Saturday, July 27, 2024

Dealing With Hormonal Mood Swings

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What Are The Symptoms Of Premenstrual Syndrome

How to manage mood swings in women? – Dr. Sulata Shenoy

The Premenstrual syndrome symptoms are:

⢠Sudden changes in the mood

⢠Crying spells

⢠Poor sleep or too much sleep

⢠Lack of interest in daily activities

⢠Problem in concentrating

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Manage Mood Disorders With Help From Family Psychiatry And Therapy

Whether your mood swings are a result of life stressors or a mood disorder, Family Psychiatry and Therapy can help provide you with the tools and techniques to gain control of your symptoms. And you dont need to already be diagnosed with a disorder to seek a psychiatric consultationeven perfectly happy people can benefit from therapy! Our experienced professionals will evaluate your needs and put together a customized treatment plan to help you take control of your life and learn to manage the underlying conditions that could be causing your mood swings. Contact us today to learn more about our services, or to schedule an appointment.

Consider Therapy Or Anger Management

Counseling and anger management are tools that can help you manage your anger. In one 2017 study, researchers found that women with both diabetes and menopausal symptoms greatly benefitted from a group counseling setting that encouraged self-care.

See if your healthcare provider knows about support groups, anger management groups, or a counselor that specializes in perimenopause rage.

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Did We Answer Your Question About Pms

For more information about PMS, call the OWH Helpline at 1-800-994-9662 or check out the following resources from other organizations:

Natural Remedies For Menopausal Mood Swings

Pin by Dan Adams on Quick Saves in 2021

There are natural remedies that can help improve your menopausal moods swings as well as other symptoms. Its all about a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Lots of fruits and veggies, high-fiber foods, and omega-3 fats are great at helping relieve menopausal symptoms. It is important, however, to talk to your doctor about your diet if you are going through menopause. Some foods might help ease your menopausal mood swings others might not.

Foods that might boost your mood include beans, fish, fruit, leafy greens, dark chocolate, and berries. Foods that might trigger mood swings include soda, high-sugar juices, alcohol, processed meat, salted peanuts, high-sodium canned foods, and sugary baked goods.

Drinking plenty of water is also very important. Hot flashes can cause excessive sweating. Drink plenty of water to replenish any lost fluids and stay hydrated.

Some say that herbal remedies like St. Johns wort, black cohosh, red clover, sage, and ginseng can help treat hot flashes and mood swings. But talk to your doctor before taking any herbal supplements for your menopausal symptoms.

As in all stages of your life, try to stay positive as you transition through the various stages of menopause. Engage in activities that are fun to keep your mood up. Avoid situations that may trigger feelings of anger, sadness, or depression.

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Don’t Blame Every Bad Mood On Pms

We are not robots. A natural part of being human is to go through varying emotions. Before associating mood swings with PMS, consider other important predictors of daily mood like overall health and well-being . Considering PMS is used to discredit women in business and government, it’s important to examine what it really is and how we talk about it. We’re only perpetuating harmful stereotypes by labeling PMS as a “witch syndrome.”

Mood Swings During Your Period And What To Do About Them

Getting your period is a sign that your body is healthy and operating as it should. But this sometimes comes with some challenging side effects â likeâ¯period mood swings. With a little management, period mood swings need not throw you off your game. Weâve compiled some simple tips to help you through it, as well as advice about when to reach out for help.

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Hot Flashes Night Sweats And Sleep Interruption

Night sweats and hot flashes are a one-two punch derailing restorative sleep. While loss of estrogen is one culprit, other key factors that mess with our ZZZs are stress hormone imbalance and diet choices.

Caffeine is not your friend if you are having any type of a sleep disruption, anxiety, or mood instability, explains Sadaty. Alcohol is another thing that will trigger hot flashesespecially wine.

Subtracting wine and coffee may not be fun, but the promise of a blissful eight hours of sleep makes it easier to consider corking that merlot. Taking control of your bedtime is another straightforward fix.

The most restorative sleep happens between 10pm and 2am, says Sadaty. That’s when your adrenal heals, that’s when your brain heals, that’s when you get the best quality sleep. And people are rarely going to bed at 10 o’clock.

Sleep is critical for keeping our adrenal glands, which produce stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, in tiptop shape. Sleep deficits are probably the number one cause of adrenal hormone disruption, she explains.

And when your stress hormones are out of whack, managing the chronic stressors of modern life is exponentially trickier. When you have an adrenaline rush, as opposed to a cortisol lift, its anxiety producing, it’s anger producing, it’s hot flash producing, it’s night-sweat producing, adds Sadaty.

Other sleep tips: Minimize pre-bed screen time, use blue light glasses to block sleep-disrupting light, and sleep in cool temps .

Early Pregnancy Mood Swing Triggers

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Hormones trigger mood swings during pregnancy, but its not only the hormones. The discomforts of pregnancy can cause emotional distress as well. For example, morning sickness, which can really hit you at any time of day, affects 70% to 80% of pregnant women.

Feelings of nausea and sometimes vomiting can be triggered by the slightest hunger pangs or even the smell of your neighbors cooking. For those that experience more severe morning sickness than others, anxiety may arise over whether they will suddenly feel the urge to throw-up during a business meeting. Or they may worry that they will suddenly smell something off as they walk down the street.

The stress of not knowing when they might feel sick, and the stress of possibly throwing up unprepared or in public, can be intense. Fatigue is another common early pregnancy symptom and one that can contribute to mood swings. No one feels well emotionally when they are tired, and you may feel really tired during those first months of pregnancy.

Lastly, women who have experienced miscarriage or infertility may be anxious about losing the pregnancy. This fear may be worse during the first trimester when the majority of pregnancy losses occur.

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Mood Swings Heres How Your Hormones Contribute And What To Do About It

Picture this: its a regular Tuesday, and youre at the grocery store picking up a few essentials for dinner. Youre walking along, finding everything you need, feeling perfectly content. And then you turn down the coffee and tea aisle, ready to pick up your final item, and someones cart is blocking your path. You become intensely irritated doesnt this person know that there are other people in the store?

All of a sudden, it seems like everything is either going wrong, or just bugging you. The person in front of you in line wont stop talking. You forgot the milk. You seem to be catching every red light on the way home. Most of all, you just feel blah.

If any of this sounds familiar, you are so far from being alone. Mood swings, especially during the time before your period or during perimenopause, are extremely common. So common, in fact, that the syndrome known as Premenstrual Syndrome has become a verb, and whenever one of my friends who is going through perimenopause starts to talk about something weird shes experienced with her moods, every other woman in the group nods along emphatically.

Keeping A Symptom Diary

Before an appointment, it may help to track mood swings in a diary. This can help doctors understand if the mood swings might be related to the menstrual cycle, or other factors.

Record when the mood swings happen, how long they last, and any other important details, such as stressful events or lack of sleep. Then, track the days when menstruation happens. Continue doing this over several months. People can do this in a notebook or period tracking app.

If mood swings happen more frequently in the fortnight before a period, it may indicate a premenstrual condition such as PMS or PMDD.

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Why Does Perimenopause Rage Happen

Your perimenopause rage doesnt mean that youre going crazy. You wont feel this way forever. Theres a chemical reason for what youre experiencing.

Estrogen affects the production of serotonin. Serotonin is a mood regulator and happiness booster. When your body produces less estrogen, your emotions may feel off-balance. Your emotions should stabilize after your body adjusts to the decrease in estrogen.

You may find that your feelings of rage are touch and go. It may be more prominent for a week or two, then disappear for the next month or so. This is because your estrogen levels are declining over time. Your estrogen-serotonin balance will be thrown off with each period of decline.

Does Pms Change With Age

Dealing With Womens Mood Swings

Yes. PMS symptoms may get worse as you reach your late 30s or 40s and approach menopause and are in the transition to menopause, called perimenopause.11

This is especially true for women whose moods are sensitive to changing hormone levels during the menstrual cycle. In the years leading up to menopause, your hormone levels also go up and down in an unpredictable way as your body slowly transitions to menopause. You may get the same mood changes, or they may get worse.

PMS stops after menopause when you no longer get a period.

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What Causes Menopausal Mood Swings

Studies suggest that menopausal mood swings are caused by fluctuating hormone levels.

Menopause involves three stages. The first stage is the perimenopause stage, and it is referred to as the menopausal transition.

Typically, perimenopause occurs at age 45, but it can happen earlier. During perimenopause, you might experience symptoms such as mood swings, hot flashes, headaches, insomnia, depression, anxiety, irregular periods, and low libido.

All these symptoms are caused by changes in the levels of estrogen and progesterone. During the menopausal transition, the reproductive hormone levels drop because your ovaries are producing less of these hormones.

The second stage is called the menopause stage, and this is when women have stopped having their period for a full year. At this stage, the ovaries no longer release eggs and vastly decrease the production of reproductive hormones.

During the postmenopausal stage, which comes after menopause, the hormone levels stabilize at a lower level. Youll start to experience fewer menopausal symptoms until they eventually stop manifesting completely.

How To Stop Mood Swings

Mood swings can be controlled and even stopped in many ways. It depends on what works best for a person. However, the study we conducted has shown that the following five strategies work great if one desires to prevent mood swings-


Working out the body produces endorphins. These are the hormones that can help improve your mood. It can also help in controlling stress. Proper exercises are likely to show positive physical changes they can also make a person happy if they are mentally low because of their weight.

You can contact your local fitness experts who know best about exercises. They can give you tips on what exercise to do. There are some workouts that not only put impact physically but can also help you relax mentally.

Working out the body sometimes does not show results at the beginning, which could also cause a person to break down and feel low. But stay motivated! Consistency in exercises will help in gaining confidence, feeling happier, and fit both mentally and physically.

Yoga is an ancient form of exercise and has always proven to be a mind booster and mood lifter. It also helps in both losing or gaining weight, depending on the movements being done during it. According to studies, yoga is like a therapy that can help reduce depression and stress. As we already know that stress causes mood swings, yoga is a strong suggestion for you.

Healthier Diet

Therapy- Visiting a Medical Professional

Better Sleep Cycle

Maintenance of a Schedule

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I Have A Hard Time Concentrating And Im Forgetful Is This A Normal Part Of Menopause

Unfortunately, difficulty with concentration and minor memory problems can often be a normal part of perimenopause, the time leading up to menopause . The good news is that it is likely to be temporary.

Current medical knowledge is limited as to why memory changes occur with perimenopause, and there are currently no treatments available to relieve these symptoms. If you are having memory problems, discuss this with your doctor. They can help manage memory problems or refer you to a provider who can.

Tips For Balancing Hormones And Stabilizing Mood

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When were talking about balancing hormones, especially when it comes to mood swings that show up during our premenstrual phase or during perimenopause, one of the most important things to do is limit our intake of anything that is likely to contribute to fluctuations.

This includes limiting intake of alcohol , caffeine , sugar , and white flour. Limiting excess salt, artificial sweeteners, and additives is also very helpful.

Focus instead on whole, balancing, anti-inflammatory foods. Intake of healthy, omega-3 fats is helpful, as well as foods that contain B6 , magnesium , or zinc .

Try to eat regular meals in order to keep your blood sugar stable. Make sure to also drink lots of water.

Supplementing certain nutrients including vitamins B6 and B12, magnesium, zinc, and calcium might help. Its always best to talk with your practitioner before introducing any new supplements.

Regular exercise is one of the most helpful things you can do for mood swings find a form of exercise that you love, and schedule it into your routine for a regular, stabilizing boost of feel-good chemicals.

Make sure to get good quality sleep, and find ways to unwind, manage stress, and take care of yourself, whether its yoga, meditation, a bubble bath, or my favorite just saying no when youre overburdened.

Reviewed by Dr. Mark Menolascino, MD

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Exercise Right For You

That buzz you get after killing it in the gym is actually a release of natural endorphins, which is great for your mood and can be a great form of stress release in the right amounts.

However, overdoing it by training too hard or too often can actually have the opposite effect, triggering a fight or flight response in the body and increasing the production of stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol.

This isnt to say exercise is bad, or that you shouldnt do it. Just to ensure you are exercising in a way that is beneficial to your mind and body. Low intensity, restorative exercises such as yoga, pilates and walking outside can be hugely beneficial in reducing stress levels and supporting hormone balance and mood.

What Are The Symptoms Of Pmdd

Symptoms of PMDD appear during the week before menstruation and end within a few days after your period starts. These symptoms disrupt daily living tasks. Symptoms of PMDD are so severe that women have trouble functioning at home, at work, and in relationships during this time. This is markedly different than other times during the month.

The following are the most common symptoms of PMDD:

Psychological symptoms

  • Swelling of the ankles, hands, and feet
  • Periodic weight gain
  • Aggravation of other skin disorders, including cold sores

Neurologic and vascular symptoms

  • Numbness, prickling, tingling, or heightened sensitivity of arms and/or legs

The symptoms of PMDD may look like other conditions or medical problems, such as a thyroid condition, depression, or an anxiety disorder. Always talk with a healthcare provider for a diagnosis.

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How Do I Know If My Mood Swings Are Extreme

Normal mood swings associated with hormonal imbalance are generally short-lived. Brief moods of sadness or feeling depressed are perfectly normal during menopause. However, long bouts of depression and helplessness could be a sign of clinical depression, which is more likely an imbalance of chemicals in the brain as opposed to declining estrogen levels.

Filling Your Week With Stress

Ask Indigomoon

If you know your mood is likely to dip in the few days before your period and your cycle is fairly regular, try to plan for it by working with your PMS. Fill your premenstrual week with stress-busting activities, such as an exercise class, a massage, or a weekend of downtime, and surround yourself with things that make you feel great. That might be wearing your favorite PJs or booking a table at that restaurant youve been dying to try.

Also take into account the hardest days of the month, and if you have flexibility in your schedule, try to avoid any big work projects or stressful trips around the times youre likely to be a little more vulnerable.

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Pms Remedy: Hormone Treatments

Birth control pills prevent ovulation by regulating hormones. This usually leads to lighter periods and may reduce the symptoms of PMS. Other hormonal treatments may include GnRH agonists lupron or nafarelin, or synthetic steroids such as danazol. You may need to try more than one type before you find one that gives you relief.

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