Saturday, July 27, 2024

How To Stop Hormonal Hair Loss

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Sex Hormones Not Just For Reproduction

Hair loss after birth control (Day 1)| Hair growth series | How do you treat hormonal hair loss?

PREGNANCY: Remember all that hair that you didnt lose when you were pregnant? I loved my luxurious pregnancy hair so strong, thick and shiny. It wasnt me who had the pregnancy glow, it was my hair! Pregnancy increases the number of hair follicles in the anagen phase. The enhanced supply of estradiol and progesterone in pregnancy are particularly nurturing to hair, expanding the growth phase and preventing shedding. Little did I know that at about 3 months postpartum, when my hormones were trying to re-equilibrate themselves and adjust to a new normal, my hair would all come out in clumps, washing down the drain, falling out so fast it was a seeming miracle any of it actually remained attached to my head.

Hair changes in pregnancy are common however, every woman is different and therefore hair changes are all individual. If hair loss is experienced in the postpartum period, most women will experience a full recovery, although the process may be slow.

MENOPAUSE: Along those lines, when the levels of estradiol and progesterone fall in menopause, hot flashes and night sweats are not the only symptoms that seemingly appear out of nowhere. What many women are unaware of and unprepared for is the fact that they may also find themselves facing hair thinning. And just like the postpartum hair loss, it has everything to do with hormones. However, unlike the postpartum period, hair loss in menopause is irreversible, unless hormone replacement therapy is introduced.

Could Your Hormones Be The Reason Behind Your Premature Hair Loss

Whether you like it or not, your hormones are responsible in a big way for how your skin and hair feel and behave. Breaking out heavily on your jawline? Or are you finding hair growing in places on your face its not supposed to? Or perhaps, you feel like your hair simply doesnt have the volume it used to have? Most likely, its your hormones to blame. While many hormonal changes and imbalances are just a part of getting older, the effect they have can be reduced or aggravated based on your diet and lifestyle. We got Dr Harshna Bijlani, celebrity skin expert and medical head of The AgeLess Clinic, to break it down for us and share everything you should know about how your hormones affect your hair at every stage of your life.

Be Mindful Of Birth Control Pills

Birth control pills are a form of contraception that works by suppressing ovulation and/or making it more difficult for a fertilized egg to implant into the lining of the uterus. Hormonal hair loss in women may occur when women start or stop taking certain kinds of contraceptives. The hormones that make birth control pills effective may also cause hair thinning in women who use them. You are more likely to experience this side effect from birth control pills if you have a family history of hair loss. Stopping the pill is also a cause of hair loss in women. Hormones are not the only medication that may be associated with hair loss. Blood thinners and blood pressure medications may do it, too. So can drugs used to treat depression, heart disease, and arthritis.

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Dietary Changes And Supplements

If your hair loss is caused by an iron deficiency, your healthcare provider might recommend changing your diet to include larger amounts of iron, protein and other nutrients that are important for optimal hair health.

You might also need to take an iron supplement, especially if you experience iron deficiency because of a heavy period.

Like medications, dietary changes usually dont produce immediate results. Instead, youll notice an improvement in your hairs strength, feel and thickness over a period of time as your body adjusts to the extra nutrients in your diet.

To speed up regrowth and restore your hair faster, your healthcare provider might recommend using minoxidil at the same time as you change your diet.

Whats Behind Hormonal Hair Loss

5 Easy Ways to Stop Hormonal Hair Loss

Symptoms are your bodys way of letting you know something isnt right and excessive hair loss is no exception. Remember, however, that some hair loss is normal, and your hormones naturally fluctuate particularly during different phases of your menstrual cycle. So for you, it may be typical that you lose more hair at particular times of the month or even in different seasons. Thats why its so important to pay attention, and know what your normal is. But what are some of the key hormones to look at if you are suddenly experiencing greater hair loss?


Your body knows when things arent right, and it will intuitively try to make up for imbalances caused by stress, poor nutrition or other issues. When your system detects fluctuating levels of thyroid hormone, it will channel its energy towards critical matters, like getting those levels under control. That means that processes like hair growth, which arent essential to survival, are left behind. Often, the thinning hair women experience as part of aging can be attributed to low thyroid levels.



This one may come as a surprise, since testosterone usually makes people think of men big, strong, hairy men. But when women have too much testosterone in their system, many undesired effects occur. The most common are changes to hair growth. When too much testosterone is at play, you might end up with hair where you dont want it and none where you do want it on your head!


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What Causes Dht To Increase

If youre genetically predisposed to DHT sensitivity, any kind of increase in your DHT levels may potentially heighten your risk of hair loss. Its a bummer, but its a part of life.

So, what causes DHT levels to increase? Well, since DHT is a byproduct of testosterone production as we mentioned above, a certain percentage of your bodys testosterone is converted into DHT via the 5-Reductase enzyme it stands to reason that anything that increases your testosterone levels will also increase your DHT levels.

Whether it be from certain vitamins and supplements, to dietary and lifestyle changes, exercising and everything in between, if your testosterone levels are elevated, your DHT levels will likely follow.

However, its important to note that this only matters if you have a genetic predisposition to the kind of DHT sensitivity that triggers male pattern baldness.

How To Stop Hair Fall Immediately At Home For Female

It doesnt matter if you have curly hair, thin hair, oily hair, dry hair, or any other type of haircertain hair care tips are universal. While you may want to tailor your routine to your hair type, the basics of hair care are just as important to knowif not more so. Thats why were sharing the best hair care and hair-styling tips for everyone, regardless of hair type. Keep reading to learn 21 hair tips that will allow you to start taking better care of your tresses.

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Coping With Hair Loss Related To Dht In Men

  • 1Ask about using finasteride to inhibit hair loss hormones. As men age, their bodies often begin to produce more of a powerful androgen hormone called DHT. This hormone is thought to contribute to certain types of hair loss, such as male pattern baldness. If you are experiencing hair loss, talk to your doctor about using finasteride , which can inhibit the production of DHT.XResearch source
  • While finasteride may not cause your hair to grow back fully, it may slow or stop the progression of hair loss.
  • You can take finasteride orally or receive it as an injection. Youll need to keep taking the medication permanently, or your hair will begin to fall out again.
  • Common side effects include reduced libido and difficulty getting or maintaining an erection.
  • 2Discuss using dutasteride if finasteride isnt effective. If finasteride isnt enough to stop your hair loss, talk to your doctor about using dutasteride. Dutasteride can also inhibit the DHT hormone, and some studies show that it may be more effective than finasteride.XResearch source
  • Dutasteride was originally developed to treat the symptoms of prostate enlargement. It is not approved by the FDA as a treatment for hair loss.XTrustworthy SourceUS Food and Drug AdministrationU.S. government agency responsible for promoting public healthGo to source
  • Talk to your doctor about the risks of more severe side effects, such as heart problems or prostate cancer.
  • Hair Care Tip #1: Air Dry When You Can

    Tips & Tricks to Help Stop PCOS Hair Loss

    Because excessive heat styling can damage your strands in the long run, the AAD suggests letting your hair air dry as often as you can. When you do plan to follow this hair styling tip and air dry your hair, scrunch some of the LOréal Paris Advanced Hairstyle CURVE IT Elastic Curl Mousse onto your hair while its damp. It will enhance your hairs natural shape and definition as it dries, producing beautiful, effortless style.

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    Whats Hair Loss In Women

    Hair loss in women is just that when a woman experiences unexpected, heavy loss of hair. Generally, humans shed between 50 and 100 single hairs per day. Hair shedding is part of a natural balance some hairs fall out while others grow in. When the balance is interrupted when hair falls out and less hair grows in hair loss happens. Hair loss is different than hair shedding. The medical term for hair loss is alopecia.

    Hair grows on almost all of your skin surfaces not the palms of your hands, soles of your feet, lips or eyelids. Light, fine, short hair is called vellus hair. Terminal/androgenic hair is thicker, darker and longer.

    Hair Care Tip #1: Your Scalp Needs Care Too

    Think about it: Your scalp is skin too, and its actually an extension of your face. Just like the rest of your skin, your scalp also needs regular exfoliating. Unfortunately, regular buildup of oil, dead skin cells, and leftover product can leave your scalp overloaded and less than healthy. Once or twice a month, use the LOréal Paris Everfresh Micro-Exfoliating Scrub to give your scalp a good scrub.

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    Stopping Menopausal Hair Loss

  • 1See your doctor to have your hair loss evaluated. If youre going through menopause and notice that your hair is thinning or falling out, make an appointment with your doctor. They can test your hormone levels and examine your hair and scalp to rule out other possible causes of hair loss.XTrustworthy SourceHarvard Medical SchoolHarvard Medical School’s Educational Site for the PublicGo to source
  • Aging-related hair loss is very common, affecting about 2/3rds of post-menopausal women. As you age, your body produces more of a type of hormones called androgens, which can stimulate hair loss.
  • Sometimes your body may produce too many androgens because of a more serious underlying condition, such as a tumor in the pituitary gland. If you have excessive hair loss, your doctor should monitor your androgen levels carefully and make sure they are within a normal range for your age and overall health.
  • 2Ask your doctor about using minoxidil to promote hair growth. If you have post-menopausal hair loss, your doctor may recommend minoxidil to encourage your hair to grow back. Apply the medication directly to your scalp according to your doctors instructions or the instructions on the label.XTrustworthy SourceHarvard Medical SchoolHarvard Medical School’s Educational Site for the PublicGo to source
  • You will probably need to use this medication for at least 2 months before you begin to see results. It may take even longer for the treatment to reach its full effectiveness.
  • Natural Strategies To Heal Hair Loss

    How to Stop Hormonal Hair Loss  Groenerekenkamer

    Ready to discover the natural strategies that support hair growth? Here are my top suggestions:

    Scalp Massage with Essential Oils

    A study found that, when mixed with a carrier oil , the essential oils of rosemary, thyme, lavender, and cedarwood can help promote hair growth. The participants in the study massaged the carrier oil with essential oils onto their scalp daily for 7 months.

    Try onion juice and aloe vera gel

    A small study published in 2002 found that applying topical onion juice to the scalp increased hair growth. Two groups of participants were asked to use topical treatments on their scalps twice each day for two months: one group was given onion juice to apply to their scalp. The other was given tap water. After six weeks, hair growth was observed in close to 90 percent of the participants who used onion juice . In the tap water group, only 13 percent of the participants experienced hair growth The benefit from onion juice is thought to come from its high sulfur content. Sulfur is found in amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins, which are needed for robust hair growth. Onion juice may also stimulate collagen production, which in turn stimulates hair growth.

    You can buy onion juice at most health food stores or online, or you can make your own. Grate and strain an onion to extract the juice, apply to scalp, and then wash off after 30 minutes.

    Detox Estrogen

    Balance testosterone

    Correct nutrient deficiencies

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    When To Seek Help

    You should consult your doctor if:

    • You are losing hair in an unusual pattern
    • You are losing hair rapidly or at an early age
    • You have any pain or itching with the hair loss
    • The skin on your scalp under the involved area is red, scaly, or otherwise abnormal
    • You have acne, facial hair, or an abnormal menstrual cycle
    • You have additional symptoms which concern you.

    Should I Change My Hair Care Regimen

    No. Since there is no structural problem with the hair with female-pattern hair loss, women should continue their regular hair styling regimen. Sometimes women think they should stop washing, coloring, or perming their hair, but these things wonât impact the course of hair loss or speed up the process.

    Wash with an anti-dandruff shampoo that contains ketoconazole or zinc pyrthione .

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    Menopausal Hair Loss: Is It Reversible

    Menopause is a time of extreme hormonal changes that typically occurs around the late 40s and early 50s. After menopause, many different physical symptoms can appear, including menopausal hair loss. These symptoms can also include hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, insomnia, and vaginal dryness.

    Many people want to know if hormonal hair loss can be reversed. The answer is yes! Fortunately, unlike genetic hair loss, most hair loss caused by hormonal imbalances is reversible.

    Whats The Difference Between Normal Hair Loss And Hormonal Hair Loss

    Menopausal hair loss| How to stop hair loss during menopause| Menopause hair loss

    Typical hair loss in humans is about 50-100 strands per day. But as I said before, these strands will be distributed throughout your scalp, so its unlikely youll even notice it. If you are seeing huge clumps of hair in your drain after showering, have bald patches, or noticeably thinner hair all of a sudden, its time to pay attention.

    Sadly, many conventional health care practitioners dismiss hair loss as part of getting older. Typical treatments are topical products and while these may make your existing hair appear more full, it does nothing to stimulate new growth or address the root cause of the hair loss. That means your hair will continue to thin, and youll have to keep trying to mask it. But so often, there is something going on particularly with hair loss in menopause that can be resolved when you look at the whole picture.

    Now I certainly cant say I know the magic cure for hair loss, and I advise you to be very skeptical of anyone who claims to have the secret. But women who find themselves balding shouldnt think their only solution is to wear scarves or hats, or go out wig shopping. There are ways to promote natural hair growth and halt excessive loss, especially when were talking about hormonal hair loss!

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    Stress Depression And Anxiety Can Also Contribute To Hair Loss

    Depression and hair loss are linked, and depression can affect the quality of your hair hair can become dry and break very easily. Prescription anti-depressants such as Prozac can also have side effects that cause hair loss.

    Woman with long hair standing by the window so the reflection is visible in the glass. Sadness and anxiety on her face.

    Anxiety and stress are technically two separate conditions. However, they do overlap. The key issue between anxiety and hair loss is stress, especially persistent stress, which can affect the growth of your hair.

    Emotional stress can significantly slow, or even stunt your hairs normal growth cycle. Once the hair has stopped its growth cycle, it lies dormant and eventually sheds after around two months.

    Stress is a huge contributor to a variety of different mental illnesses, including depression, anxiety, and insomnia. In most cases, it is stress that will cause you to lose hair. The most common type of hair loss is telogen effluvium, in which stress can be a potential cause.

    If the cause is stress and it is addressed, your hair can resume its normal growth phase, but it usually takes three to six months for regrowth or longer.

    Are There Complications/side Effects Of Treatment

    Minoxidil may irritate your scalp and cause dryness, scaling, itching and/or redness. See your dermatologist if this happens.

    With Minoxidil you might also see hair growing in other places other than your scalp . Wash your face after you apply Minoxidil and make sure you avoid other areas when you apply it.

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