Saturday, July 27, 2024

Gynecologist That Specializes In Hormones

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Online Community And Education

Dr. Anne Lipinski, obstetrician/gynecologist

We invite you to join us in our online community so you can gain further support from Live Q& As with the HHA Team, as well as find accountability and support from other patients like you. We often hear our patients say they feel alone or they ask is this normal?, which is why we not only wanted to build HHA but also a community of women for you to be apart of who completely understand your journey.

What Is Hormone Management

Your hormones are substances produced by your body that regulate nearly every bodily function, including your reproductive system. In fact, many gynecological health issues from polycystic ovarian syndrome to menopause are due to changes in your hormone levels.

At OBGYN Westside, the doctors offer hormone management services as part of their patient-focused approach to care. They combine conventional medicine with integrative practices to restore your hormonal balance and resolve the root cause of your symptoms. For example, your doctor may recommend dietary changes and nutritional supplements as well as hormone therapy to address your needs.

What Is Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Dr. Das offers bioidentical hormone therapy using hormones that are molecularly and chemically identical to the hormones your body naturally produces. Bioidentical hormones come from plant or animal sources and arent synthesized in a laboratory, making them a safer, more natural, and more effective choice to restore hormonal balance.

For expert guidance and care as you enter menopause, call or use online booking to schedule an appointment today.

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Dont: Ignore Red Flags

Its important to look for a doctor whos willing to work with you in your care, and is sympathetic to your needs. The following are some common red flags to look out for when searching for a hormone doctor:

  • Theyre reluctant to manage your care with other types of healthcare providers.
  • They have a one-size-fits-all mentality and dont see you as an individual person with unique needs.
  • They engage in fear-based patient care by making your condition sound worse than it really is, or claiming it to be untreatable.
  • They wont listen to your input or let you participate in your care or treatments.
  • They refuse to work with either conventional or alternative treatment options.
  • They try to pressure you into using a treatment that you arent comfortable with.
  • Theyre unwilling to try natural therapies and lifestyle changes prior to starting you on prescription medications such as birth control or hormone replacement therapy.
  • Theyre overly focused on treating your lab results and not your symptoms.
  • Theyre hesitant to adjust your treatment plan over time, even when the first-line therapy fails.
  • They prescribe extreme, overly strict, or highly expensive treatment plans.
  • When choosing any kind of healthcare provider, its important to trust your judgment. If your gut is telling you that your current doctor is not the right fit for you, its time to move on and find a new provider.

    Ability To Provide Ongoing Holistic Support

    How to Find a Doctor Who Specializes in Female Hormones

    While hormone therapy can restore health and well-being, it is just one facet of overall health. Achieving optimal health will likely require a multipronged approach. A great HRT specialist recognizes this and can offer a range of strategies to enhance physical and emotional health, including diet and lifestyle supports.

    Of course, healing doesnt happen overnight and your needs may change over time. It is important that your practitioner provide ongoing care. Is HRT working? Is the dosage still accurate? Is your diet and exercise plan making a difference? Tracking your progress over time and adjusting your treatment can be vital to achieving the results you want.

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    Questions For Your Ob/gyn Or Physician:

  • Are you certified by the North American Menopause Society?
  • What percentage of your practice is with women in midlife and menopause?
  • What is your position on hormone replacement and why?
  • What lifestyle changes do you recommend, if any, and why?
  • How do you treat those in menopause and perimenopause differently than premenopausal patients?
  • What kinds of problems and outcomes have you seen for women dealing with menopause issues?
  • On average, how much time do you spend with these patients during a visit?
  • What society recommendations do you follow when providing menopause care?
  • Are you willing to earn an NCMP designation? Why or why not?
  • Finally, listen to your gut. When dealing with such personal, sensitive issues, you want a doctor you feel comfortable with. You may need to be very open about your sex life, your intimate areas, and things weâve been culturally conditioned to be embarrassed about . Docs, and particularly OB/GYNs, are ready to talk frankly â you need to be too.

    How Do I Find Doctors Who Treat Menopause Near Me

    If you are looking for doctors who treat menopause near you, sadly, there probably isnât one physically close to you. The number of OB/GYNs in most industrial nations is declining. Weâre already facing a shortage in the US, and weâre losing more to retirement than weâre gaining from medical schools.

    And since menopause management doctors are already thin on the ground, those in need of menopause treatment are already finding it difficult to locate the care they need. Searching on âmenopause specialist near meâ isnât likely to find you much.

    Fortunately, there are resources.

    Recommended Reading: Best All Natural Hormone Replacement

    How To Balance Hormones

    Womens hormones are constantly changing through all stages of life. The Women for Women OBGYN in     Queens practice consists of six certified female doctors who provide the best possible for women from puberty to menopause. There are several components to womens health. Women for Women offers services that best fit your needs. We are healthcare for women provided by women.

    What are Hormones?

    Hormones are located all throughout your body. They are signaling molecules that regulate physiology and behavior. They act as messengers in the bloodstream for other bodily functions to work correctly. Hormones are secreted from endocrine glands. Here are the main bodily functions that hormones affect.

    • Development and Growth.
    • Sex and Reproductive Functions.
    • Regulation of Metabolism.

    An imbalance of hormones can overall affect behavior. It can be negatively affecting your daily routine and relationships. The negative effects on your physical health can lead to negative effects on your mental health.

    Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance.

    It is common for the hormone estrogen to be tested first. It is the major female hormone that affects the entire body. It takes the slightest amount of imbalance to make major changes in the body. Hormonal imbalance comes with side effects and symptoms. These may be causing struggles in your life.

    • Changes in Your Hair and Skin.
    • Excessive Sweating.

    Diagnosing Hormonal Imbalance.

    Balancing Hormones.

    Here are other options to balance hormones:

    • Deep Breathing.

    Calgary Area In Southern Alberta Region

    Step It Up with Steph – Episode 5: Dealing with Menopause
    Natasha Iyer, M.D.922 5 Avenue SW, Suite 518, Calgary, Alberta T2P 5R4Dr. Natasha Iyer is the Medical Director of Better-A Medical Centre for Complete Living, which is an anti-aging clinic that provides cutting edge practitioners in the specialty areas of Bio-identical Hormones and wellness medicine. Dr. Iyer has always had a keen interest in preventative medicine, anti-aging medicine, hormonal health, holistic alternatives, stress management, and medical aesthetics, and she believes the most comprehensive health solutions utilize both the best holistic and conventional medical options. Hormones control every function in the body, including metabolism, moods, sex drive, sleeping cycles, appetite, and energy levels, and when hormones are being replaced, they should be identical to the specific hormones that have been lost. As a Calgary Hormone Doctor, Dr. Iyer helps men and women to properly balance hormones, while being dedicated to helping patients achieve and enjoy the goals of a longer, healthier, and more complete life by incorporating modern methods of holistic nutrition, hormonal balance, spiritual exploration, and medical aesthetics into a comprehensive treatment. As a doctor, she has always been far more interested in treating every patient as a truly unique individual, rather than just another patient whose symptoms put them into a particular but not very personal profile.Contact Better A Medical Centre for Complete Living today!

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    How Does Hormone Replacement Therapy Work

    Depending on the treatment Dr. LeBel, Dr. Hoy and Dr. Holsopple recommends, you may take hormone replacements orally, in a topical solution, or through a medicated patch that releases just the right dose of hormones throughout the day. All female providers customize a blend of natural hormones that reduce symptoms such as insomnia, mood swings, and dry skin. Typically, hormone replacement therapies include estrogen and progestin, to help you feel like yourself again, as you continue to produce fewer hormones as part of the natural aging process.

    What Are The Symptoms

    Symptoms depend on just which hormones are the problem. One of the more common signs of hormonal imbalance in women occurs during perimenopause, the transitional stage of full menopause. As estrogen declines, the balance between estrogen and progesterone shifts, causing hot flashes, sleep disturbances, and other symptoms like fatigue or vaginal dryness. Weight gain, night sweats, changes in sexual desire and mood may also occur.

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    Lifestyle Medicine & Coaching

    The Balanced Woman doesnt just focus on your symptoms, we work with you toward achieving sustainable, all-encompassing general health and happiness. If youve been experiencing prolonged chronic pain or problems, you may have an autoimmune disease or chronic inflammation issue. We specialize in treating people as a whole mind, body & spirit to overcome these chronic health problems.

    Why Blood And Serum Hormone Tests Do Not Reflect Your Symptoms:

    Patricia Chen, MD, FACOG
  • These tests dont measure everything you need to know about your hormone levels. Standard tests measure free hormone in the bloodstream the small amount of hormone that is available to enter the tissue to do work as well as total hormone the major form of hormones that travels in the bloodstream attached to a carrier protein. These attached hormones that make up the majority of hormones in the blood are not readily available to be used by the cell.
  • Blood and serum results wont tell you whether your body is safely and effectively breaking down hormones. Hormones that are not being broken down properly will, in turn, stimulate or inhibit hormone receptors throughout your body. You may also be re-circulating hormones that should have been removed from your body to begin with.
  • These tests wont tell you if the balance of estrogen and progesterone is normal. Sometimes symptoms are not related to the amounts of hormones, but the balance between hormones. Estrogen dominance is an example of a common problem that causes hormone imbalance symptoms like PMS, heavy periods, breast tenderness, mood symptoms and irregular periods.
  • Blood and serum testing cannot effectively track hormone replacement therapy. In my experience, you have to be on extraordinarily high levels of hormone replacement to show any shift in blood levels. Additionally, the route of administration, or the way you take your hormones will impact the results.
  • Hormone Imbalance Test

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    What Is A Menopause Specialist

    While the designation âmenopause specialistâ isnât recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties, there are ways to tell if your doctor has a good understanding of menopause care. We encourage anyone needing medical help with menopause symptoms to interview doctors anyone can call themselves a âmenopause doctor specialistâ â be sure yours really is one.

    NAMS, or the North American Menopause Society, is the largest non-profit organization devoted specifically to the health of women in midlife and beyond. Their membership is made up of experts in the field, in medicine, nursing, sociology, psychology, nutrition, epidemiology, and so on.

    NAMS offers a training and certification that is generally considered to be excellent and reliable, so if your doctor is an NCMP , you can rest assured they have had quality training. If your doctor is not an NCMP, that doesnât mean they arenât qualified to deal with menopause issues you may just want to conduct a bit of your own research.

    Learn The Signs Of Hormonal Problems

    Gynecologists and obstetricians can also educate you on what hormone problems look like in terms of symptoms. Many women ignore symptoms of hormone imbalances purely due to lack of knowledge. Irritability and moodiness may be blamed on stress, lack of sex drive may be blamed on relationship problems, and hot flashes may be blamed on lack of air conditioning in the room. A womens health doctor can educate you on the signs of hormone problems, so you can recognize them and seek medical attention when necessary.

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    What Can A Patient Find Out By Using The Dutch Test

  • You can accurately assess your estrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels compared to blood. The DUTCH test give us a complete picture of how the adrenal and female reproductive hormones are working together.
  • If you suffer from fatigue or sleep issues, checking adrenal hormone levels and their rhythm can more effectively guide treatment.
  • If you are on hormone replacement therapy, you can more accurately monitor levels and figure out how to adjust your therapy to make it safer and more effective.
  • You can check if the balance between estrogen and progesterone is shifted, a condition known as estrogen dominance. This is a common cause of premenopausal issues like PMS, and irregular cycles. It worsens menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, and weight gain. It can be the cause of fibroids, endometriosis, PCOS, ovarian cysts, infertility and miscarriage.
  • You can see if you are metabolizing or breaking down estrogen correctly. If your liver is not metabolizing estrogen effectively, you can develop severe hormone imbalance symptoms, but you could also be putting yourself at risk for estrogen-related cancers like breast, uterine and ovarian cancer.
  • Low testosterone and DHEA levels can be responsible for feelings of fatigue, weight gain, low libido, painful joints and muscles, bone loss and mood issues like depression and anxiety.
  • If you have sleep issues you can correct low melatonin levels or determine if supplementing with melatonin is worth doing.
  • Contact Women For Women Obgyn In Queens

    Linda Mihalov, MD, FACOG

    To request an appointment, click here.

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    Click here for patient reviews.

    Having symptoms of imbalanced hormones can be confusing. The side effects can cause physical and mental changes to your body. Doctors at Women for Women want to help you understand your body. We will provide you with the best care and create the best plan to create life-changing results. Make an appointment today with Women for Women Obstetrics and Gynecology.

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    Functional & Integrative Medicine

    It is a journey toward healing that we will take together. At The Balanced Woman we believe that we need to spend time with our patients, listen to their histories and current situations, and along with our tests and tools, look at the interactions between genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors that can influence long-term health.

    When Does Hormone Therapy Start Working

    Most types of hormone therapy start working quickly. You may notice an improvement in your symptoms in as little as a few days. With each passing week as your hormones continue to stabilize, your symptoms should keep fading away.

    Your OB/GYN may have you come back to Contemporary Women’s Care after a couple of months to reevaluate your hormone levels. She can change your dosage or formulary if you continue to experience hormone-related issues.

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    Obgyns Located In Greenville Sc

    Even though its a normal transition in a womans life, menopause symptoms can be disruptive and downright frustrating as theyre happening. As we have 3 expert obstetrician and gynecologists, on staff, Laura LeBel, MD, Heather Hoy, MD and Amanda Holsopple, MD of Elle OBGYN in Greenville, South Carolina, specialize in treating your menopause symptoms through natural hormone therapies. Dr. LeBel, Dr. Hoy and Dr. Holsopple understand that each woman experiences menopause in a unique way, and these women tailor treatments to your individual needs. Call the office to schedule a consultation at 864-609-4009 or request an appointment online to get relief from menopause symptoms.

    Treatment Options For Low T

    Dr. Kavitha Blewett

    If youve been diagnosed with Low T, you should visit a health and wellness clinic that specializes in the treatment of hormones, like SynergenX. Our doctors and medical professionals treat Low T with a hormone replacement therapy tailored to your specific needs. We also provide ongoing support and monitoring to ensure you are receiving the optimal dose your body needs to feel its best. Here are common methods of treating low testosterone levels:

    • Skin patchA small 24-hour patch applied to the skin releases small amounts of hormones into the skin.
    • GelsTopical gels applied daily to the arms, shoulders, or thighs helps increase testosterone in the body.
    • Mouth tabletTablets dissolved in the mouth twice a day release hormones into the bloodstream.
    • PelletsPellets implanted under the skin slowly release testosterone. They are replaced every three to six months.
    • InjectionsWeekly or bi-weekly injections boost testosterone levels temporarily.

    Get in touch with one of our skilled Low T doctors at SynergenX Health, or schedule an appointment for a $25 Low T test in McKinney, North Park, Woodlands, Kingwood, Vintage Park, Katy, Galleria, Burr Ridge, Sonterra San Antonio, Dallas, Houston, Northeast San Antonio or Northwest San Antonio. To get started, call 888-219-7259 or use our easy online form.

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    Obstetrics & Gynecology Located On The Upper West Side New York Ny

    If youre struggling to lose or maintain weight, have abnormal periods, or have lost your libido, a hormonal issue may be the root cause of your symptoms. The gynecologists at OBGYN Westside, PLLC, on the Upper West Side of New York City, offer customized hormone management services including testing and therapies to restore your hormones and your health. Call OBGYN Westside, PLLC or make an appointment online today.

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