Saturday, July 27, 2024

How To Get Put On Testosterone

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How To Raise Testosterone Naturally

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A Quick Primer On How Testosterone Is Produced

Before diving into the nitty-gritty, it is important to understand how testosterone is produced in the first place.

T production is a highly complex process, but Ill go over a simplified version below to help you understand the main points.

Step 1 – The process begins in the brain when the hypothalamus, a region of the forebrain, releases GnRH .

Step 2 – GnRH enters the pituitary gland, at the brains base, and stimulates LH and FSH production.

Step 3 – Upon secretion, LH and FSH make their way towards the testes.

Step 4 – In the testes, LH and FSH enter the testicular Leydig cells.

Step 5 – LH triggers the enzymes that shape cholesterol molecules into testosterone, and FSH facilitates the production of sperm.

Each of these steps involves a series of hormonal interactions, which, in turn, require a variety of nutrients to complete. A lot of these necessary nutrients can only be acquired through your diet.

Key Takeaway

The nutrients your body needs to produce testosterone are acquired through the foods you eat.

Is It Hard To Get A Testosterone Prescription

The procedure of getting a testosterone prescription is fairly simple. You will need to go through a medical examination at any clinic and complete a questionnaire on your previous medical history. This form is normally provided by the doctor who will diagnose you. You will also be asked to provide a blood sample, so that the doctor can get it tested in a lab of their choice to see what your natural level of hormone is. If you do have testosterone insufficiency, you can easily get a prescription. If you dont meet these testosterone prescription requirements and your T level is normal, the doctor cannot prescribe you the treatment.

You should keep in mind though that not all regular physicians are willing to prescribe testosterone injections even if the test shows your T level is too low. Some primary care physicians are just not comfortable with this kind of therapy or not familiar with it, so it may be hard to get a prescription from them. That is why, if you feel you may have testosterone insufficiency, it is better to consult a doctor who is familiar with the treatment and knows what dosage to prescribe.

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Stop Eating Junk Food

The best way to help your body produce the additional testosterone youre after is to support it by way of a healthy diet. Slamming down burgers and fries wont do anything except clog your arteries, starve you of essential nutrients, and weigh you down with more carbs than you could possibly use.

Instead of stopping off at the burger joint on the way home from the gym, stop somewhere that has a good salad bar or where you can get a nice lean steak. Stock your refrigerator with fresh fruit and veggies and more lean meat like boneless chicken breast. Replace your sugary drinks with spring water, and if youre drinking that premixed 3-1 instant coffee, ditch it and get a coffee maker, a grinder, some whole milk, and cut back on the sugar you use to sweeten it.

What Side Effects May I Notice From Receiving This Medicine

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Side effects that you should report to your doctor or health care professional as soon as possible:

  • allergic reactions like skin rash, itching or hives, swelling of the face, lips, or tongue
  • breast enlargement
  • too frequent or persistent erections
  • trouble passing urine or change in the amount of urine
  • unusually weak or tired
  • yellowing of the eyes or skin

Side effects that usually do not require medical attention :

  • acne
  • change in sex drive or performance
  • hair loss
  • headache

This list may not describe all possible side effects. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

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Whats It Like To Start Taking Testosterone At Age 15

There are things Isaac loves about being on testosterone.

Its a super fun drug in some ways, says Isaac, who is now 20 years old.

Isaac was among the first wave of kids in the U.S. to medically transition from one gender to another. In middle school, he cut his hair and started dressing in boys clothes. By 15, he was taking testosterone.

Without doing anything, you just grow like more muscle. It gives you this sort of deep booming voice, and all this extra hair you can play with, he tells FRONTLINE. It is really exciting because its this form that I wanted, and now I have it and I can play with it.

But there are downsides, too and Isaac discusses them candidly in Isaacs Story, the third in a series of Facebook first mini-documentaries released ahead of the new FRONTLINE film, Growing Up Trans.

For Isaac, one unexpected complication not being able to cry.

If I feel something now that at one point would make me very sad, it almost like translates into anger, explains Isaac. And maybe some of that is because its really frustrating not to be able to cry, but, its very, very, very clear the emotional effect that testosterone has.

Cross-sex hormones like estrogen and testosterone used to be given only to adults. But treatment guidelines, established in 2009, now include children though they do not recommend starting before age 16. Unlike puberty blockers, which are reversible, many of the physical effects of cross-sex hormones are permanent.


No Time Or Just Getting Started How To Start A Home Fitness Routine

One problem that many people encounter is that they dont have time to go to the gym.

People who say things like, Everybody has time to go to the gym, may have no job, kids, or commitments of any sort whatsoever.

Theyre wrong, but even without a gym, you can still put an exercise program into place at home.

A small patch of carpet and 30 minutes per day is enough to get started.

In fact, a great rule for how to get fit fast is this: follow the 3 miles or 30 minutes rule.

Its pretty straight forward: either walk, run, jog, bike, or hike for 3 miles or 30 minutes each day. If youre starting from zero, getting into the routine is the most important step in the beginning.

Doing some sort of physical activity daily is a must when it comes to getting into shape. The kind of workout you do can change as your fitness level increases and you can focus on more ambitious goals, like increasing testosterone levels and muscle mass.

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Does Taking Testosterone Make You Gain Weight

Its a common misconception that men arent as concerned with their appearance as women are. But although men are less likely to disclose how they feel about themselves, body image is certainly interlinked with self-esteem.

For men, this may be in relation to their height, whether they have a full head of hair, or indeed, their weight.

Considering that having a healthy body image is as important for men as it is for any other person, what happens if you find that youre gaining weight? Or, maybe you dont wish to do anything that youve heard may alter your weight drastically, such as taking testosterone?

How Is Testosterone Treatment Given

How to Live on Testosterone for the Rest of Your Life

In the NHS, Testosterone is usually given as a gel, which you rub into your skin. It comes as a gel in a small sachet and you only need to rub a pea- size amount of this gel into your skin. One 50mg sachet should last around 10 days. It should be rubbed onto your lower abdomen or your thighs. In the UK testosterone is not currently licensed for use by women, so it said to be prescribed off licence. Your prescriber will explain this to you. Testosterone may be given to some women as an implant, but in the UK, these are not easily available.

Privately, you may be given a type of testosterone which is not generally available on the NHS but is licenced in Australia for women. This is called AndroFeme 1. This comes with a measure and is used daily. It is only available on special order and a private prescription.

Usually, you will also be recommended HRT alongside testosterone as well as vaginal oestrogen if needed to treat vaginal dryness.

It can sometimes take a few months for the full effects of testosterone to work a 3-6 month trial is often recommended.

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How To Get A Doctor To Prescribe Testosterone

Testosterone replacement therapy, just like many other procedures that are undertaken in order to correct a certain medical condition. While it is important in many ways, it has been under fire by a lot of individuals. A lot of people are skeptical about it, which includes medical practitioners.

Before most doctors prescribe testosterone replacement therapy to you as a long term solution to your low testosterone levels, they always opt for gels or injectable pellets that are small as a rice grain. Doctors tend not to be quick to start a patient on testosterone replacement therapy because they are always in constant denial that they might be faking it to get testosterone injection that has been used over time for muscle building. They will always opt do several tests on you, which in most cases are not cheap and health insurance does not cover testosterone deficiency.

How To Fix Low Testosterone

Now we know the process by which we produce testosterone is complex. And there are a lot of ways things can go wrong. Causing our T levels to drop.

So fixing low testosterone is a little more complex than just hormone replacement therapy . Or trying to go natural with some supplement.

The first step is getting your levels checked. Ask your doctor to order the tests. Or find a lab that will do them for you. There are several reputable online blood testing labs that will do your labs for a reasonable price. .

There is no shortcut to easily boosting your testosterone. No matter what some websites and companies tell you. Increasing your testosterone comes down to making some changes. Including your diet, exercise and supplements.

And these are lifestyle changes. Once you reach your optimal testosterone levels, and are feeling good you keep on doing it.

But the good news is that while the suggestions here will not only help boost your T-levels. Youll also increase your overall health and well-being at the same time. The ultimate anti-aging regimen.

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What Is This Medicine

TESTOSTERONE is the main male hormone. It supports normal male traits such as muscle growth, facial hair, and deep voice. This gel is used in males to treat low testosterone levels.

This medicine may be used for other purposes ask your health care provider or pharmacist if you have questions.

COMMON BRAND NAME: AndroGel, FORTESTA, Testim, Vogelxo

Get Your Stress In Check

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When it comes to hormonal health, efforts to reduce your stress to manageable levels work in tandem with your exercise goals.

Exercise, to a point, helps reduce stress. Reduced stress, in turn, reduces some negative effects on testosterone and other hormones.

Too much exercise can increase stress, which can, in turn, reduce the effectiveness of your exercise routine.

To combat stress, get back to things you enjoy carve out time to focus on those things that energize you. If you add a few stress-reducing activities into your schedule on top of an exercise routine, you might start to feel better more quickly .

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Are There Side Effects

If you use the recommended dose ie a small amount over a week or more, side effects are very few.

Rotate the area of skin you apply it to and do not use more than suggested. Higher doses may lead to unwanted effects such as acne and occasional hair growth.

There is a lack of long term data in using testosterone in women, but data up to five years shows no adverse effect in healthy women after menopause.

The Ultimate Testosterone Diet

If youre serious about naturally increasing your testosterone, you NEED to focus on your diet.


If you dont eat right, nothing else you do for increasing T-levels will matter.

This is The Testosterone Diet and its your complete guide on how to eat in a way that supports optimal T-levels for years to come.

Lets do this.

p.s. Use this guide in combination with the grocery list pdf

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How Exercise Can Boost Testosterone

Before we get started, its important to note that any increases in testosterone due to exercise are always temporary, usually only lasting a little while after activity levels fall.

However, you may find that these specific types of exercise help with your symptoms. In fact, the act of exercising itself may also help with some of the symptoms of low testosterone, like mild depression and insomnia.

How Do I Use Testosterone

How To Boost Testosterone Naturally For Men (8 WAYS I DOUBLED MINE) | LiveLeanTV

Testosterone gels and patches are generally fairly easy to apply, and the medicine will come with clear instructions. For testosterone injections, usually you will be able to get a doctor or a nurse to perform the injection for you.

If you need to administer your testosterone injection yourself, Brighton Health and Wellbeing Centre have video guides on how to do this:

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Exercise And Low Testosterone The Connection

You have probably already heard that testosterone, exercise , and lean muscle production are inherently connected.

For decades, the media has told us that testosterone boosts muscle growth thats true. However, the relationship isnt just cause and effect.

In fact, theres a cycle that occurs. Testosterone boosts lean muscle production thats stimulated by exercise, but the opposite is also true exercise stimulates the body to produce more testosterone. The resulting increases in lean muscle mass in turn increase capacity for more exercise and even greater testosterone production.

The testosterone-exercise dynamic is a self-perpetuating cycle, and both high-intensity endurance training and resistance training have immediate and significant impacts on your testosterone.

Slightly increasing your own testosterone naturally is one of the main benefits of beginning a weightlifting regimen and sticking to it.

Lets talk a little about the role testosterone performs in the body before we jump into the specifics of testosterone and exercise.

How Energy Balance Affects Testosterone

Energy balance is the relationship between the number of calories you eat and the number of calories you burn:

Energy Balance = Calories Consumed – Calories Burnt

Energy balance determines fluctuations in your body weight.

Being in a state of negative energy balance means eating fewer calories than you burn, which results in weight loss.

Being in a positive energy balance means eating more calories than you burn, which results in weight gain.

The relationship between energy balance and testosterone is better explained through the lens of how body fat affects testosterone levels.

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Understand How A Hone Consultation Works

How does a typical Hone consultation go? First: Have your I.D. card on you. We always check I.D., ensuring we have the right patient.

Next, we review your patient intake and talk with you to develop a firm understanding of your medical history. Afterward, we share our computer screen to review your blood work with you. That includes these biomarkers measured by Hones at-home hormone testing kit:

  • Free testosterone

  • Sex Hormone Binding Globulin

  • Albumin

  • Alanine Aminotransferase

  • Aspartate Transaminase

I give the patient a little background, explain what each number means for them and how those are affecting their body. This also gives you an opportunity to ask questions and understand theres not just one number were looking at. Theres more to it than the hormonal symphony.

I believe that Hones telemedicine platform has made doctor-patient consultations easier and more effective. Theres this bit of a barrier between you and the doctor. Youre not right in front of someone physically. Youre in the comfort of your house, some people do it in their car or some do it on their lunch break while working.

Even when I go in to see a doctor, that doctor environment, its usually cold, sterile, everythings a certain way, white walls-type of thing. On a screen, patients are definitely less anxious. When youre more comfortable, youre more honest. Go easy on yourself when discussing your hormones.

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Hormone Therapy For Adults

The aim of hormone therapy is to make you more comfortable with yourself, both in terms of physical appearance and how you feel. The hormones usually need to be taken for the rest of your life, even if you have gender surgery.

It’s important to remember that hormone therapy is only one of the treatments for gender dysphoria. Others include voice therapy and psychological support. The decision to have hormone therapy will be taken after a discussion between you and your clinic team.

In general, people wanting masculinisation usually take testosterone and people after feminisation usually take oestrogen.

Both usually have the additional effect of suppressing the release of “unwanted” hormones from the testes or ovaries.

Whatever hormone therapy is used, it can take several months for hormone therapy to be effective, which can be frustrating.

It’s also important to remember what it cannot change, such as your height or how wide or narrow your shoulders are.

The effectiveness of hormone therapy is also limited by factors unique to the individual that cannot be overcome simply by adjusting the dose.

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