Saturday, July 27, 2024

Can Your Obgyn Test Your Hormone Levels

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How To Test Cortisol Levels

How To Test Estrogen Levels

Cortisol levels are measured with lab tests. These may be blood tests, which measure levels of the hormone in the bloodstream, or saliva tests, which measure cortisol levels in a saliva sample. Cortisol testing is typically done early in the morning, when levels are normally highest. Often, to produce the most accurate results, testing is repeated in the afternoon of the same day. Cortisol testing is often done in conjunction with ACTH level tests, since this pituitary gland hormone works to regulate cortisone levels. ACTH tests measure levels of the hormone in the bloodstream.

Getting tested can be done through your health care provider, who can order your tests for you, take your blood or saliva samples or send you to a lab to have them done. Then, your provider will let you know your results once they are delivered to his or her office.

You can also order these lab tests yourself online or over the phone from independent testing services, like Health Testing Centers. Ordering your own tests is generally less expensive, since you skip the cost of an office visit, and more efficient, since the results are delivered directly to you.

However, it is important to note that if your tests show that your cortisol and/or ACTH levels are abnormal too high or too low following up on those results with a visit to your healthcare provider is essential. Abnormal levels of these important hormones require further examination and testing.

How Do Testosterone And Estrogen Differ

Testosterone, the key hormone in men, is the chief regulator of muscle tone and lean body mass, or the very essence of what gives a man his masculine appearance. A normal level of testosterone is a broad term, making deficiencies difficult to detect. The hormone is produced by the adrenal glands and testicles, with levels highest in the mornings and decreasing throughout the day.

Testosterone also regulates a mans sex drive. Lack of sexual desire and performance, often associated with low levels of testosterone, or low T, is a common complaint from men as they age and hormone levels drop. Sex drive and performance, however, require the presence of both estrogen and testosterone.

Estrogen, by contrast, is the hormone responsible for sexual and reproductive development in women and is also referred to as the female sex hormone. Estrogen is really a group of hormones that includes estrone, estradiol and estriol. Estrogen is produced in the ovaries but also by fat cells and the adrenal gland.

Identifying Signs Of A Hormonal Imbalance

While you might know to equate hot flashes and mood swings to a hormonal imbalance, did you realize that brain fog and memory loss could also be symptoms?

While its common for your hormones to shift during various stages of your life, some of the most pronounced changes will occur around the following times:

  • Before or after your period
  • During pregnancy
  • During menopause

The specific symptoms youll notice will vary depending on the exact hormones or glands that are off-kilter. However, there are a few symptoms present across almost every type of hormonal imbalance. These include:

Weight Gain

Many women find that hormonal imbalances can contribute to weight gain, as well as the inability to lose weight effectively.

The hormones most often associated with this symptom include low levels of;thyroxin, as well as heightened levels of:

Excessive Perspiration

Do you find that you tend to sweat more than you used to? It isnt all in your imagination.

Some of your hormones are responsible for regulating your body temperature. When theyre imbalanced, it can;cause you to perspire more easily.;

Hair Loss

On average, we lose between;up to 100 strands;of hair every day. While this is a normal amount, you might notice even more on your hairbrush in the morning.;

Again, your hormones could be to blame. This is especially likely if youre suffering from a low thyroid function, which is known to;cause hair loss.

Diminished Sex Drive

Persistent Acne

Weakness and Fatigue

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What Can I Do About Long Term Symptoms

Often, women come to me after theyve dealt with symptoms for weeks, months sometimes even years! When that happens, theres more at play than those natural fluctuations. Something has gone haywire, and it is past time to figure out what!;No one should have to deal with fatigue, irritability, anxiety, hair and skin issues, or other frustrating symptoms indefinitely.

When I see these women, I often recommend a complete hormone panel. Testing all hormone levels allows me to dig deep into whats going on behind the scenes. With a complete overview of a womans hormonal health, I can ask the right questions to help determine why things have gone so out of balance. And once I have a better idea of whats really going on, I can help women find the best ways to level things out. Every woman is a unique individual, with different lifestyle habits, genetic traits, and emotional baggage. And all of those things are connected to finding balance.

Theres no one size fits all protocol I use for hormone testing. I listen to exactly whats going on for my patients, and make suggestions tailored to their unique needs.

Men And Estrogen: What You Need To Know

Hormone Tests

Estrogen is known primarily as a female hormone that helps regulate menstrual cycles, yet the hormone plays a bigger role in mens health than most people realize. Men produce small amounts of estrogen as part of their normal functioning male reproductive system, along with the male hormone testosterone. As they age, less testosterone is produced.

Yet questions are beginning to emerge as to what specific part estrogen plays in male development, especially as a man ages. Once largely ignored, estrogen levels in men are now under the microscope as researchers are trying to determine this hormone’s role in men and how it affects the body’s different hormone levels.

A decrease in estrogen, for example, may be a factor in fat accumulation in men as well as women. One endocrinologist at Harvard Medical School reported in a 2013 study that some of the symptoms of testosterone deficiency in males, including a decline in libido, were at least partially caused by lower estrogen production.

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Three Questions To Ask Your Doctor In The Most Common Scenarios:

  • Everything here seems to be normal, but I am experiencing significant symptoms. Where within the range am I falling that might indicate I am moving towards having a hormonal imbalance?
  • It looks like my calcium, Vitamin D3 are at a low level. What can I change about my diet to help them improve?
  • I see you have recommended I use birth control pills/a Mirena IUD/implant to control my symptoms. I would really like to try giving myself 3-6 months to improve the situation first. What kind of changes in my blood work would you like to see so that I wouldnt have to use these options?
  • Risks Of Not Treating Hormone Imbalances

    Hormone imbalances, when left untreated, are more than just annoying mood swings and bad PMS. They can be indicators that something more serious rarely, even cancerous is happening in your body.

    Not getting your hormones back in balance could lead to other problems, like elevated cholesterol, osteoporosis, obesity, lack of sleep, and more.

    Although truly identified hormonal imbalances often need medical or even surgical intervention, a healthy lifestyle can improve low-level symptoms.

    Do your best to get:

    • 6-8 hours of sleep each day;
    • 30+ minutes of vigorous exercise daily;
    • And a high-quality diet with enough protein and healthy fats and less sugar.

    Read Also: Does Taking Estrogen Cause Cancer

    When Should You Get A Hormone Blood Test

    If you have symptoms of a possible hormonal imbalance, you might need to get a hormone blood test. According to the Society for Endocrinology, it’s usually best to have your blood drawn for a hormone test in the first half of your menstrual cycle, because levels are more distinct at that time. However, if you’re having a progesterone test to see if you’re ovulating properly, it will likely be measured on day 21 of your cycle, which is in the middle of the second half.

    How Can Hormone Replacement Therapy Balance My Hormones

    How To Reduce Estrogen Levels Naturally | Expert Tips

    Medications often correct a hormone imbalance, as can hormone replacement therapy . HRT is designed to ease menopause symptoms by replacing the hormones your body no longer produces. Dunwoody OB/GYN, LLC, offers regular and bioidentical HRT.;

    Bioidentical HRT closely mimics the hormones naturally produced by the human body. They can provide relief from uncomfortable menopause symptoms, like hot flashes or low libido. But HRT may not be safe for all women. Your provider can help you determine if HRT is right for you.;

    Read Also: What Are The Side Effects Of Estrogen

    How Are Hormone Levels Tested

    Often practitioners rely on blood tests alone to provide information about hormone levels. But Ive found that sometimes, a blood test wont give me the full story. Not only that, but the range considered normal in many blood tests is so wide it doesnt pick up on slight imbalances that can make a huge difference. Thats why so many women are told their levels are in the normal range, but still feel lousy.

    Saliva tests have been shown to be more accurate for measuring cortisol, DHEA, and for some, estrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels. Saliva testing provides more specific information and measures the amount of hormone bioavailable at the cellular level, rather than simply how much is circulating in the bloodstream.

    Your provider should discuss all the options with you so that together you can decide which form of testing makes the most sense. Its also important to note that to get the best information, hormone levels should be monitored over time. One moment in time doesnt provide enough information to understand your normal.

    Some women ask about the testing kits that are being sold for home use now. I always think its best to have testing done through your health care practitioner, who can help you interpret results and guide you in treatment.

    The How And Why Of Womens Hormones:

    Of course, female sex hormones – estrogen and progesterone – have the most significant effect on a womans health, from menstruation to pregnancy to menopause and more. But, your body makes and utilizes a variety of other hormones that affect other aspects of your health – from your energy level, weight, mood and more.

    Heres a closer look at the main hormones within a womans body, how they work and what happens when you have either too little or too much of each.

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    When To See A Doctor For Perimenopause

    Some women experience very few symptoms during perimenopause. While you should still see your doctor for regular physical checkups, it may not be necessary to seek specific care for perimenopause unless the symptoms cause significant discomfort.

    If you begin noticing these symptoms before the age of 40, or if they are disrupting your daily life, you should also contact your doctor to see what options you have to ease your symptoms.

    If you notice abnormal reproductive or menstrual symptoms like the following, see a doctor, since they might indicate a more serious condition:

    • Having periods that repeatedly occur fewer than three weeks apart
    • Experiencing menstrual bleeding for more than seven days at a time
    • Swelling or discomfort in your abdomen coupled with missed periods
    • Frequent bleeding in between periods
    • Excessive menstrual bleeding

    Perimenopause lasts several years and may bring on new health concerns. You and your doctor can discuss strategies for managing perimenopause.

    Dignity Health cares for women from adolescence through perimenopause and beyond. Were here for you.

    The information contained in this article is meant for educational purposes only and should not replace advice from your healthcare provider.

    What Is The Treatment

    Hormone Health Test: How To Tell If You Have a Hormone ...

    Hormone testing is the first step, as it helps determine exactly what the imbalances are. Hormone therapy with bioidentical hormones is an excellent choice for the hormone balance problems that occur with menopause. Unlike other hormones, which are made from substances like pregnant mares urine or chemical compounds, bioidentical hormones are derived from plant materials, in particular, yams and soy. They include 17 beta-estradiol, estrone, estriol, and progesterone. In addition, lifestyle changes like better nutrition, sleep, exercise and stress management can also promote hormone balance in the whole body.

    Major Health Insurance Plans Accepted

    A New Life OB/GYN of Broward, LLC is part of Florida Woman Care, LLC and accepts most major insurance plans: HMO, PPO, POS, EPO, Medicare and Tricare, including Covered Florida Exchange plans . Unfortunately, we do not accept Blue Select, Preferred Care Options , Medica, and Careplus Health Plan . If you do not see yours listed here, please contact our office for more information.

    Recommended Reading: Which Iud Has Less Hormones

    What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Low Estrogen In Men

    In men, male menopause may result from too little estrogen in addition to lower testosterone levels, at least according to some recent studies. Diminished libido, strength and energy are the main symptoms. However, testosterone levels tend not to fall as sharply in aging men as estrogen does in women who are post-menopausal. Further research is needed to determine if changes that come with aging are due to hormonal declines and if so, which hormones are the culprit.

    Hormonal Imbalance In Children: Does It Exist

    Yes. Hormonal imbalances in children typically occur around puberty. This is when the sex hormones are first produced, signaling future growth in the body. Children whose bodies produce few or no sex hormones often have a condition known as hypogonadism.

    In boys, hypogonadism stops the body from producing the muscle mass, body hair, and voice changes that are associated with puberty. The sex organs don’t develop as they should, and the arms and legs will experience an excessive amount of growth compared to the trunk. Boys may also develop breast tissue. When girls have hypogonadism, they don’t develop breast tissue, start their menstrual cycle, or experience the growth spurt that’s typical of puberty.

    Hypogonadism can occur either because the gonads are not producing the right hormone levels; or, because the pituitary gland and hypothalamus aren’t signaling to the gonads to produce hormones at all. Though hypogonadism is a common cause of developmental and growth problems, there are other causes that may be causative. Always speak with your healthcare provider to gt the proper diagnosis of any abnormal development in children.

    Read Also: How Safe Is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

    Why Would I Need Hormone Management

    There are many reasons for hormone management. Some of the common signs of a hormonal imbalance include:

    • Irregular, heavy, or painful periods
    • Weight gain or inability to lose weight
    • Acne breakouts
    • Low or absent sex drive
    • Infertility

    Menopause is one of the most common reasons that you might benefit from hormone rebalancing. As you age, your production of hormones, such as estrogen, decreases, which can cause many disruptive symptoms. Often, hormonal management can restore your hormonal balance and alleviate those symptoms so you can maintain a healthy, active life.;

    What Is A Hormonal Imbalance

    How To Test Estrogen Levels

    Your body is comprised of various glands and tissues, all of which are part of your endocrine system. These glands;deliver hormones throughout your body via your bloodstream. These are the chemicals that tell your organs what to do and when to do it.

    Hormones are responsible for regulating some of your most critical bodily processes, including your:

    • Appetite
    • Sexual capacity
    • Internal temperature

    A hormonal imbalance means that your body is producing too much or too little of a given hormone, such as insulin, estrogen, progesterone, or any other hormone. If your levels are off by even a little, it can create a significant change that you may feel to a severe degree.

    Read Also: How To Check Your Estrogen Levels At Home

    Hormonal Imbalance And Weight Gain

    Hormones play an integral role in metabolism and your bodys ability to use energy. Hormone disorders, such as Cushing syndrome, can cause you to become overweight or develop obesity.

    People with Cushing syndrome have high levels of cortisol in their blood. This leads to an increase in appetite and fat storage.

    Hypothyroidism, if the condition is severe, can also lead to weight gain.

    During menopause, many women gain weight because the metabolism slows down. You may find that even though youre eating and exercising like normal, you still gain weight.

    The only way to treat weight gain from a hormone disorder is to treat the underlying condition.

    During a normal, healthy pregnancy, your body goes through major hormonal changes. This is different than a hormonal imbalance.

    How Does The Male Reproductive System Work

    While there are hundreds of hormones that control the bodys chemistry, testosterone is a versatile and critical part of the balance that specifically controls male characteristics and sex drive. When the levels dip, the result can cause a male to experience low sex drive and depression, among other complaints. Low T as it is commonly referred to in the media, can cause a number of symptoms, including:

    • Fatigue or generalized weakness
    • Memory problems or lack of concentration
    • Changes in mood or irritability
    • Erectile dysfunction

    Some diseases, like diabetes, can cause similar symptoms, so it can be hard to diagnose. To further complicate matters, testosterone decline in men is a slow process; and, some healthy men can produce sperm well into their 80s.

    In addition, there are variables that affect hormonal decline and speed up the process. These include weight gain, drug use, tobacco or alcohol abuse, mental illness or severe depression, as well as stress and chronic illness. One may need to keep in mind that medical experts still disagree about the link between declining hormone levels in men and their need for HRT.

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