Natural And Non Hormonal Birth Control Options With Ayurveda
With Ayurveda, you are sure to get completely natural options if you so chose. Surely, there are an abundance of Ayurvedic contraceptive options that you can try. Only but a few of them have been listed here for you:
When Hormones Aren’t An Option
According to the Nature commentary, about one-third of women globally discontinue hormonal birth control methods within the first year of taking them, often because of side effects.
That was the case for Lenise Sunny Wilson, who attributes severe depression to the birth control pills she had been taking.
It completely changed who I was as a person, said Wilson, 38, of Tucson, Arizona. It messed with my emotions and my mental health so intensely.
Wilson has since stopped taking the pill and, for the most part, she said, has returned to her sunny self.
Some women, including those with certain cancers and heart conditions, cant take hormonal birth control. Erica Twidle, 33, from Gallatin, Tennessee, was diagnosed with a rare heart condition called peripartum cardiomyopathy while pregnant with her daughter, Della. The condition made Twidles heart weak and enlarged, and although she eventually recovered, Twidles doctors told her she shouldnt take hormonal birth control, or get pregnant, ever again. Both would jeopardize her heart.
Twidle, whod had a bad experience with the copper IUD in the past, decided to track her cycle. But nine months after having Della, she was pregnant again. I cried when I found out, she said. I was terrified. I had a child I needed to stay alive for.
Twidle calls herself one of the lucky ones, since her heart stayed strong enough to support pregnancy. But had things taken a turn, Twidle was prepared to get an abortion to stay alive.
Vasectomy Or Tubal Ligation
Permanent forms of birth control include surgical procedures like a vasectomy or tubal ligation. A tubal ligation involves blocking or tying off the fallopian tubes so that eggs will not be able to be fertilized or transported to the uterus. A vasectomy is a surgery that blocks the vas deferens, the tubes that carry sperm, preventing sperm from being released into the ejaculate and potentially meeting with an egg. While a tubal ligation is often not successfully reversible, a vasectomy reversal is possible and typically has successful outcomes. Both methods should only be considered if you are certain you do not want future pregnancies.
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Hormonal Birth Control Pills
One of the most common types of birth control are hormonal birth control pills, or oral contraceptives. There are two types: combination birth control pills and progestin-only birth control pills, or the mini pill. The hormones in these pills taken every day work to prevent pregnancy by either stopping ovulation and/or by thickening cervical mucus and preventing sperm from reaching an egg. If you take them as guided, every day at the exact same time, they have a 99% effectiveness rate.
Choosing A Birth Control Pill
Combination hormonal contraceptives contain a synthetic estrogen and a progestin . Knowing the differences between the progestins and about estrogenic effects, androgenic effects, and progestational selectivity can help you choose a pill with minimal side effects.
To briefly explain how the combination of these activities may cause side effects, let’s look at some specific combination of birth control pills.
Oral contraceptives that tend to have high androgenic effects and low estrogen activity, for example, are more likely to cause unwanted hair growth and acne side effects. Additionally, a progestin with higher androgenic effects may tend to produce less breast tenderness, bloating, and mood changes.
It is important to remember, though, that the majority of people using a pill with this combination do not end up developing acne this side effect is more likely to occur in those who have a tendency toward androgenicity. Birth control pills containing this high androgenic/low estrogenic pattern include:
- Alesse
- Loestrin 1/20 Fe
- Ovral
Since there are different types of progestins, they each have different potency in terms of progestational, estrogenic, and androgenic effects. The result of these effects is dependent on the combination of the type and levels of progestin and estrogen.
Typically, the balance between the estrogen and progestin in a pill brand may play a role in the side effects you are experiencing. Each person may respond differently to these components.
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What Are The Side Effects Of Stopping The Birth Control Pill
Any time theres a change in your hormones like when you go on or off hormonal birth control such as the pill theres a chance of temporary side effects. But they usually go away after a few months.
When you go off the pill, your body will eventually return to the way it was before you went on it.
So if the pill made your periods lighter, your periods will probably get heavier once you stop using it. It can also take a few months for your period to go back to the cycle you had before you started taking the pill. And if the pill helped clear up your skin, your acne may come back after you go off the pill. But everyones body is different, and our bodies also change over time. For example: youre less likely to have acne after puberty, so if you started taking the pill in your teens but go off it in your 20s, you may have naturally grown out of your acne by then.
Another important thing to note: you can get pregnant right away once you stop taking the pill . So if youre going off the pill but you dont want to get pregnant, make sure to use another birth control method.
Theres no way to know exactly how your body will react to going off the pill, but any negative side effects that you may have will go away within a few months as your body gets used to being off the hormones.
You Have To Take The Pill Every Day
Its really important to take your birth control pill every day, or you might not be protected from pregnancy. Using our birth control reminder app, setting an alarm, or keeping your pill pack next to things you use every day can help you remember to take your pills.
If you have a really busy life and think you might not remember your pill every day, check out other birth control methods like IUDs or the implant that are super low-maintenance and almost impossible to mess up. Take our quiz to help find the birth control method thats best for you.
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Scientists Made Progress On The Implementation Of Male Birth Control Which Could Someday Split Contraceptive Responsibility Between All Genders
The expansion of male birth control options may finally be here. Presented at the spring meeting of the American Chemical Society , scientists have revealed a new non-hormonal male contraceptive that effectively prevents pregnancy in mice with no obvious side effects.
Current day choices for female birth control are extensive, with options ranging from pills to patches to intrauterine devices 21st century women are still considered to be responsible for the majority of contraceptive decisions.
How To Use Birth Control Gel
Phexxi is used in a similar way to some spermicides, in that you place it in the vagina before penis-in-vagina sex.
The gel comes in prefilled, individually wrapped applicators. To use it, youll need to unwrap the packaging, push the plunger rod into the applicator, and remove the pink cap.
Then you slide the applicator into the vagina as far as is comfortable while holding onto the grooved area. Finally, use your index finger to press the rod, which will insert the gel into the vagina, and remove the applicator.
For Phexxi to be most effective, it should be used no more than 1 hour before penis-in-vagina sex. You will also need to use another applicator of gel if you plan to have another round.
One Phexxi dispenser is equivalent to one ejaculate, said Cross.
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Creams Foams And Suppositories
Unintended pregnancy in one year of use: 21% typical use, 16% perfect use .
Spermicides are barrier methods that are often used with condoms, the cervical cap, and/or the diaphragm to make them more effective . They are available as small solid capsules called suppositories, foams, or creams . Apply spermicide close to the cervix. Do this by inserting the applicator, suppository, or cream into the vagina as far as you can . Spermicides slow down sperm and stop them from entering the cervix .
What Does Nonhormonal Birth Control Mean
Nonhormonal birth control is any contraceptive method that doesnt alter your bodys natural hormones. Instead, it uses other strategies to prevent a pregnancy.
Barrier methods are among the most common types of nonhormonal birth control. They work by blocking the sperm from reaching the uterus. Barrier methods include:
- condoms
- sponges
- cervical caps
Other nonhormonal birth control methods prevent pregnancy by killing sperm or making the environment of the vagina or uterus hostile toward sperm. This category includes options like:
- copper intrauterine devices
Some people use behavioral changes as a type of nonhormonal birth control. This includes things like:
- abstinence
- avoiding penis-in-vagina sex
- pull-out method, or withdrawal
- rhythm method
You can often use more than one type of nonhormonal birth control at the same time to further reduce your risk of a pregnancy.
If youre looking for a permanent way to prevent a pregnancy, you can also consider surgery, such as a vasectomy or abdominal, laparoscopic, or hysteroscopic sterilization.
No matter which option you choose, there are risks and benefits involved. Some methods can be more effective than others, while certain types can cause unwanted side effects. You may also need a prescription for some types of nonhormonal birth control.
Connect with a doctor to discuss the pros and cons of various types of birth control.
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Should I Use A Fertility Awareness
Life stages or events that cause your periods to be unpredictable can make FABMs less effective in preventing pregnancy . You may want to consider other types of birth control, if any of the following applies to you :
You recently started having periods
You are close to menopause
You have just ended hormonal birth control
You have recently birthed
Your periods are unpredictable
Have a high risk of getting an STI
You are not able to avoid sex or use a barrier method during days with high risk of becoming pregnant
Your partner is not willing to participate in the FABM
If becoming pregnant would be dangerous to your health or be very damaging to your life, a more reliable form of birth control may be a better option.
Mental Health And Depression
In one randomized controlled study of 178 women, those on birth control experienced less premenstrual depression, but during other parts of their cycle were more likely to be anxious and moody. An observational study of over 1 million women in Denmark, found that women who took the pill with both estrogen and progesterone were about 20% more likely to end up on an antidepressant. There may even be an impact on cognitive function. According to one small study of 43 women, those on birth control pills had worse verbal fluency than those not taking a hormonal form of birth control.
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You’re Getting Fewer And Fewer Ovarian Cysts
If you suffer from regular ovarian cysts , taking birth control can reduce the hormonal fluctuations that often contribute to their development, says Masterson.
She notes there may be another benefit for your ovaries, too: a reduced risk of cancer. We know that women with fewer ovulations in their livesthose with many pregnancies, who used the pill, and who have breastfedhave a decreased chance of ovarian cancer than those who ovulate more in their lifetime, she says, explaining that abnormal cells can form during the normal pattern of ovulation and cell repair after the egg is released.
Because combination birth control reduces ovulation more than progestin-only kinds, they do provide more protection .
Types Of External Condoms
Latex: The most common. Only water or silicone-based lubricants can be used with latex condoms .
Plastic : May be useful for those with allergies and can be used with oil-based lubes .
Lambskin: May be useful for those with latex allergies. They do not protect against STIs because of tiny pores that could allow viruses to pass through . You can use any type of lubrication with these condoms .
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Conditions That Prohibit The Use Of Combination Oral Contraceptives
A woman must not take combination oral contraceptives if any of the following conditions are present:
She should not take them within 21 days after having a baby or, if she has risk factors for developing blood clots, within 42 days after having a baby. Risk factors include being obese or having had a cesarean delivery.
She smokes more than 15 cigarettes a day and is older than 35.
If more than 2 days go without using the patch, women should use a backup contraceptive method for 7 days in addition to the patch. If 2 days go by and women have had unprotected intercourse in the 5 days before those 2 days, they can consider emergency contraception Emergency Contraception Emergency contraception is used after an act of unprotected sexual intercourse or after an occasion when a contraceptive method fails . Emergency contraception… read more .
Exercise and use of saunas or hot tubs do not displace the patch.
The patch may be less effective in women who weigh more than 198 pounds or have a body mass index Obesity of 30 or more.
Spotting or bleeding between periods is uncommon. Irregular bleeding becomes more common the longer women use the patch.
Skin under and around the patch may become irritated.
Benefits Of Birth Control Pills
Besides being an effective means for birth control, studies show that birth control pill users have a decreased risk for ovarian, endometrial, and colorectal cancer when compared to non users. The pill has also been seen as a useful method for chemoprevention across women with varying levels of cancer risk. Other potential advantages of birth control pills include lighter, less painful periods, more regular periods, and less acne .
Often doctors will prescribe the pill to address symptoms such as painful periods, acne, migraines, and excessive hair growth, but at Parsley Health we aim to address the underlying causes. Once we do that, it frees our patients up to pick the best birth control method for their needs.
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Bcp Prevent Implantation Of The Fertilized Egg
Changes to the endometrial wall prevent implantation. If at all the egg does get fertilized, then it has little chance of anchoring itself to the wall of the womb to begin gestation.
With all these mechanism to prevent pregnancy, it is no wonder that over a hundred million women trust birth control pills for contraception.
Birth Control Pills May Reduce Muscle Mass
A 2021 study found that oral contraceptives impair muscle gains in young women. The study found that female athletes taking birth control pills with progestin gained just over half a pound of lean mass over the 10-week study. This is compared to 3.5 pounds of muscle gained by the women not taking birth control pills.
Another study, done in 2019, found that women taking birth control with estradiol increased the size of their muscles but not the strength. Women not taking birth control pills increased both the size and strength of their muscles.
Other studies have had inconclusive findings. Its important to note that statistically significant data may or may not have clinical or performance relevance. By the same token, a statistically nonsignificant change may mean a big difference in performance for an individual athlete.
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Birth Control And Cancer
National Cancer Institute , there is mixed evidence that hormonal contraceptives may increase the risk of breast and cervical cancer but reduce the risk of endometrial, ovarian, and colorectal cancers.
The hormones in birth control, including progesterone and estrogen, may stimulate the growth of some types of cancer cells and reduce the risk of others developing.
The American Cancer Society says that people who have taken birth control pills are slightly more likely to develop breast cancer than those who have never used them. However, this risk goes away when people have been off the pill for 10 or more years.
The ACS also report that taking birth control for more than may increase the risk of cervical cancer. The longer people take the pill, the higher their risk. However, the risk should go back down gradually when someone stops taking the pill.
A large-scale study published in 2018 looked at the cancer prevalence in over 100,000 women aged 50 to 71 who were currently taking birth control pills. The study indicated that long-term use of birth control decreased the risk of both ovarian and endometrial cancer.
Researchers are not sure why birth control pills may lower the risk of certain cancers. It may be because the pill decreases the number of ovulations a person has in their lifetime, which exposes them to less naturally occurring hormones.