blood pressure
Women who smoke or have a medical history related to the above complications are generally not recommended the use of Implanon. Furthermore, women with a history of breast cancer, hormonal allergies, or who believe they may be pregnant should not use this birth control method.
Certain medications and herbal treatments such as St. Johns Wort may interfere with the effectiveness of Implanon. Women who experience unexplained vaginal bleeding should consult a health care professional.
It is important to provide your doctor with information about your medical history and any medications or supplements you may be taking at the time of Implanon insertion. Be sure to let your health care provider know if you are using other birth control methods such as the pill.
Where Can I Get Implantable Contraception
Implantable contraception is only available from a doctor or other medical professional who has been trained to insert it. When the doctor can insert the implant depends on when you had your last period and what type of birth control you currently use.
After numbing the inside of your upper arm, the doctor will use a small needle to insert the tube under the surface. The whole process only takes a few minutes. After the tube is in, don’t do any heavy lifting for a few days. You’ll have a bandage on for a few days after the procedure.
A health care professional must remove the tube after 3 years. It cannot be left in a girl’s arm, even after it is no longer working. The health care professional numbs the area, makes a small cut in the arm, and pulls out the tube. The tube can be removed any time after insertion there’s no need to wait the full 3 years.
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How Do I Use A Contraceptive Implant
You must see your doctor to get an implant. After conducting a physical exam, theyll insert the implant under the skin of your upper arm. It can stay in place for up to three years. Implant insertions take just a few minutes. Theyre done with local anesthetic, which makes the procedure painless.
After insertion, youll be sent home with a small bandage covering the insertion site. You may also be given a pressure bandage that you can remove after 24 hours. Some bruising, scarring, pain, or bleeding at the insertion site may occur after the procedure.
The contraceptive implant will stop working after three years.
How Does A Contraceptive Implant Work
The implant slowly releases a progestin hormone called etonogestrel into the body. Progestin prevents pregnancy by blocking the release of eggs from the ovaries. It also thickens cervical mucus to prevent sperm from entering the uterus.
If you get the implant during the first five days of your period, its immediately effective against pregnancy. If the implant is inserted at any other point, you should use a backup form of birth control for seven days.
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The Implant Is Convenient And Private
Once your Nexplanon is in, you barely have to think about it it works until it expires or you have it taken out. That means no trips to the pharmacy, no pill to take or ring to put in, and nothing you have to do before sex to prevent pregnancy. Most of the time you cant see the implant under your skin, so nobody knows you have it unless you tell them.
Nexplanon Is A Little Matchstick
Commonly called the implant, Nexplanon is small yet mighty. All its baby-fighting power comes in the form of a flexible plastic stick that is around an inch and a half long, board-certified ob/gyn Antonio Pizarro, M.D., tells SELF. It prevents pregnancy for up to three years by steadily releasing the hormone etonogestrel.
A synthetic version of the hormone progesterone, etonogestrel prevents ovulation by basically tricking your body into constantly thinking it’s already released an egg, Jamil Abdur-Rahman, M.D., board-certified ob/gyn and chairman of obstetrics and gynecology at Vista East Medical Center in Waukegan, Illinois, tells SELF. It also thickens the cervical mucus, which makes it harder for sperm move around.
You may hear people call Nexplanon by the name Implanon, but there’s only one contraceptive implant currently on the market. Implanon is Nexplanon’s predecessor. Nexplanon is the new and improved form, revamped so it’s easier to insert, Pizarro explains.
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Does Birth Control Cause Weight Gain
The 2014 Cochrane study quoted earlier in this article did not directly evaluate implants, but it did look at pills and patches, containing the same hormones as birth control implants. It strongly suggests that women are unlikely to gain weight from using birth control implants.
A study published in 2017 looked at weight loss in overweight and obese women after giving birth. One group received a birth control implant, and the other group used birth control that did not use hormones. Slightly fewer implant users had lost weight 6 months into the study. However, the difference in weight loss between the two groups was no statistically significant. This is evidence that hormonal implants probably do not cause weight gain. Even if they do, the gain is minimal.
However, other studies contradict the findings of these two studies.
The 2015 study mentioned early compared 75 users of the implant to 75 users of a non-hormonal IUD. Implant users had modest increases in body size and a 2 percent increase in body fat.
A 2016 study found that the hormonal birth control implant did not directly cause weight gain. However, women who were told that the implant might cause weight gain were more likely to think they had gained weight. In some cases, this caused them to stop using the implant.
A 2015 study arrived at a similar result to this last example. It concluded that teens who used hormonal birth control, including the implant, were likely to perceive weight gain.
Nexplanon: An Overview Of Birth Control Implant
NEXPLANON is a birth control option to prevent pregnancy in the long term. It is an implant that can last up to three years. It is not an Intrauterine Device . Nexplanon is an arm implant that is placed under the skin of the upper arm on the inner side by a healthcare provider. A thin, flexible, and small contraceptive can be over 99% effective, just like a contraceptive pill.
This contraceptive implant prevents pregnancy when it releases hormones that can thicken cervical mucus and prevent the ovary from releasing eggs.
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When It Starts To Work
You can have the implant put in at any time during your menstrual cycle, as long as you’re not pregnant.
If the implant is fitted during the first 5 days of your menstrual cycle, you’ll be immediately protected against becoming pregnant.
If it’s fitted on any other day of your menstrual cycle, you’ll need to use additional contraception for 7 days.
General Information About The Safe And Effective Use Of Nexplanon
This Patient Information leaflet contains important information about Nexplanon. If you would like more information, talk with your healthcare provider. You can ask your healthcare provider for information about Nexplanon that is written for healthcare professionals. You may also call 1-800-622-4477 or visit www.NEXPLANON-USA.com.
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Carcinoma Of The Breast And Reproductive Organs
Women who currently have or have had breast cancer should not use hormonal contraception because breast cancer may be hormonally sensitive . Some studies suggest that the use of combination hormonal contraceptives might increase the incidence of breast cancer; however, other studies have not confirmed such findings.
Some studies suggest that the use of combination hormonal contraceptives is associated with an increase in the risk of cervical cancer or intraepithelial neoplasia. However, there is controversy about the extent to which these findings are due to differences in sexual behavior and other factors.
Women with a family history of breast cancer or who develop breast nodules should be carefully monitored.
How To Prepare For The Procedure
The health care provider evaluates the womans overall health before inserting the implant. They will determine the correct timing for insertion based on previous birth control and menstrual cycle.;
A woman may need to take a pregnancy test and be on a non-hormonal backup contraceptive for a week. A backup is not required if the woman previously:
- Did not use any contraception and had the contraceptive implant put into her body in the first five days of the menstrual cycle, even when they were bleeding.
- Used a mini-pill and had the implant inserted while she was on the pill.
- Had used a combination of contraceptives like a vaginal ring, birth control patch, birth control pills.;
- Also, if she had the implant inserted within seven days of the beginning of the hormone-free period.
- Took a contraceptive injection and then had the implant added when the next injection was due.
- Previously used an IUD or another contraceptive and then had the Nexplanon inserted after the removal of an old device .
Before the insertion, the woman may need to sign a consent form.
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We Love Them We Hate Them We Blame Them For All Sorts Of Things But What Do They Really Do
At the most basic level, a hormone is a chemical made in one part of a living thing that travels around and affects other parts of that thing. Hormones are as old as the hills, and probably evolved when life on Earth was nothing but cells bobbing in the primordial seas. The special organs in human bodies that make hormonesincluding ovaries and testiclescame much later.
What Hormones Are In Nexplanon
For reliable and convenient birth control, a Nexplanon implant should be an option at the top of your list. It is 99% effective, which means fewer than one out of 100 women who use Nexplanon will get pregnant each year. It is completely reversible, so if you decide youd like to get pregnant during that time, you can simply have the implant removed.
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Insertion And Removal May Sound Scary But They’re Actually Very Simple Procedures
Yes, if you want the implant, it has to get inserted under the skin of your arm. “It doesn’t require a large incisionit’s a very small cut, almost more of a puncture,” says Pizarro. Your doctor will numb the area first, so besides the anesthesia injection, you shouldn’t feel much of anything. It definitely shouldn’t be as uncomfortable as IUD insertion is often reported to be. “The implant is a little bit of a nuisance, but not a big deal,” Mary Jane Minkin, M.D., a clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Yale Medical School, tells SELF. “Numbing the cervix is a little bit trickier!”
If you get the insertion during your period, Nexplanon starts working immediately. If not, you’ll need backup contraception for seven days, says Pizarro. And no matter what, your doctor will probably have you wear pressure bandages for a few days, says Nexplanon’s site, but after that you’re golden.
Removal should also be pretty straightforward. “It simply requires another incision, then the implant is pulled out with special instrument,” says Pizarro. In rare cases, Nexplanon can get stuck or the doctor may have a hard time locating it, in which cause removal may require surgery. But that’s so rare Pizarro’s never heard of anyone actually having to get it done. “The skin is an interesting organthe connective tissue has an integrity that keeps things from moving around,” he explains.
Will Other Medicines Affect The Implant
Some medicines can make the implant less effective, such as:
- medicines for HIV, epilepsy and tuberculosis
- complementary remedies, such as St John’s Wort
- some antibiotics, such as rifabutin or rifampicin
If you’re taking any of these medicines, you’ll need additional contraception , or you may wish to use a different method of contraception that isn’t affected by your medicine.
Always tell your doctor that you’re using an implant if you’re prescribed any medicine. You can also ask them whether the medicine you’re taking will affect the implant.
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Exact Answer: After 7 Days
Nexplanon, a well-known rod implanted in the body to prevent from being pregnant for up to five years. The size of Nexplanon would be equal to the size of a matchstick. Nexplanon works by releasing a small amount of progestin for about three years. The effect of Nexplanon decreases slowly and the release of progestin also reduces over time.
It is usually recommended to remove the implant after three years, as the dose of progestin is almost reduced. This birth control is inserted under the skin of the arm by experts to avoid risks. You will also be given an anesthetic injection to numb the particular area.
When Do You See A Doctor
After Nexplanon implant, some women can have swelling in the face, allergic reactions or difficulty in breathing. Get emergency medical assistance if you show the above symptoms. Other signs and symptoms that you must call a doctor are as follows:
- When the site of the implant becomes swollen and some discharge emanating from it
- You feel symptoms of depression such as difficulty in sleeping, fluctuating moods, and fatigue
- You feel pain, swelling, and redness in one or both of your leg
- When you have sudden severe headaches
- If your skin and eyes become yellow, a condition called jaundice
- You experience pain or cramping in your pelvic region
- If you feel numbness or weakness on one side of your body
- If you feel pain in your chest
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Implant
- it works for 3 years
- it doesn’t interrupt sex
- it’s an option if you can’t use oestrogen-based contraception, such as the combined contraceptive pill, contraceptive patch or vaginal ring
- it’s safe to use while you’re breastfeeding
- your fertility will return to normal as soon as the implant is taken out
- it may reduce;heavy periods or;period pain
- you may experience temporary side effects during the first few months, like headaches, nausea, breast tenderness and mood swings
- your periods may be irregular or stop altogether
- you may get acne or your acne might get worse
- you’ll need a small procedure to have it fitted and removed
- it doesn’t protect you against sexually transmitted infections , so you may need to use additional contraception as well
Implanon Vs Nexplanon The Difference
Like Implanon, Nexplanon is also an implant, but there are two key differences, according to Bedsider.org.; For starters, the;Nexplanon is said to be radiopaque, which simply means its easier for your health care provider to make sure the implant is in the right place after being inserted as the implant can show up in CT scans, x-rays, ultrasound scanning and MRIs.; The second key difference, the insertion, is said to be much quicker for Nexplanon due to a new applicator, but Implanon is said to be painless as well, so some may not agree this is a big difference.
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Just Like The Iud The Implant Is A Great Option For Someone Who Wants Something Long
Better yet, Nexplanon’s protection is basically unmatched. While the hormonal IUD’s failure rate is 0.2 percent and the copper IUD’s stands at 0.8 percent, Nexplanon squeaks past both with an even lower failure rate of 0.05 percent, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
“It does make things easier for women, and it’s also nice, discreet option if someone is looking for that,” says Abdur-Rahman. It’s often possible to feel the implant through the skin of your arm, but usually you can only see it if your arm is really thin.
Candidates For Implantable Contraception
Contraceptive implants are a good choice for women of reproductive age who are sexually active and desire long-term, continuous contraception. Implants should be considered for women who:
1.;;;; Desire a highly effective, long-term method of contraception;
2.;;;; Experience serious or minor estrogen-related side effects with estrogen-progestin contraception;
3.;;;; Prefer a method that does not require repeated adherence;
4.;;;; Desire a non-coitus-related method of contraception;
5.;;;; Have completed their childbearing but are not yet ready to undergo permanent sterilization;
6.;;;; Have a history of anemia with heavy menstrual bleeding;
7.;;;; Intend to breastfeed;
8.;;;; Have chronic illnesses, in which health will be threatened by pregnancy.
Most women are candidates for implantable contraception; there are few medical disorders where the risk of the method exceeds the benefit . For clinicians in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has listed these conditions in the table United States Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use.12 Standard contraindications to use of hormonal contraceptives are:
1.;;;; Known or suspected pregnancy;
2.;;;; Current or past history of thrombosis or thromboembolic disorders;
3.;;;; Hepatic tumor or active liver disease;
4.;;;; Undiagnosed abnormal genital bleeding;
5.;;;; Known or suspected breast cancer or history of breast cancer;
6.;;;; Hypersensitivity to any component of the method.
Women with chronic medical conditions
Lactating women
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