Friday, April 26, 2024

Can An Endocrinologist Help With Hormonal Acne

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Ways To Eliminate Hormonal Acne

~1 THING~ that healed & reset my hormonal acne, NATURALLY | Acne Series

If learning how to get rid of hormonal acne seems complex, heres your wrap-up.

  • Stop using pre-workout supplements. Hormones in these powders often trigger hormonal acne breakouts.
  • Be educated about your form of birth control. Oral birth control will treat hormonal acne. Implantable forms of birth control will not. Make the decision based on your personal needs about what is best for your body. Spironolactone is an oral pill and is highly effective, but does not serve as a method of birth control.
  • Make sure youre not missing a more serious cause of hormonal acne. Both polycystic ovarian syndrome and malignancies can cause hormonal acne. Check with your healthcare provider if youre concerned about these potential causes.
  • Maintain an effective daily skin regimen. Wash your face daily with a gentle cleanser, apply non-greasy sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher, and wear non-comedogenic makeup.
  • Dont depend on topical treatments alone to treat your acne. Retin-A, salicylic acid, and benzoyl peroxide will help supplement your treatment, but no topical medication will directly treat your hormonal acne.
  • If youre experiencing hormonal acne, theres no need to endure the breakouts. Visit an Epiphany Dermatology location near you to find the best treatment plan for your skin.

    What Is Menopausal Acne

    Menopausal acne is when acne appears in women in their 40s and 50s. The cause of menopausal acne is a decrease in estrogen levels or an increase in androgen hormones like testosterone in menopause. Some of the hormonal treatments for menopausal symptoms can also cause hormonal acne. This is especially common in women taking a progestin.

    Topical Treatment Of Hormonal Acne

    To clear your skin with over-the-counter medications, your absolute best bet is a low concentration of benzoyl peroxide cream, an anti-bacterial cream that you should apply daily or every other day. You can use BP with other hormonal treatments or instead of them. You can get a tube from your drugstore, preferably in a 2.5% concentration.

    • There are higher concentration available, but these will dry your skin excessively without providing any more acne-preventing benefit. As it is, you should wear sunscreen and be gentle with your skin while you are on benzoyl peroxide.
    • Redness and irritation are the two major side effects of BP, but you can diminish these problems by gradually increasing the amount you put on your face, as well as how often you put it on, working from a couple of hours every third day to overnight daily.

    If this treatment doesn’t work for you, I’d recommend stopping by a dermatologist and getting a prescription for Retin-A or Differen, both highly effective topical creams that work to control and un-clog your skin cells. For more on moderate acne treatments, you can read this “Female Acne and Hormones” guide.

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    Holistic Methods To Incorporate

    • Drink spearmint tea:Studies indicate spearmint to have an anti-androgenic effect, which reduces hormonal acne-causing sebum production.
    • Try seed cycling: Incorporating specific seeds into your diet may be an effective way to balance your hormones during your menstrual cycle.
    • Get enough vitamin D:Studies have suggested that vitamin D deficiency may be a root cause of acne.

    Treat Sensitivity + Inflammation

    Profiling and hormonal therapy for acne in women Ghosh S, Chaudhuri S ...

    While youre getting to the bottom of things, maintaining a strong, hydrated skin barrier and treating inflammation is key.

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    Treatment Of Female Adult Acne

    • 1. General issues

    Most dermatological experts suggest a stepwise approach to female adult acne treatment that utilizes different drugs depending on the severity and the type of the individuals acne lesions . Therefore, a careful scoring of acne before treating these patients is essential.

    The general principles of this stepwise approach are simple: topical agents for mild forms of acne topical agents plus an oral antibiotic or hormonal therapy for moderate forms of acne topical agents, oral antibiotics and hormonal therapy, or an oral retinoid in severe forms of acne.

    The choice of topical agents depends on the type of acne, comedonal or inflammatory, as well as its severity. Benzoyl peroxide and topical antibiotics target inflammatory lesions, whereas adapalene, tretinoin, and tazarotene are retinoids that target comedones. Azelaic acid targets both.

    In severe female adult acne, oral retinoids are often the treatment of choice, but teratogenicity and other possible side effects should be carefully considered.

    In selected patients, radiofrequency, laser, and light treatments are available but cost and evidence for their long-term efficacy are scant.

    • 2. Treatment of adult acne in hyperandrogenic women

    The American Academy of Dermatology includes oral estroprogestin or antiandrogen therapy as second-line treatment in women with moderate or severe adult acne who do not respond to topical and antibiotic therapy , but independently of androgen levels .

    Reasons Why You Might Need Endocrinology Treatment

    Endocrinologists diagnose and treat hormonal disorders by trying to restore the normal balance in your body. Some conditions require the assistance of other specialties, for example, your endocrinologist might need to work with a gynaecologist when treating you.

    Some of the most common conditions treated by an endocrinologist are:

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    What Are The Characteristics Of Hormonal Acne

    During puberty, hormonal acne often appears in the T-zone. This includes your forehead, nose, and chin.

    Hormonal adult acne typically forms on the lower part of your face. This includes the bottom of your cheeks and around your jawline.

    For some people, hormonal acne takes the form of blackheads, whiteheads, and small pimples that come to a head, or cysts.

    Cysts form deep under the skin and dont come to a head on the surface. These bumps are often tender to the touch.

    Hormonal acne may be caused by influxes of hormones from:

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    10 minute read

  • > Skin Treatments
  • > Everything you need to know about hormonal acne
  • Heres something many over-the-counter acne products wont tell you: Hormones are one of the most significant factors contributing to acne. Certain hormonal fluctuations cause glands in your skin to release more natural oil , which collects in the pores and can contribute to acne. Several factors can cause these fluctuationsbirth control, diet, hormonal therapy, or even your period .

    This guide will dig into how hormones can trigger acne and what steps you can take to help prevent a hormonal acne breakout.

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    The Causes Of Hormonal Acne

    The concern that hormonal acne is more prevalent could be due to several factors, like women talking about it more, increased environmental toxicity, and the prevalence of xenoestrogens or chemicals that cause hormone imbalances in our environment, Dr. Jolene Brighten, a functional medicine naturopathic medical doctor and the author of Beyond The Pill, tells TZR. We also need to acknowledge the role of processed food and medications that can lead to nutrient depletions, hormone disruption, and poor gut health.

    Birth control use is on the rise, and the hormonal changes which occur after discontinuing or starting a birth control pill also cause acne, Dr. Wood says while Dr. Robinson adds that patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome , a hormonal disorder, will often present with hormone-related acne, as well.

    Basically, this type of acne is multifactorial, as Dr. Brighten says. From diet to lifestyle to birth control and plain old hormonal imbalance, there are multiple causes of hormonal acne and often, more than one is present in each individual patient which makes it hard to pin down a single effective treatment.

    Diagnosis Of Hyperandrogenism In Women With Adult Acne

    In women with adult acne, because of the high prevalence of hyperandrogenism, a detailed medical history and laboratory work up is necessary for identifying patients who present androgen excess and for determining the underlying disorder.

    A comprehensive reproductive history including menstrual cycle, and hormonal and ovarian sonographic evaluation is needed for determining whether the patient is affected by PCOS . The presence of other possible cutaneous signs of androgen excess may suggest that acne is linked to hyperandrogenism and/or PCOS . If a patient is diagnosed with PCOS, guidelines for additional screening have been established .

    The AE-PCOS task force agrees that measurement of androgens in blood should be performed in all women with adult acne and should evaluate serum total and free testosterone and DHEAS levels. When measuring total testosterone, extraction and chromatography performed before immunoassay or liquid chromatography mass spectrometry are important to avoid interference by steroids of similar configuration . In fact, most commercial assays provide inaccurate results and should be avoided .

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    When To See A Gynecologist For Hormonal Acne

    Chances are youve experienced acne breakouts that just won’t go away at some point. And if theyre severe or persistent enough, your inclination might be to book an appointment with the dermatologist. It makes sense: Dermatologists are doctors who deal specifically with the skin, after all.

    But, it may actually be beneficial to talk to your gynecologist, too. In fact, Eduardo Lara-Torre, MD, a pediatric and adolescent gynecologist and professor of OB/GYN and pediatrics at Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine in Roanoke, VA, tells Teen Vogue that its extremely common for acne to be the primary reason a patient comes to see him. Why? It usually comes down to hormones. The main reason get acne or breakouts is because of the hormones that they are producing as a normal part of their development, and then later on as their cycle, include a hormone called testosterone, he explains.

    According to Dr. Rebecca Booth, OB/GYN and Founder of VENeffect Skin Care, high levels of testosterone can lead to increased sebum, which is the oil in the skin from the sebaceous glands,” she says. Thats a perfect storm for a blemish.

    The main reason get acne or breakouts is because of the hormones that they are producing as a normal part of their development.

    These sebum-filled pores are the ideal place for bacteria to live

    Want more from Teen Vogue? Check this out:

    Hormonal Acne: What You Should Know

    Endotoxin, Acne, Aging Skin_ What You Need to Know

    Brandi Jones MSN-Ed, RN-BC is a board-certified registered nurse who owns Brandi Jones LLC, where she writes health and wellness blogs, articles, and education. She lives with her husband and springer spaniel and enjoys camping and tapping into her creativity in her downtime.

    Acne is a skin condition that affects approximately 650 million people worldwide. Hormonal acne develops due to changing hormones. It occurs in males and females during puberty and is more common in males during adolescence. In adulthood, it is more common in women.

    This article reviews hormonal acne causes, symptoms, and over-the-counter , natural, and prescription treatments.

    Boy_Anupong / Getty Images

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    What Is The Best Natural Treatment For Hormonal Acne

    Diet can be a factor in hormonal acne. Some foods can act as anti-inflammatories and help with acne. These are vegetables, fish, nuts, and some healthy oils like olive oil and avocado. Coconut oil, avocado, omega-3 fats, dark chocolate, pumpkin seeds, Brazil nuts, and carrots are also beneficial to people with acne in general and, more specifically, hormonal acne. Eliminating specific acne triggers, like cow’s milk, dairy, and sugars, can also help.

    The DIM + cruciferous supplement is an excellent addition to hormonal acne treatment. They contain a natural extract of cruciferous vegetables , specially formulated to help balance hormones and reduce acne signs in adult women.

    Can Hormone Imbalance Cause Weight Gain

    Yes, certain hormone imbalances can cause weight gain, including:

    • Hypothyroidism: This condition happens when you have low levels of thyroid hormone, which causes your metabolism to slow down. This can cause weight gain.
    • Cushings syndrome: This is a rare condition that happens when your body has too much of a hormone called cortisol. It results in rapid weight gain in your face , belly, back of your neck and chest.
    • Menopause: During menopause, many people assigned female at birth gain weight due to hormonal changes that cause their metabolism to slow down. Its important to remember that this type of hormonal imbalance is natural and an expected part of life.

    Several other factors contribute to weight gain. If youre experiencing unexpected weight gain or are concerned about your weight, talk to your healthcare provider.

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    How To Help Prevent Hormonal Acne

    Just as some things can worsen acne, some can help prevent it. These tips dont affect the hormonal component of breakouts, specifically, but they can lend a hand in helping prevent acne from happening in the first place.

  • Eat a healthy diet. Consider reducing your sugar, dairy, and alcohol intake. You might want to track what you eat to see what triggers your acne.

  • Get better sleep and reduce stress. This might be easier said than done, but you can take simple steps to promote deeper sleep, like putting away your electronic devices 30 minutes before bed.

  • Choose non-comedogenic products. Make sure your products wont clog pores and look for over-the-counter products that treat acne. Better yet, try Curologys custom cream designed for your skin type.

  • Stick to a simple skincare routine. We recommend following a straightforward skincare routine twice daily, in the morning and the evening: wash your face, apply treatment, moisturize, and wear sunscreen .

  • What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Hormonal Imbalance

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    Because your body makes over 50 different hormones all of which contribute to important bodily functions you could experience several different symptoms depending on which hormonal imbalance you have.

    Its important to know that many of the following symptoms could be caused by other conditions, not just from a hormonal imbalance. If you ever notice a change in your day-to-day health and are experiencing new, persistent symptoms, its important to talk to your healthcare provider no matter what you think the cause might be.

    Hormone imbalance symptoms that affect your metabolism

    Common hormonal imbalances include those that affect your metabolism. Your metabolism consists of the chemical reactions in your body’s cells that change the food you eat into energy. Many different hormones and processes are involved in metabolism.

    Symptoms of hormonal imbalances that affect your metabolism include:

    • Slow heartbeat or rapid heartbeat .
    • Thin, warm and moist skin.
    • Irregular body fat distribution.

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    Can I Use Tea Tree Oil To Treat My Acne

    This is a great question and one we get asked frequently. Several studies have demonstrated results using products with tea tree oil. A review showed that tea tree oil was effective in treating mild to moderate acne.² Acne treatments that don’t affect hormones can still help hormonal acne. It’s important to treat the other factors that contribute to breakouts.

    Lifestyle Changes To Deal With Hormonal Acne

    There are certain lifestyle changes you can make to clear up your skin and avoid acne flare-ups:

    • Work out for at least 20 minutes every day.
    • Avoid excessive stress.
    • Drink at least 2 liters of water every day.
    • Eat plenty of green, leafy vegetables and fruits.
    • Avoid makeup or skin care products that are greasy or contain harsh chemicals
    • Sleep for at least 7â8 hours every day.
    • Manage your weight according to healthy BMI levels.
    • Try skin care products that contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.
    • Consult an endocrinologist for a hormone treatment to regulate your hormone levels.

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    If You Suspect Your Acne Is Hormonal Visit A Gynecologist Or Endocrinologist And Test For It

    I feel like this is a very ‘no duh’ thing to post about but, despite struggling with severe acne for 9 years, I had never officially been tested for hormonal acne. I’ve also been on this sub for years and have seen a lot of people post about hormonal acne but rarely how they confirmed or diagnosed it. So I’ll just post about my experience here.

    Over the years, my dermatologist and I have tried to combat acne with a mix of strong topicals and oral medications . Results never lasted. We both concluded my acne was hormonal but didn’t do tests to confirm it, just tried another round of oral medication and even stronger topicals.

    After the second round failed, I finally visited a gynecologist specializing in endocrinology gynecology, who confirmed that, not only do I have hormonal acne, but I also have PCOS .

    I know there are a lot of posts on this sub asking people to confirm whether their acne is fungal, bacterial or hormonal but visiting an expert for confirmation will always provide the most peace of mind. Its one thing to suspect you have an issue based on how well you fit the symptoms online and another to have the paperwork from multiple tests in your hands and verbal confirmation from a doctor specializing in hormones.

    Check For Deeper Causes

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    We also check for signs of more significant issues that induce hormonal acne. Acne is one of the symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome . To find out if this is a potential cause, we ask women about their cycle regularity, weight gain, and unwanted hair growth. If we suspect PCOS, well involve a gynecologist for testing. Early detection and treatment is important to help decrease the likelihood of potential complications such as difficulty with conception, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

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