Saturday, July 27, 2024

Can Hormone Replacement Therapy Help With Weight Loss

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Hormone Replacement Therapy: Why Age May Matter

How does Hormone Replacement Therapy affect weight loss??

Salpeter’s study indicates something crucial: The age at which a woman starts HRT may make a big difference.

Salpeter argues that when a person first starts hormone replacement therapy, her risk of blood clots increases slightly. In healthy women who are in their 50s — and close to the age of menopause — this increase is very unlikely to cause problems. The higher risk subsides after a couple of years, she says, although other experts disagree.

But women in their 60s may be more likely to already have early heart disease or hardening of the arteries . In these cases, the risk of blood clots becomes more serious. So if a woman first starts hormone replacement therapy in her 60s, the initial risks are more dangerous, Salpeter says.

This is what Salpeter says affected the results of the Women’s Health Initiative trial. The average age of a woman in that trial was 63, with a range of ages between 50 and 79. She and other critics argue that the researchers were looking at many women who might already have been sick.

“I was surprised when I first heard the results,” says Lynne T. Shuster, MD, director of the Women’s Health Clinic at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. “But, once I saw the details, I wasn’t surprised anymore. They gave women who were older and possibly had underlying arteriosclerosis a pill that increased the risk of blood clotting. Of course it increased the risk of heart problems.”

“Basically, were looking at the wrong group of people,” Salpeter tells WebMD.

Why Does It Matter Why Now

Working to prevent weight gain and striving to lose excess weight are particularly important after 40, as it can impact the risk of several dangerous health conditions that often arise with age. A large-scale study conducted in Finland found that peri- and postmenopausal weight gain was associated with the onset of hypertension regardless of initial weight, physical activity level, or hormone replacement status. They further determined that blood pressure rose relatively quickly after the weight was gained and that even a modest weight gain resulted in hypertension. Likewise, the risk of cardiovascular diseasea leading cause of death among womenincreases with age and the decline of estrogen levels as the menopause transition is approached. The risks of metabolic syndrome also increase with natural menopause and are even higher with surgical menopause. In other words, now is a critical time to take action to preserve your immediate and long-term health.

Why Would A Woman Need Hrt

Women need Hormonal Replacement Therapy to replace estrogen that your body stops producing throughout menopause.

HRT is usually started when a womans estrogen and progesterone levels begin to decline throughout menopause.

Hormone levels can be affected by surgery to remove reproductive organs, such as a hysterectomy .

HRT may be recommended by your doctor to assist your body to adjust to the changes.

Estrogen is produced by the ovaries, adrenal glands, and fat tissues.

Estrogens are vital for pregnancy as well as the development of secondary sexual traits in women, such as managing the menstrual cycle.

It also influences the reproductive tract, urinary tract, heart and blood vessels, bones, breasts, and other organs in addition to controlling the monthly cycle.

Menopause or surgical removal of the ovaries are the two main causes of low estrogen in women.

In men, it can be caused by causing excess belly fat and low sexual desire. Hormonal replacement therapy can be used to balance the level of estrogen in the body.

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Signs You May Need Bhrt

While hormone therapy can help you lose a little weight, you may struggle with a wide range of hormone-related symptoms that affect your quality of life. Call Avanti Medical Center about BHRT if you experience one or more of the following:

  • Chronic fatigue: You may find it challenging to keep up your energy levels, leaving you feeling tired or exhausted.

  • Difficulty sleeping: Some sleeplessness is common, but a consistent lack of sleep is unhealthy for the body. Other symptoms, like hot flashes and night sweats, may also impair your sleep.

  • Depression or anxiety: Hormonal imbalances cause more than just physical symptoms. They may also lead to mental problems that change the way you think or feel. Seek medical help if you have anxiety attacks or symptoms of depression.

Years Of Fear And Confusion

Hormone Therapy and Weight Loss

The Womens Health Initiative Study was a long-term national study following 161,808 postmenopausal women, ages 50 to 79, at 40 medical centers across the United States. Launched in 1993, the study divided those women into one of four randomized trials: the effects of hormone therapy, dietary changes, calcium and vitamin D use, and an overall observational study.

The stated goal of the effort, funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, was to find ways to prevent heart disease, osteoporosis, breast and colorectal cancer in postmenopausal women. Though data collection stopped in 2005, extension studies have continued to follow the women, and numerous results have been published. According to the Womens Health Initiative website, the effort has changed the way we treat post-menopausal women and saved the United States $35.2 billion in direct medical costs.

The first results on hormone therapy, , were shocking. Instead of the long-touted benefits of hormone replacement for womens health, especially heart disease, the study found that taking estrogen plus progesterone replacement hormones actually increased a womans risk of heart disease, stroke and invasive breast cancer.

The effect was immediate: Millions of women stopped taking the therapy, and millions more were confused about what to do to help their menopause symptoms.

As it turns out, the published results from those two studies didnt tell the whole story.

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Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Restores Hormone Balance

A sure way to reverse the effect of a hormone imbalance on your weight is to restore your hormones back to normal levels. The great thing about regaining your hormone balance is that it does more than help you lose weight it also helps to reverse and prevent the multitude of health problems that arise due to low hormones.

Here at BioAge Health, you receive personal attention and customized hormone replacement. We review your medical history and run advanced lab tests to determine your hormone levels. If you have any imbalances, your hormone therapy is individually developed to replace the precise amount and type of hormones you need.

Dr. Kodama prescribes SottoPelle® bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for several reasons. Bioidentical hormones are identical to those produced by your body, so they exert the same effect. Additionally, the hormones in your SottoPelle therapy are made from natural botanicals.

While youre on bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, we routinely check your hormone levels to be sure you maintain optimal, healthy levels.

Do you want to learn whether a hormone imbalance factors into your weight gain? Call BioAge Health or use the online booking feature to schedule an appointment.

What Is Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone replacement therapy is a treatment plan used to regulate your bodys hormone levels.

Hormones are your bodys chemical messengers. They are created by your endocrine glands and then travel through your bloodstream to your organs and tissues. In the process, they affect many biological functions. Small changes in hormone levels can have a massive impact on your bodys growth and development, metabolism, energy level, mood, body temperature, libido, cognitive function, and reproductive health.

While hormone levels do fluctuate with age, imbalances are most common in midlife especially with the onset of menopause in women. Thats why many people use hormone replacement therapy to offset the symptoms of menopause .

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Losing Weight & Hormone Replacement

As a woman ages, her body produces fewer female hormones required for reproduction and menstruation ceases. Menopause causes an array of emotional and physical symptoms. Many women survive the negative effects of menopause with the help of hormone therapy — also known as hormone replacement therapy. Although hormone therapy can cause temporary weight gain, permanent changes in body fat distribution should be attributed to the menopause process. Losing weight can be more difficult during and after menopause, with or without hormone replacement.

Learn More About Hormone Therapy For Weight Loss

Can hormone therapy help me lose weight?

Hormone changes can have a big impact on how you feel and function. If you have gained weight and suspect that hormone fluctuations or menopause are to blame, schedule an assessment at our office in Lehi, UT. Our team can measure your hormone levels and make sure you get the treatment you need. Discover the benefits of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy by calling Avanti Medical Center today.

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How Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Can Improve Your Weight Loss Efforts

Do you find it overwhelming and downright frustrating to lose weight? Youre not alone. So-called proven diet trends come and go, all the while making outrageous claims of pounds lost. You give up carbs, nosh like a caveman, count your calories, and, even if you do drop the weight, it seems to come back with a vengeance once you resume a more typical lifestyle.

If youre eating a healthy diet, watching your portions, and walking past the dessert bar more often than not, the odds are your metabolism is thwarting your weight loss efforts. Age, a sedentary lifestyle, and yo-yo dieting all impact your metabolism, but whats at the very core of making your body burn away those calories from that spaghetti dinner? And what can be done to turn up your metabolism and boost your weight loss?

How Bioidentical Hormones Can Help You

Bioidentical hormones are designed to be exactly the same as the hormones in your body. When your hormone levels drop, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy may be able to help relieve some menopausal symptoms. They may be able to fill in where your natural hormones would normally be and help to regulate your body as well.

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Hormone Replacement Therapy: The New Evidence

“We’re definitely in a gray zone of uncertainty about hormone therapy,” says Jacques Rossouw, MD, project officer for the federal Women’s Health Initiative . “But when you’re uncertain, you have to err on the side of safety.”

While Rossouw concedes that new studies show some preventative benefit for younger women, he says any potential benefit is very slight. And, he notes, there is no evidence that any benefit would last if women kept taking hormones as they got older.

But increasing numbers of researchers say there should be a place for hormone replacement therapy as a preventive treatment for limited periods as it may help prevent disease in younger women around the age of menopause.

“We have evidence that hormone therapy can prevent heart disease, hip fractures, and osteoporosis, and that it cuts the risk of developing diabetes by 30% in younger women,” says Shelley R. Salpeter, MD, a clinical professor of medicine at Stanford University’s School of Medicine.

In one recent study, Salpeter and her colleagues found that HRT reduced the number of heart attacks and cardiac deaths by 32% in women who were 60 or younger . In older women, hormone replacement therapy seemed to increase cardiac events in the first year, and then began to reduce them after two years.

Is Weight Loss Hormone Therapy Right For You

5 Ways Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Can Help ...

There are a lot of factors that go into finding the right solutions for your weight struggles. However, if you can prove that the issues are related to hormone regulation, supplemental hormone therapy may be the ideal solution. Many of the substances here can provide numerous benefits to your metabolism and the bodys ability to burn fat and reduce the amount of stored fat it currently holds. First, of course, you have to figure out which hormones are missing so that you can get the right balance.

Working with our professionals will allow you to get a much better idea of your options and which route will be ideal to assist with your hormonal issues related to weight loss. We can discuss all of the potential therapies and help you decide how to proceed based on your bodys needs. Contact us today to learn more or get started on restoring your bodys hormonal balance.


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Hormone Assisted Medical Weight Loss Program

Studies confirm that HRT is effective in helping to reduce belly fat. However, if you desire long-lasting results, then it is recommended you also avoid self-defeating habits that contribute to weight fluctuations.

At SKINovative we believe in empowering our patients to make healthy lifestyle changes for long-term weight management.

Along with our state-of-the-art hormone replacement therapy we offer a comprehensive program to help you maintain your amazing weight loss results.

Our Hormone Assisted Weight Loss Program includes:

  • Medical Testing
  • Patient Guidebook
  • Tip Sheet

If youd like to know more about our medical weight loss solution, please dont to hesitate to call or drop by the office.

The best way to determine if hormone therapy is right for you to is to speak with a hormone specialist who will take you through the process step-by-step and answer any and all questions you may have.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

In 2002, the Women’s Health Initiative terminated a study of combined hormone replacement therapy prematurely because participants displayed a higher than normal risk of serious side effects: breast cancer, heart disease, stroke and blood clots. Doctors and their patients sought safer, more natural alternatives such as bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.

Plant-based hormones such as Estrace, Climara patch and Vivelle-Dot patch are examples of bioidentical hormones that have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration 56. Scientists and physicians question whether bioidentical hormones are safer than standard hormone therapy 56. Website articles by Harvard Medical School staff and Dr. Mary Gallenberg, a physician/author from the Mayo Clinic, point out a shortage of supportive evidence.

  • In 2002, the Women’s Health Initiative terminated a study of combined hormone replacement therapy prematurely because participants displayed a higher than normal risk of serious side effects: breast cancer, heart disease, stroke and blood clots.

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How Effective Is Hormone Replacement Therapy

Youve worked hard your whole life to care for your family. Now youve retired and your whole life has changed. Youre tired and irritable. You wake up at night drenched in sweat. Youre gaining weight around your lower abdomen and youre not interested in sex anymore. At the Guyer Institute of Molecular Medicine in Indianapolis, IN, we specialize in hormone replacement therapy to help our clients protect their emotional, physical and sexual health.

Do You Gain Weight When You Stop Hormone Replacement Treatment: Withdrawal

Weight Loss and Menopause: Does Hormone Replacement Therapy Work?

Each type of hormone therapy for weight loss has a withdrawal period. Do you gain weight when you stop hormone replacement therapy? Healthcare providers warn patients about Prempro and weight gain when prescribing HRT. This side effect is in the list of rare adverse reactions in the information page to the drug inside the package or on its official website. Endocrinologists inform that a hormonal tablet, gel, oil, implant, vaginal ring, injection, and HRT cream and weight gain occur in fewer patients as the effect is usually the opposite.

When the organism gets medical assistance that demands a period longer than a week, the body will get used to it and depend on its help. If a patient takes medicine for a year or more, the organism will get stressed in case a person interrupts the supply overnight. Regarding guidelines and recommendations of experienced endocrinologists, average hormone therapy for weight loss takes from four to five years. Such durable dependence cannot disappear in a day. To prevent the response that can be dangerous for a patients health, an endocrinologist together with a GP creates a plan for gradual cessation.

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Why Hormone Replacement Therapy

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy simulates hormone production using an identical plant-based replica of the hormones naturally produced by the body, thereby reducing and often eliminating these symptoms*. Dr. Scinta added hormones to her weight loss practice after realizing that some of the symptoms of menopause, including sleep deprivation and muscle loss, can make losing weight and sustaining weight loss more challenging than it should be.

Dr. Scinta offers hormone replacement therapy in Fayetteville focusing on the three primary hormones:

  • Estrogen in pellet form
  • Testosterone in pellet form
  • Progesterone in oral or topical form

All three of these hormones are involved in the growth, maintenance and repair of reproductive tissues and health, including sense of well-being. The estrogen and testosterone hormone replacement pellets are designed to release exact dosages of these hormones throughout the day, delivering 24 hour support without the requirement of taking a daily pill or using creams.

Pellet therapy with bioidentical hormone replacement is recommended for peri and post-menopausal women. The therapy can improve quality of life by reducing the common health consequences of aging which are related to sharp drops in hormone production.

For more information about bioidentical hormone replacement for women, contact us.

Why Bhrt May Be Right For You

The decision to have bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is one you make with your provider after reviewing your medical history and checking your hormone levels to determine if you are a candidate and discussing the benefits and potential side effects. Among the benefits of BHRT are that it:

  • Reduces symptoms of a hormonal imbalance
  • Lowers your risk of osteoporosis
  • Lowers your risk of heart disease
  • Increases energy
  • Improves your quality of life
  • Promotes weight management

Board-certified in gynecology and obesity medicine, and a specialist in bioidentical hormone and weight loss, Dr. Catherine Kodama at BioAge Health will work with you to help you get back to feeling like yourself again.

To get started with BHRT, call our Eagan, Minnesota office today to schedule a consultation, or book your appointment online.

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