Estrogen Dominance Progesterone Deficiency And Breast Cancer
One of the first steps in protecting the health of our breasts and preventing breast cancer, is to recognize its hormonal risk factors and begin to reduce them. According to the experts, almost all risk factors associated with breast cancer are directly or indirectly linked to an excess of estrogen, or estrogen that is not sufficiently balanced with progesterone, as is the bodys accustomed way. Also known as estrogen dominance, the condition was defined by John R. Lee, M.D., as an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone in which estrogen levels can become too high relative to inadequate progesterone levels. Dr. Lee also emphasized that estrogen can become dominant whether levels are within normal range, high, or even low, if progesterone levels are even lower, relatively speaking. This is a common condition during perimenopause when hormone levels are fluctuating, and at menopause when ovarian hormone production ceases altogether. A growing number of experts believe that correcting this fundamental imbalance is at the heart of preventing and treating breast cancer.
Top 10 Signs Of Hormone Imbalance
1- Bad PMS
Wild mood swings. Unexplained sadness. Disabling irritability. Premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, isnt much fun, and hormones are to blame. PMS is caused by the drop in estrogen and progesterone that occurs in the second half of the menstrual cycle. Low estrogen and progesterone levels can lead to a decrease in the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that plays a vital role in mood stabilization.
2 – Mood swings
Many hormones influence our moods, including norepinephrine and epinephrine, testosterone, and oxytocin, so it is not surprising that fluctuating hormones can lead to an emotional rollercoaster, for all genders.
3 – Fatigue
Hormones play an important role in energy levels, so an imbalance often leads to unexplained fatigue. A decrease in thyroid hormone in particular can lead to extreme tiredness. And decreases in another hormone, progesterone, can make it more difficult to fall asleep.
4 – Low sex drive
Lower levels of estrogen in women and testosterone in men often lead to a loss of libido.
5 – Irregular periods
Low levels of estrogen and difficulties with thyroid hormone levels can lead to periods that dont follow a regular 28-day cycle. As women enter the perimenopause stage, this often becomes more pronounced, and the timing of their periods becomes difficult to predict.
6 – Weight fluctuations
7 – Food cravings
8 – Brain fog
9 – Headaches
10 – Sleep problems
Who Is At Risk And Why
We all experience some hormonal imbalances over the course of a lifetime, but certain developmental stages raise the risk. Puberty is one obvious stage when hormones are sometimes wildly out of balance because the ovaries and testes receive signals to start producing more hormones like testosterone, estrogen, and growth hormone.
Middle age ushers in a new era of hormonal changes. For women, the production of estrogen starts to slow with the transition to menopause. For many women, however, this isnt a smooth decrease in hormone production, but rather, something that occurs in fits and starts, which can make symptoms harder to manage.
Men arent immune from midlife hormone imbalances. Around the age of 40, mens level of androgens starts to decline by about one percent a year.
Outside of age-related hormonal changes, other factors can lead to hormone imbalance, including stress, disordered eating, nutritional deficiencies, medication, exposure to toxins, birth control pills, and many medical conditions.
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Common Signs Of Hormonal Imbalance In Women
The human body produces, secretes, and;uses at least;50 different hormones. These special molecules regulate a number of the bodys important processes, including blood pressure, heart rate, thirst, mood, weight, hunger, and sexual desire.
With so many chemicals surging through the blood, it isnt surprising that an imbalance can occur. When this happens, it can wreak havoc on your life.
Do you suspect that youre suffering from a hormonal imbalance?
A small imbalance can create a big impact when it comes to hormones. Early detection can send you on the right path to correct the imbalance with;hormone therapy.
Read on to learn 10 signs and symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women.
Top 10 Signs Of Hormonal Imbalance
Hormones affect every aspect of your wellbeing, from your appetite to your zest for life. Despite their large impact on overall health, hormonal imbalances can be frustratingly difficult to recognize. Thats partly because our hormones must maintain a delicate balance and even a slight shift can have negative repercussions.
Read Also: How To Deal With Hormonal Mood Swings
Typical Signs Of Hormonal Imbalance In Women
Symptoms associated with the most common causes of hormonal imbalance include the following;
- Unexplained weight gain or loss
- Problems sleeping
- Very dry skin and rashes
- Irritability and anxiety
- Changes in blood pressure, heart rate, and blood sugar
- Infertility
Women suffering with hormonal imbalance have many of the above symptoms, but they also have some additional signs like heavy, irregular, or painful periods, hot flashes, breast tenderness, acne before and during menstruation, hair growth on the face, neck, back, or chest, skin tags, deepening voice, clitoral enlargement, and darkening of the skin along neck creases, in the groin area, and under breasts.
Belly Fat And Persistent Weight Gain
Because hormones are connected with your weight, imbalances in hormone levels can make it more difficult to lose weight.
Dr. Natasha Turner on the Doctor Oz Show said that any hormonal imbalances will make it difficult to lose weight. For example, high levels of estrogen, cortisol, and insulin along with low testosterone and DHEA can cause you to put on extra belly fat.11
In fact, researchers from Harvard say that having excess abdominal fat can also disrupt your hormones even more. They found that excess fat around your belly can also produce hormones that can affect your health.12;;
The European Thyroid Journal also reported that low thyroid hormones slow down metabolism and can lead to weight gain.13
There are many great ways to lose belly fat naturally. For example, certain foods can help to shed a few inches from your waist while other foods should be avoided, or you can try some my 12 simple tweaks for weight loss.
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What Are The Symptoms Of A Hormone Imbalance
Hormone levels are carefully balanced to support the smooth functioning of your body and mind, but menopause can cause some serious disruption to this equilibrium. Low levels of crucial hormones can cause several significant side effects that can affect your day-to-day life, such as:
- Vaginal dryness and itching
- Osteoporosis
- Pain during intercourse
A lot of these symptoms can be caused by other health issues, so how do you know that hormonal imbalance is to blame?
Are You Hormonal 10 Signs/symptoms Of A Hormone Imbalance
Every day in my practice, I talk to women about period issues, libido, and a lot of various symptoms. So I created this comprehensive list to help you recognize the common signs or symptoms that you have a hormonal imbalance. If these resonate with you, I would suggest that you seek a healthcare provider to get tested. Check out this page which tells you what tests you need and how to talk to your healthcare provider. Even though Im a doctor, I know that talking to a healthcare provider can be intimidating. Sometimes you are not even sure if your provider is open to the suggestions of telling them what kind of tests they should order. So I wanted this to be an easy way to open up the conversation with your provider.
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Birth Control Pills And Breast Cancer Risk
The use of birth control pills in teenage girls has the potential to raise their risk of breast cancer. It is well established that when girls between the ages of 13 and 18and to a lesser but still significant degree, up to the age of 21use birth control pills, their risk of breast cancer can increase by as much as 600 percent. To put it plainly, the earlier a girl begins to use contraceptives, the greater her risk of breast cancer. This may be because the younger the girl, the more undeveloped her breast tissue, and thus the more vulnerable it is to the synthetic hormones contained in the pill. Furthermore, contraceptives work by inhibiting ovulation, which significantly reduces progesterone production and its essential estrogen balancing effects. This is a situation many young women find themselves in: ripe for symptoms of estrogen dominance and vulnerable to long-term risks for breast cancer.
Signs You Have A Hormonal Imbalance And What You Can Do About It
Jenny Hills, Nutritionist and Medical Writer Health
We ladies know the trouble, stress, and frustration that hormonal imbalances can cause us. When hormones fluctuate, we can feel angry, emotional, tired, moody, and suffer the embarrassment from an outbreak of acne. However, no matter what our partners say, hormonal balance is key to our general health and not just a lame excuse for mood swings and feeling off color.
In fact, the signs of hormonal imbalances dont just affect our mood and emotions. Our hormones also directly affect our chances of becoming pregnant and can also affect ovulation and sexual desire.
In this article, you will learn about the symptoms of hormonal imbalance and the reasons why your bodys natural chemistry is constantly changing. First of all, lets look at why its important to have your hormones in balance.
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Signs Of Hormonal Imbalance
Hormones affect every aspect of your wellbeing, from your appetite to your zest for life. Despite their large impact on overall health, hormonal imbalances can be frustratingly difficult to recognize. Thats partly because our hormones must maintain a delicate balance and even a slight shift can have negative repercussions.
Low Sex Drive Could Be Low Testosterone
Testosterone is typically thought of as a male hormone, but both men and women have it. Low testosterone levels may cause low libido. In one study of more than 800 postmenopausal women reporting low sex drive, those who received 150 or 300 micrograms per day of testosterone in the form of a topical patch reported more sexual desire and less distress than women who received a placebo. Women receiving extra testosterone also reported more satisfying sexual experiences compared to women who took a placebo. However, women who took 300 micrograms of testosterone per day had more unwanted hair growth than women who took the placebo. Men can get low testosterone, too. The condition has been referred to as andropause in males.
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Avoid Exposure To Xenoestrogens
Xenoestrogens are estrogen-like substances that are toxic to our bodies and can affect hormonal balance.
They are found in food and things we use such as care products, plastics, household cleaners that we spray in our living spaces. Before you;slap that new lipstick on or that new foundation, check to see what is made of.
Care products that have parabens, for example, are not healthy.
And there is a reason why some cleaning products produce fumes that strangle one.; ;It is time to consider natural cleaners and care products that are free of toxins.
Use natural skincare products. Many things we use for our care are loaded with toxins. Check out this article for a wealth of information on natural care products.
There are many ways to keep our bodies and minds healthy.
One way is to nourish your hormones, adjusting our lifestyle, living naturally, and using natural products to optimize our hormonal balance.
Tell me. What lifestyle changes are you making to improve and optimize your health? And please, if you found this article helpful, share it with your friends on your social media channels.
Here is to blossoming, thriving, and balance.
Hormone Balance In Menopause And Anovulatory Cycles
Of course, there is little mid-life women can do to reverse normal physiology and aging ovaries, although they can diligently guard against undue stress that can speed up the process. But growing numbers of younger women are showing signs of estrogen dominance as a result of anovulatory cycles linked to an unbalanced lifestyle: chronic stress, crash diets, exposure to synthetic hormones used in birth control pills, and growth hormones in feedlot beef and dairy products, as well as xenoestrogens found in numerous personal hygiene and household products.
In any case, there is much women of all ages can do to rebalance progesterone and overall hormone levels to avoid becoming estrogen dominant. First, we can work with a provider to test our hormone levels for imbalances. If testing reveals estrogen dominance, we can take steps to restore the natural equilibrium by rebalancing with bioidenticalshormones derived from plant compounds that are made to be identical in structure and function to those our body makes naturally.
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Appetite And Weight Gain
You may gain weight during hormonal shifts, such as menopause. But hormone changes donât directly affect your weight. Instead, it likely happens because of other factors, like aging or lifestyle. For example, when youâre feeling blue or irritated, as you can be when your estrogen levels drop, you may want to eat more. It can also impact your bodyâs levels of leptin, a hunger-revving hormone.
Unexpected Signs Of Hormonal Imbalance
On top of all the pressures and stressors of everyday life, women in their teens, 20s and 30s are often faced with the physical, mental and emotional effects of hormonal imbalance. These imbalances manifest primarily in the levels of two hormones in particular: estrogen and progesterone. Irregular menstrual cycles, pelvic pain and uterine fibroids are just a few of the symptoms that can occur when the balance of these two hormones is off. Statistics show that 80 percent;of women suffer from hormonal imbalance. Some women live with these imbalances without even realizing it; in fact, 70 percent are unaware of conditions like PCOS that may have manifested due to hormonal irregularities. Christine Mullin ;is here to help you recognize the 11 unexpected signs of hormonal imbalance. ;
Begin your fertility journey by making an appointment with one of our specialists.
1. Irregular menstrual cycles
For women who are not;trying to conceive, the typical treatment for PCOS is birth control. Birth control contains progestin, which can help alleviate some of the symptoms associated with PCOS. For women who are trying to conceive, things get a little more complex. Your OB/GYN might recommend medications like clomiphene, or metformin, which deliver a similar dose of hormones, helping to regulate ovulation and menstrual cycles.
2. Infertility
3. Hot flashes and night sweats
4. Persistent weight gain
5. Hair loss
6. Pelvic pain
7. Fatigue
8. Cold hands and feet
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Brain Fog Or Trouble Concentrating
Fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone can cause dizziness, or make you feel foggy. This makes it harder to concentrate and remember things. The sign is more common in women during the menstrual cycle and menopause.
Eating a hormone balance diet, avoiding coffee and alcohol, regular exercising, and a good nights sleep is the best cure for this symptom. If none of the above seem to improve your quality of life, then it may be necessary to check with a healthcare professional.
Biohack Your Way To Better Sleep
When life is busy, often the first thing we sacrifice is sleep. Sleep or rather inadequate sleep quickly throws our body off balance. This is why its one of the first things our doctors ask about when patients come in for their initial visit. In a small study testing the impact of prolonged sleep restriction, participants that slept only 4 hours versus 10 or 12 hours experienced an increase in ghrelin, a hormone responsible for appetite regulation, alongside a decrease in leptin, a hormone responsible for communicating satiation. For many of us, 10 or 12 hours might be hard to achieve. Thats why here at Parsley we recommend getting at least 8 hours of sleep per night. The benefits of adequate sleep will not only increase your glucose metabolism and leptin concentrations but increase your bodys secretion of growth hormones responsible for cell reproduction and regeneration, which all take place during periods of rest.
Also Check: What Kind Of Doctor Should I See For Hormone Imbalance
What Causes Hormonal Imbalance
Your hormones have to work together in balance to help your body thrive. However, hormone ups and downs in women are very common, so if you feel that you have a hormonal imbalance, you are not alone.
Doctors from WebMD say that some of the common causes of an imbalance in hormone production in women are pre-menstrual syndrome, pregnancy, and the menopause. However, other lifestyle factors can cause hormones to fluctuate. Being overweight, not getting enough exercise, or a lack of sleep can all throw your hormones off balance.3
Other reasons for hormone fluctuations are an underactive thyroid that doesnt produce enough thyroxine . Doctors from the Mayo Clinic say that hypothyroidism can leave you feeling lethargic, cause changes in your menstrual system, or make it difficult to lose weight.4
Also, diabetes is a common cause of hormonal imbalances and can affect, not just the insulin hormone, but also other blood sugar-related hormones, sex hormones, and growth hormones.5
Eat Your Fruits And Veggies
Eat Broccoli and broccoli sprouts. Dont wait until Thanksgiving to eat your broccoli sprouts. In fact, include more cruciferous vegetables in your meals often.
Research published in; the American Association for Cancer Research; Journal found that broccoli and broccoli sprouts have a substance called; sulforaphane which inhibits; cancer stem cells in breast tissue, furthermore, other research supports eating more vegetable as prevention of cancer and this includes hormone supported cancers such as breast cancer
Back raspberries and blueberries
You have always known that berries are powerful antioxidants. Research is showing that they can actually protect one from cancer. They contain ellagic acid which researchers found reduced growth of estrogen-dependent breast cancers.
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