Saturday, September 7, 2024

How To Fix Hormonal Weight Gain

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How To Lower Your Cortisol Levels

Hormonal Weight Gain Causes (and How to Lose It!)

The best way to lower your cortisol levels, move past your plateau and avoid further weight gain, is to lower your stress levels.

If you can learn how to control your stress, it can help you on your weight loss journey. Here are some tips and suggestions of things you can do to stop stress:

  • Yoga
  • Take time to do the things you enjoy
  • Spend time with animals/pets

Your Low Testosterone Levels Are Slowing Down Your Metabolism

You are confronted with an astounding number of toxins each day, including pesticides, herbicides, genetically modified foods, and about six different synthetic hormones in meat. Toxins are lurking in face creams, prescription drugs, processed foods, your lipstick, the linings of tuna fish cans, the fire-retardant materials in couches, and even the air you breathe. The list goes on.

Many types of these toxins, such as pesticides, plastics, and industrial chemicals, behave like estrogen when absorbed in the body. Experts believe that our increasing exposure to toxins helps explain why so many girls are entering puberty earlier and why many boys exhibit feminine characteristics such as developing breasts. Xeno-estrogens, as these particular toxins are called, have been associated with an elevated risk of estrogen-driven diseases like breast and ovarian cancers and endometriosis.

All this fake estrogen overwhelms your body’s testosteronewhich is vital for hormone balanceand contributes to estrogen overload. Testosterone contributes to muscle growth, which in turn supports metabolism. And, as we already know, estrogen overload raises insulin insensitivity. The combination adds pounds to your frame: A study from Sweden published in the journal Chemosphere showed that exposure to a particular type of pesticide called organochloride was linked to a weight gain of 9½ pounds over 50 years.

What Causes Sex Hormone Imbalances

Proper hormone balance is essential in order to lose weight. Any hormone imbalances can impact your ability to lose and maintain your weight.

more:How To Lose Weight Fast With 3 Scientifically Proven Steps

Common causes of these imbalances are lifestyle and diet. For example, whether you are a man or a woman, if you consume too much sugar or alcohol, that will spike your estrogen levels.

Taking too many antibiotics can also cause hormone imbalances. Environmental toxins can cause imbalances too, and so can a lack of exercise.

Read Also: How Does Testosterone Affect Males

The Bottom Line: You Have To To Address Your Hormone Imbalances

Now you know the “whys” of your broken metabolism, these are reasons regular diets don’t address the root cause of your weight gain. Hormones dictate what your body does with food. Talk to a doctor about fixing your hormones, and your body will slim down without any extra effort from you.

From the book The Hormone Reset Diet: Balance Your Hormones and Lose Up to 15 Pounds in Just 3 Weeks!

Obvious Signs Of Hormonal Weight Gain And How To Fix It

7 Obvious Signs of Hormonal Weight Gain and How to Fix it ...

Weight Loss2

If you suspect that your hormones are making you gain weight, this article will show you signs of hormonal weight gain and how to fix it.

Hormones have a bigger impact on your body than you may realize. Unbalanced hormones can ruin your mood, cause fatigue, lower your libido, and trigger weight gain.

Dont be too quick to blame your hormones if the scale isnt budging. Most people fail to lose weight due to overeating. According to research, many dieters underestimate their calorie intake, which leads to weight gain.

However, hormonal imbalance can hinder weight loss, especially in women. Women experience more hormonal changes than men due to periods and menopause.

Men also struggle with hormonal weight gain due to poor nutrition, lack of sleep, excessive drinking, lack of muscle, and genetics.

Read on to discover the common signs of hormonal weight gain you should look out for. And then I will show you how to fix these imbalances.

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Being Tired All The Time

Hormonal imbalances like high cortisol, low testosterone, and hypothyroidism can make you feel tired all the time.

Its normal to feel tired after a long day but if you wake up tired, your hormones could be unbalanced. However, tiredness can be a sign of many other health issues. Instead of guessing, see a doctor and find out what the problem might be.

Focus On Diet Quality

Overall, diets that are high in a variety of whole foods that are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, and phytochemicals promote healthy hormone levels.

Hormones such as insulin, cortisol and sex hormones can be negatively affected by a lower-quality diet, such as one that has lots of refined carbohydrates along with hydrogenated and saturated fats from fried foods, fatty meats and highly processed foods.

To reduce elevated insulin levels, eating better-quality carbohydrate sources and less carbohydrates overall may help.

Higher-quality carbohydrates tend to be lower on the glycemic index, minimally processed and higher in fiber. Examples include whole grains such as 100 percent stone-ground whole wheat, rolled or steel-cut oats and barley, pulses such as lentils and chickpeas, sweet potatoes, and berries.

There is also some evidence that low-carb diets can help lower elevated insulin levels.

Eating too much or not enough is also not desirable from a hormone perspective: Overeating can cause insulin levels to rise, while undereating or chronic dieting negatively affects levels of cortisol and sex hormones.

Also Check: What Are The Side Effects Of Taking Testosterone Shots

Natural Remedies And Supplements

There are many nutritional supplements on the market that claim to treat menopause and hormone imbalance. However, few of them are backed up by scientific evidence.

Many of these supplements contain plant-derived hormones. These are sometimes called bioidentical hormones because they chemically resemble the bodys natural hormones. Theres no evidence to suggest that they work better than regular hormone therapy, though.

Some people find that yoga helps treat symptoms of hormonal imbalance. Yoga is excellent for your strength, flexibility, and balance. It may also aid in weight loss, which can help regulate your hormones.

You can also make the following lifestyle changes:

  • Lose weight. A

The primary cause of acne is excess oil production, which leads to clogged pores. Acne is most common in areas with many oil glands, including the:

Acne is often associated with pubescent hormonal changes, but theres actually a lifelong relationship between acne and hormones.

Top 10 Way To Prevent & Reverse Menopause Weight Gain

How I FIXED My Hormonal ACNE – Dealing with an IUD and Weight Gain

1. Try Hormone Replacement Therapy

Menopausal weight gain and the inability to lose weight are based on a litany of factors. The decrease in estrogen and progesterone during menopause are the primary factors. The calories in vs. the calories out arent just the whole story for menopausal women. Yes, calories matter, but in menopause and perimenopause, hormones matter more. Taking HRT can have powerful effects on preventing weight gain. A thorough review of the hormones and how HRT can help normalize the levels are presented in the next section.

2. Stop the Fatigue Due to Night Sweats

Night sweats associated with perimenopause and menopause can create an endless cycle of fatigue. People eat more when they are tired.3 Without enough sleep, people snack more and consume more calories. When they are sleep deprived, womens levels of appetite hormones increase .7;

Very few people function well on less than 7 hours of sleep. Sleeping 7 to 8.5 hours every night is critical to reducing stress. If sleep is regularly disrupted, the stress hormone cortisol increases, and weight gain ensues. HRT has been shown to reduce night sweats more effectively than any other treatment, allowing for restful sleep, decreased anxiety, and weight loss.3 A fan, cooling pillow, or white noise machine are all great options to improve sleep.

3. Regain Lean Muscle Mass

4. Switch the Workouts

5. Permit Mood & Anxiety Changes

6. Tune In to Taste Expectations

7. Move More

8. Regulate Metabolic Changes

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Reduce Exposure To Hormone Disruptors

Toxins are one of the most common reasons why hormonal weight gain occurs.

You see, toxins cause inflammation, which basically throws your body into a state of confusion.

The most common source of toxins is the food we eat.

Food toxins that contribute to hormonal weight include:

  • Processed and genetically modified fats
  • Processed sugar
  • Dyes
  • Processed meats

So, if you want to lose weight fast and reverse hormone-related weight gain, reduce your consumption of these foods and ingredients.

This single step will make a tremendous difference in your bodys ability to shed excess pounds.

Understand How Insulin Impacts Weight

Insulin is one of the most important hormones when it comes to weight loss and weight gain. Made by the pancreas, insulin is responsible for storing blood sugar, or utilizing it, depending upon your bodys needs of the moment. After you eat a large meal, a substantial amount of insulin releases itself into the bloodstream. It also enters the bloodstream as needed throughout the day, ensuring that blood sugar levels remain stable.

Another key function of this essential hormone is fat storage. Insulin decides how much fat to store, and how much to convert for energy expenditure. Chronically high levels of insulin can lead to a condition known as insulin resistance, which is linked to an uptick in blood sugar as well as continued elevated insulin levels.

Preventing this insulin imbalance is crucial, as it leads to weight gain, and eventually type 2 diabetes. When insulin levels remain high over an extended period of time, obesity and metabolic syndrome are often the unfortunate outcome.

Also Check: How To Reset Hormonal Imbalance

What Kathleen Zelman Mph Rd Says:

Does It Work?

Research suggests that a Mediterranean diet, similar to Turner’s, can aid weight loss. You will lose weight on the plan because it is low in calories.

But promising that it can “balance hormones,” cure a whole host of problems and diseases, restore sleep, give you glowing skin and healthier hair, and more is not based on solid, scientific evidence.

Eating a clean, natural, preferably organic diet, free of preservatives and processed foods is ideal, but it’s not practical or necessary for weight loss or good health. Nor are the tremendous amounts of supplements, including herbal and bowel cleansers.

Is It Good for Certain Conditions?

Following a Mediterranean-style, low-glycemic diet is a sensible approach to healthy eating and weight loss that could benefit most people. Reaching a healthy weight can improve many conditions, including diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease.

The Final Word

The cocktail of supplements and the hormone theories are unfounded and not recommended. Keep in mind that many things affect your hormone levels. It’s not just about your food. To say that certain foods are “hormone hindering” is inaccurate and oversimplifies the role of nutrients in the body.

If you think you have a hormonal imbalance or would like to follow this diet, consult your doctor.

What Is The Endocrine System


The endocrine system is in charge of coordinating the relationship between different organs and hormones, which are chemicals that are released into your bloodstream from cells within your endocrine glands.

Hormones are secreted by various glands and organs, including your thyroid, adrenals, pituitary, ovaries, testicles and pancreas. The entire endocrine system works together to control the level of hormones circulating throughout your body, and if one or more is even slightly imbalanced, it can cause widespread health problems affecting growth, sexual development and function, sleep, metabolism and hunger.

Once your hormones are in circulation, they target specific tissues or cells by binding to receptors that are located inside the cell or on its surface. These hormones work as chemical messengers and play a key role in your bodys daily functions.

The endocrine system is made up of many glands, including the pituitary gland or master gland thats responsible for sending information from your brain to other glands in your body. The pituitary gland also produces many hormones that travel throughout the body and have different important functions.

The pituitary gland is made up of two different tissue types: the anterior pituitary that synthesizes and releases classic hormones, and the posterior pituitary gland that secretes neurohormones that are made in the hypothalamus.

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What You Can Eat

Turner calls her food plan Glyci-Med,” since it’s a mix of foods low on the glycemic index and a traditional Mediterranean diet.

Foods you can eat include lean protein ; vegetables and most fruit; chia seeds, flaxseeds, and most nuts; olive oil and some other unsaturated oils and fats, like canola oil; and whole grains like buckwheat, brown rice, and quinoa.

On this plan, you’ll avoid or minimize caffeine, alcohol, fried foods, processed meat, peanuts, saturated fat, full-fat dairy, artificial sweeteners, and simple high-GI carbs like white bread.

You’ll eat often — every 3-4 hours — making healthy food choices at least 80% of the time. But you do get one to two cheat meals a week.

Details About The Hormones Of Weight Gain

Estrogen:Estrogen is one of the two female sex hormones, and is responsible for the beginning of puberty, the menstrual cycle, and when it drops perimenopause begins. Beyond that, estrogen has many other functions, including:

  • Helping to control blood cholesterol levels,
  • Promoting bone health,
  • Protecting the brain, and regulating mood,

There are three main types of estrogen:

  • Estrone, or E1, is produced after menopause.
  • Estradiol or E2, produced in the childbearing years.
  • Estriol, or E3, which the body produces during pregnancy.

Symptoms of low estrogen

  • Headaches
  • Dry and sagging skin

At appropriate levels, estrogen can strongly regulate and reduce food intake, which translates to weight. Too little or too much estrogen and weight gain often result. Studies have regularly shown that following estrogen replacement, like with HRT, food intake decreases significantly. Replacing the decreased estrogen in a menopausal woman can likely reverse excess food intake.1;

Estrogen and progesterone are called sex steroid hormones. Both are involved in the metabolism, accumulation, and distribution of fat.1 Produced mostly in the ovaries, estrogens primary role is to maintain the female reproductive organs. But estrogen has lots of other responsibilities, like regulating feelings of hunger, keeping the pace of the metabolic rate, and the accumulation and distribution of fat.1;

Past the age of 35, women enter perimenopause and estrogen drops, which can cause depression and low libido.

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The Thyroid And Weight Loss

The thyroid plays a very important role in our body, and it can have a profound effect on weight loss, or weight gain.

more:7 Scientifically Proven Ways To Lose Belly Fat

The thyroid is located in our neck, and thyroid hormones are responsible for regulating the metabolic rate of every single cell in our body.

Therefore, when the thyroid system isnt working properly, it can have devastating effects on our body. There are two main types of thyroid disorders: hypothyroidism, and hyperthyroidism.

  • Hypothyroidism This occurs when the thyroid levels are too low. It causes lowered body temperature, weight gain, higher levels of cholesterol, increased rates of atherosclerosis, and even heart failure. Untreated hypothyroidism can lead to fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. It can also cause irregular menstrual cycles, making the flow heavier and more painful. Hypothyroidism can also cause fertility issues. Since the thyroid hormones are low when you have hypothyroidism, this makes losing weight extremely difficult to do.
  • Hyperthyroidism Hyperthyroidism is the opposite of hypothyroidism. People who have this condition have an overactive thyroid. Therefore, the thyroid gland produces too many hormones. This can lead to an increased metabolism, irregular or loss of periods, rapid and irregular heartbeats, heart palpitations, sweating, nervousness, and irritability.

more:10 Ways To Balance Hormones Naturally

Youre Not Eating Your Cruciferous Vegetables

Hidden Symptoms of Estrogen Dominance. How to fix estrogen Imbalance (weight gain, PCOS, fibroids)

Cruciferous vegetables are in the Brassica vegetable family and include Brussels sprouts, kale, cauliflower, bok choy, broccoli, and other similar green vegetables. Not only are they good for you because of the feeling of fullness you get from the fiber, but theyre also good for estrogen metabolism through a compound called indole-3-carbinol . It is a natural source of DIM that helps promote estrogen balance AND helps clear the body of the toxic xenoestrogens we pick up from the environment. This is one of the cheapest, easiest ways to get your hormones and your weight in balance.

Read Also: How Do You Get Too Much Estrogen

How Our Weight Is Affected When Hormones Are Off Balance

Now that we know more about these hormones, how can an imbalance affect our weight?

Leptin:;Leptin is produced by fat cells. For overweight or obese patients who have excess fat in their body, there is an excess production of leptin. When your brain gets bombarded with leptin signals from too many fat cells, it shuts down; leptin levels keep rising, receptors stop functioning, your body doesnt get the leptin signal, and you dont feel full. You keep eating the wrong foods in an addictive pattern, and you keep gaining weight.

Ghrelin:;Ghrelin levels are at their highest right before a meal when you are hungry and at their lowest after a meal when you are full. However, for overweight or obese individuals, ghrelin levels only fall slightly after eating a meal. Therefore, their brain doesnt receive a strong signal to tell the body that it is full and to stop eating. And when an individual has too much ghrelin in their body, they are likely to be overweight or obese.

Insulin:;When your body becomes insulin-resistant, from either type 1 or type 2 diabetes, you have a hard time absorbing the extra blood glucose. This will result in the liver, converting that glucose to fat, and thus weight gain.

Thyroid:;When the thyroid hormone is underactive , the body is less efficient at burning calories for energy leading to weight gain, fluid retention, depression, and hair loss, among other symptoms.

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