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What Type Of Doctor Treats Female Hormone Imbalance

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They Specialize In Hormone Health

Female Hormone Imbalance – Hormonal Causes, Symptoms & Natural Treatment for Women

Plenty of doctors administer hormone medications, but not all actually specialize in hormones. Thats why your primary care physician or your gynecologist may not be the ideal person to go to if you are interested in HRT; while these doctors are technically qualified to prescribe such medications, they may not have the specialized knowledge of a practitioner who focuses primarily on hormonal health.

Before choosing a doctor, ask which health concerns they deal with on a daily basis. A hormonal health expert primarily treats:

  • Hypogonadism
  • Other disorders of the endocrine system

You want to partner with a doctor who spends the bulk of their time treating patients with similar concerns to yours. That way, theyre more likely to be familiar with your symptoms, understand your treatment options, anticipate your bodys reaction to various medications, and be familiar with the most up-to-date research in the field. We consider this the starting point for a good hormone replacement therapy experience.

Iron Supplements What Kind Of Doctor For Female Hormonal Hair Loss

An inadequacy of iron might result in hair loss in some women.In the case of vegetarianism, anaemia, or heavy menstrual bleeding, your doctor may test your blood iron degrees.

There is a likelihood that taking an iron supplement will certainly quit your loss of hair if you have iron shortage.

The only adverse effects you will certainly encounter if your iron level is normal will certainly be indigestion as well as constipation.

Hormone Problems That Start In The Brain

The hypothalamus is the portion of the brain that lies near the pituitary gland. It helps regulate hormone secretion in various parts of the body, controlling functions like body temperature, mood, hunger, thirst, sleep, fatigue, sex drive, and circadian rhythms. Dysfunction of the hypothalamus may produce many symptoms depending on which hormone systems are affected. Supplementing hormone levels that are low may help relieve symptoms. If the hypothalamus is malfunctioning due to the presence of a tumor, treating the tumor may provide relief.

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Signs You Have A Hormone Imbalance

Achieving balance in life is probably not a new concept to you. Just like balancing your diet and your schedule, your hormones also need to find a balance in order for you to feel your best. Women who are approaching perimenopause or menopause are commonly faced with hormone imbalance. Fortunately, your gynecologist can help, but it may be up to you to recognize the symptoms of hormone imbalance so that you can make the appointment.

Remember that there are many types of hormones in the body, ranging from estrogen, testosterone and progesterone that come from the ovaries as well as thyroid hormones, cortisol, prolactin and more.

Here are some common signs and symptoms of hormone imbalance in women:

  • Irregular or absent periods
  • Thinning hair or facial hair
  • Heart palpitations

At North Pointe OB/GYN Associates, we dont want your health or quality of life to diminish due to out of whack hormones. We can conduct the necessary evaluations and testing to determine which hormones need adjustment. In many cases, we can prescribe hormone replacement therapy , to restore optimal balance. However, some women benefit from a change in lifestyle, including better eating habits, increased activity level and more sleep. If you can identify with the above symptoms, please call us today to schedule your consult. We treat women through all stages of life.;

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Medications: Treating Hot Flashes And Night Sweats With Hormones

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Some women may choose to take hormones to treat their hot flashes. A hormone is a chemical substance made by an organ like the thyroid gland or ovary. During the menopausal transition, the ovaries begin to work less and less well, and the production of hormones like estrogen and progesterone declines over time. It is believed that such changes cause hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms.

Hormone therapy steadies the levels of estrogen and progesterone in the body. It is a very effective treatment for hot flashes in women who are able to use it. There are risks associated with taking hormones, including increased risk of heart attack, stroke, blood clots, breast cancer, gallbladder disease, and dementia. The risks vary by a woman’s age and whether she has had a hysterectomy. Women are encouraged to discuss the risks with their healthcare provider.

Women who still have a uterus should take estrogen combined with progesterone or another therapy to protect the uterus. Progesterone is added to estrogen to protect the uterus against cancer, but it also seems to increase the risk of blood clots and stroke. Hormones should be used at the lowest dose that is effective for the shortest period of time possible.

Some women should not use hormones for their hot flashes. You should not take hormones for menopausal symptoms if:

Talk with your doctor to find out if taking hormones to treat your symptoms is right for you.

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What Are The Treatments For Hormonal Imbalance

Dr. Krol begins by evaluating your health and determining the type and extent of your hormonal balance.

Following an in-depth personal consultation and any necessary testing and bloodwork, Dr. Krol devises an individualized treatment plan that might involve hormone replacement therapy, lifestyle changes , and other effective hormone-balancing solutions.

Appetite And Weight Gain

You may gain weight during hormonal shifts, such as menopause. But hormone changes donât directly affect your weight. Instead, it likely happens because of other factors, like aging or lifestyle. For example, when youâre feeling blue or irritated, as you can be when your estrogen levels drop, you may want to eat more. It can also impact your bodyâs levels of leptin, a hunger-revving hormone.

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Problems With The Master Gland

The pituitary gland is a small structure located at the base of the brain. It is known as the “master gland” because it produces several hormones that affect many bodily processes and other endocrine glands. Hormones produced by the pituitary gland include prolactin, growth hormone , thyroid-stimulating hormone , luteinizing hormone , adenocorticotropin , and follicle-stimulating hormone . The pituitary gland also releases antidiuretic hormone and oxytocin. A pituitary gland tumor is the most common kind of pituitary disorder. They are usually benign . Sometimes these tumors secrete more or less of hormones made by the pituitary gland. Other tumors don’t secrete anything. Some pituitary tumors produce symptoms because they grow large enough to affect the functioning of the pituitary gland or surrounding brain structures.

They Provide Plenty Of Individualized Attention

How to Balance Your Hormones for Women | 6 Natural Remedies for Hormone Imbalance

One of the greatest benefits of seeking top-of-the-line medical care is individual attention. Ask your potential hormone doctor how much time they typically spend with a patient during consultation and follow-up appointments. Then, consider if thats enough time to truly understand your medical background, symptoms, concerns, and questions.

Youre an individual with unique needs that deserves personalized solutions. Understanding those needs, evaluating your treatment options, and monitoring your progress are all essential components of caring for your healthand they take time. By prioritizing doctors who offer plenty of time and individualized attention, youre making sure that your concerns will be heard.

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Reasons To See An Endocrinologist

Typically, youâll see an endocrinologist in an outpatient setting after being referred by your primary care doctor. However, an endocrinologist could be called in to consult during an inpatient visit if there are concerns about an underlying hormone-related disorder.

Patients see endocrinologists for reasons ranging from diabetes management to problems with their thyroid, certain types of cancer, adrenal disorders, and more. Your doctor will likely refer you when there are concerns about:

Difficulty Managing Diabetes with Standard Treatments

Individuals with diabetes typically see a primary care doctor regularly and may take medication to help keep their blood sugar levels stable. However, if standard treatment doesnât get your blood sugar levels under control, your primary care doctor may refer you to an endocrinologist. An endocrinologist will look for additional strategies to help control your diabetes.

Thyroid Disorder

Thyroid disorders can involve too much or too little of different types of hormones produced in the thyroid. You may be referred to an endocrinologist when a thyroid disorder is first diagnosed to review your condition and create a treatment plan. If there are no other complicating factors, youâll complete follow-up care with your primary care doctor.


Hormone Imbalance Doctor In Midtown Manhattan Nyc

ReBalance of Radiance Aesthetics & Wellness is a wellness and holistic health center in NYC. We offer a natural & individualized management approach to balance your hormones. Below youll learn what type of hormonal imbalance your specific symptoms might be pointing to, what the root causes of your hormonal problem are. Best rated hormone specialist in NYC Dr Fazylova can help you treat the hormone imbalance without experiencing the negative side effects associated with synthetic hormonal imbalance treatments. Come see our integrative medicine center and meet Dr. Fazylova, hormone doctor in Midtown Manhattan to balance your adrenal and thyroid glands.

Integrative Health and Wellbeing at ReBalance of Radiance Aesthetics & Wellness provides a comprehensive mechanism to balance your hormones. Dr. Fazylova among few specialists, top hormone doctors to offer an integrative, holistic health, wellness approach and natural & individualized treatment for a wide variety of symptoms and conditions, including hormonal imbalances, chronic fatigue, sexual dysfunction and weight loss. Integrative health and medicine offer best practices for optimal health and healing. Discover a healing power of the best specialist for hormonal imbalance in NYC Dr. Fazylova who is using a comprehensive, full body treatment approach.

Dr. Fazylova is an internationally recognized female hormone specialist in New York and an author of a book Health and Wellness for Busy Women.

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Symptoms Of Hormonal Imbalance

Hormonal imbalance can cause a litany of side effects in the body. These include:

  • Deeper voice
  • Sensitivity to heat or cold
  • Blood sugar concentration changes
  • Brittle bones
  • Blood pressure changes

Clearly, there are many symptoms associated with hormonal imbalance. This is because hormones affect many different glands and organs.

The Best Hormone Replacement Therapy Doctors Have 5 Things In Common

Hormonal Imbalance: Symptoms, Causes And Cures

Over the past several decades, hormone replacement therapy has become commonplace. The growing popularity of this innovative treatment is driven by a host of factorsthe increase in mass media advertising, the discussion of HRT on social media platforms, growing accessibilitybut the end result is that ever-increasing numbers of individuals are relying on HRT to mitigate the effects of hormonal change. Among men alone, testosterone replacement therapy prescriptions quadrupled between 2003 and 2013.

But despite the prevalence of HRT, you may not know where to look for the best quality treatment. How do you pick a practitioner who will help you get optimal results? How do you know who to trust?

Hormone medications may be easy to prescribe and simple to administer, but theyre also incredibly complex to get right. Finding the perfect hormone balance for each individual can be difficultand failing to find it can leave you with untreated symptoms or disruptive side effects that compromise your quality of life. Thats why its essential to seek out the best hormone replacement therapy doctors near you before starting treatment. By connecting with the right practitioner, you can ensure the greatest chance of success and experience the full benefits of HRT.

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Causes Of Endocrine Disorders

Endocrine disorders are typically grouped into two categories:

  • Endocrine disease that results when a gland produces too much or too little of an endocrine hormone, called a hormone imbalance.
  • Endocrine disease due to the development of lesions in the endocrine system, which may or may not affect hormone levels.

The endocrine’s feedback system helps control the balance of hormones in the bloodstream. If your body has too much or too little of a certain hormone, the feedback system signals the proper gland or glands to correct the problem. A hormone imbalance may occur if this feedback system has trouble keeping the right level of hormones in the bloodstream, or if your body doesn’t clear them out of the bloodstream properly.

Increased or decreased levels of endocrine hormone may be caused by:

  • A problem with the endocrine feedback system
  • Disease
  • Failure of a gland to stimulate another gland to release hormones
  • A genetic disorder, such as multiple endocrine neoplasia or congenital hypothyroidism
  • Infection

What Is Relaxation Breathing

Deep breathing, relaxation breathing, and paced respiration all refer to a method used to reduce stress. It involves breathing in deeply and breathing out at an even pace. Do this for several minutes while in a comfortable position. You should slowly breathe in through your nose. With a hand on your stomach right below your ribs, you should first feel your stomach push your hand out, and then your chest should fill. Slowly exhale through your mouth, first letting your lungs empty and then feeling your stomach sink back. You can do this almost anywhere and several times during the day, whenever you feel stressed. You can also try this if you feel a hot flash beginning or if you need to relax before falling asleep.

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Other Symptoms Of Hormone Imbalance

The hormone imbalances listed above are just the most common imbalances for men and women. There are countless other hormone imbalances which may be caused by poor diet, exercise, obesity, or simply genetics. If you suffer from the symptoms listed below, then you may have some type of hormone imbalance:

Sweating: Hot flashes, night sweats, and high internal temperatures, for example.

Digestion Problems: Gassiness, bloating, and slow digestion are all common hormone problems.

Cravings: Constantly craving certain foods or activities could be a sign of a hormone imbalance.

Insomnia and Poor Sleep Patterns: Physical stress often leads to cortisol imbalances, which can lead to sleep problems.

Anxiety, Irritability, and Depression: Getting angry over little problems? It could be a hormone imbalance.

Fatigue: Do you constantly feel tired or sluggish mentally and physically?

Low Libido: A low sex drive for both men and women could be a sign of hormone imbalance.

Loss of Muscle Mass and Weight Gain: If you havent changed your diet or exercise habits, but have found yourself gaining weight and losing muscle, it could be a hormone problem.

Once again, a doctor can perform tests to check different levels of hormones within your body. In some cases, the above symptoms are unrelated to hormones, and you may be suffering from other health problems. Talk to a doctor to make sure.

What A Female Hormone Specialist Can Do For You

Female Hormonal Imbalance: Natural Treatment Model

You may discover that your practitioner just isnt a good fit for guiding you through your unique situation. She/he may lack the time, interest or specific knowledge necessary to unearth the best solutions for you.

Many practitioners focus solely on estrogen levels when looking at menopause symptoms. But changes in both progesterone and testosterone can play a role, and when there are atypical ratios between all of your sex hormones, symptoms also result. Not only that, but there are connections between insulin levels, thyroid function, and adrenal health and sex hormones. Clearly, its not as simple as examining estrogen levels.

Often, imbalances in your sex hormones estrogen, progesterone and testosterone are connected to dysfunction in your adrenal glands. If your adrenal glands are responding to constant stress by hoarding cholesterol to make cortisol, they will lag behind in the production of sex hormones. Though the ovaries produce a significant portion of these sex hormones, when you enter perimenopause and menopause its time for the adrenals to take on a larger supporting role. In menopause, your adrenals are responsible for making 30 plus% of the sex hormones needed to keep you balanced.

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Increased Risk Of Sleep Apnea

The risk of obstructive sleep apnea increases in women during and after menopause. Obstructive sleep apnea is a serious condition that causes people to stop breathing repeatedly during sleep. OSA occurs when muscles in the throat relax and block the airway during sleep. People who have this type of sleep apnea often snore. Researchers who performed one study found that perimenopausal and postmenopausal women who had lower estrogen levels were more likely to suffer from obstructive sleep apnea than women who had higher estrogen levels. More studies are needed, but women who feel tired or who have unrefreshing sleep should see their doctors to assess hormone levels and discuss risk factors and testing for sleep apnea.

Hormone Balance And Tummy Trouble

Cells lining the gastrointestinal tract have receptors for both estrogen and progesterone. Levels of these hormones change throughout the course of a woman’s monthly menstrual cycle. When they do, they impact the function of the gastrointestinal system. Women often experience abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, and nausea before or during their periods. These symptoms can also occur with many other conditions. If a woman experiences them along with mood changes and fatigue before or during her period, it may be more likely that the GI disturbances are occurring due to monthly hormonal fluctuations.

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Hormone Imbalance: What Are The Symptoms And Treatments

When youre browsing social media or watching TV, you may have come across ads telling you to ask your doctor to check your hormones as the first step toward diagnosing and relieving a troublesome set of symptoms. Its true that hormone imbalances can be associated with many problems, such as period problems, unwanted hair growth, fertility struggles, weight gain, and even difficulty sleeping. You should absolutely talk to your doctor about these things. But you may be surprised when your doctor tells you that they cant just give you a hormone check.

A hormone check sounds simpleafter all, we check cholesterol to get a handle on our heart health. However, your doctor cant just give you a hormone test because a single test to check all your hormones doesnt exist.

So if there isnt a simple hormone test, how does your doctor discover hormone imbalances? And how can you learn what could be causing your symptoms?

Lets look at problems caused by hormone imbalances and how your doctor could potentially determine which hormones may be responsible for your symptoms.

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