Saturday, July 27, 2024

Low Growth Hormone Symptoms In Adults

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Growth Hormone Deficiency Treatment

Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency

How is growth hormone deficiency treated? Hormone replacement therapy is one of the most effective, safe and popular ways to treat a growth hormone deficiency. Only a doctor can prescribe the correct therapy for you when you partake in HRT. He or she will analyze your medical information and determine which hormone you are lacking.

Once a doctor knows that growth hormone is depleted in your system, he or she will then decide which of the most popular 5 HGH medications would be best suited for you and your needs. The doctor will most likely choose from the following HGH medications:

  • Humatrope by Eli Lilly
  • Omnitrope by Sandoz
  • Saizen by EMD Serono

All of the above medications are 100 percent pure, 191 amino acid sequences that are manufactured in controlled laboratories. They are only to be taken as subcutaneous injections which means that the needle is inserted just under the skin.

It is important to take the exact dosage of medication that the doctor prescribed for the best results. Take your medication as frequently as is prescribed as well and store it properly when not in use. Make sure to keep up with your medical supervision with your doctor. Treatment for a growth hormone deficiency has been clinically proven to be effective in many research studies that have been published in many of the worlds most prestigious medical journals.

Growth Hormone Stimulation Test Protocol

The tests should be performed only in experienced endocrine units where such procedures are frequently performed and a strict protocol is followed.

Here is an example of such a protocol.

First of all, you need to prepare for the procedure by fasting overnight and skipping breakfast in the morning. Right before the test, you have to undergo an ECG procedure and weight measurements. The doctor will carefully explain to you the side effects which you will experience, such as sweating and palpitations.

They are caused by the injection of insulin which induces hypoglycemia by lowering blood glucose levels under 2.2 mmol/l . You will have to be recumbent during the test. One stimulation with ITT is sufficient for the diagnosis of adult GHD.

During the test, you will be repeatedly drawn blood for GH levels monitoring and the normal peak value should be above 7 ng/ml. However, if your HGH response is below 3 ng/ml, this indicates that you have GHD.

What Is Considered As Low Hgh Level Symptoms You Need To Know

Low HGH levels occur when the pituitary gland more specifically the somatotropic cells in the anterior portion of the gland no longer puts out enough growth hormone to keep up with the demands of the body. This can be determined by having a doctor who is a hormone replacement specialist run some blood tests to check the HGH growth hormone levels in the body for a deficiency.

A compounding problem arises when not enough GH reaches the liver, where insulin-like growth factor 1 will be secreted based on how much somatotropin is received here. The ensuing shortage in both of these vital hormones will create widespread metabolic issues throughout the adult body.

Adult onset low growth hormone can occur for a number of reasons, including:

  • Damage to the pituitary gland from injury, radiation , or surgery
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Interference to the pituitary gland blood supply
  • Unknown or unspecified reasons

It is believed by many in the scientific and medical communities that growth hormone levels decline with age. This process often begins in ones early thirties and continues to decrease at a slow rate with each passing year. Although some people do believe that this natural process is beneficial to the body as a whole, there are times when the decline becomes so severe that negative effects begin to affect how a person is living his or her life. That is when medical intervention with HGH therapy is useful for reversing these symptoms.

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Understanding Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency

Its important to note that growth hormone deficiency can manifest differently in each person. You may have one or two symptoms, but there may be multiple symptoms in other cases. Luckily, your doctor can diagnose growth hormone deficiency by performing tests and examination. It is recommendable to check for tests that can make accurate growth hormone deficiency diagnosis.

Who Gets Growth Hormone Deficiency


Incidence: Growth hormone deficiency is relatively rare. About one in 4,000 to 6,000 children have GHD, and it affects about 50,000 U.S. adults.

Sex: GHD, except for one inherited subtype, affects boys and girls equally, though data shows boys are more likely to be diagnosed and treated.

Race/ethnicity: Scientists are not aware of differences across racial or ethnic groups, though data suggests that white people are more likely to be diagnosed and treated.

Risk factors: A family history of GHD or having had brain surgery or radiation therapy to the head can increase risk of GHD.

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What Can You Do To Help Your Treatment Process

Treatment for GHD often must continue for many years and possibly for life. One of the most important things you can do as a patient is to keep taking your prescribed dose of growth hormone and any other medicines you take. Another is to report any side effects you may have to your doctor.

In the United States, health insurance policies differ widely on covering growth hormone for adult patients. Be sure to check with your insurer about any special information they may require, and notify your doctor if your insurance coverage changes.

You and your doctor should be partners in your care. Keep appointments with your endocrinologist, ask questions, and take part in your care to ensure the success of your treatment.

What Is The Treatment For Growth Hormone Deficiency

Children and some adults with growth hormone deficiency will benefit from growth hormone therapy. The goals of treatment are to increase growth in children and restore energy, metabolism, and body composition.

  • Medication: The doctor may prescribe growth hormone, also called somatropin . The drug is given as shots a few times a week that is injected underneath the fat of the patients skin.
  • Surgery: Pituitary tumors may require surgery.
  • Radiation therapy: When the tumor cannot be safely removed by surgery, radiation therapy to the pituitary gland may be required.
  • Follow-up care with an endocrinologist is recommended.

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Where Do I Find A Doctor To Treat Hgh Deficiency

There is nothing more important than finding the right growth hormone deficiency doctor before starting treatment. You can ask around to friends or family that you know have received HGH replacement. If you are unsure of anyone in that category, the next step would be either doing online research or asking your family physician.

Some people do not want to discuss this with their primary provider because they are embarrassed by their symptoms, or they have had their concerns brushed aside in the past. Many doctors know little if anything about AGHD, and, therefore, may not be able to discuss this subject in a well-informed manner. The last thing we want to see is your doctor running a lot of useless tests that will only cost you money and not provide an accurate diagnosis.

To save yourself unnecessary time and money, turn to a legitimate hormone clinic such as ours to get testing and treatment for HGH deficiency. Our medical advisors and doctors recognize the signs of hormonal imbalance from your description of symptoms. We can arrange for the necessary blood tests that will determine if hormonal changes are the cause of your concerns. If so, we can provide the necessary treatment to get you back on track and enjoying your life once again.

Please contact us by completing the above form or calling for your free and confidential consultation.

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Low Hgh Levels

Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency – Edwin N. Lee M.D.

Part of the confusion as to whether or not a person has growth hormone deficiency is that this condition often looks different from one person to the next. You have to realize that the signs of low HGH levels can affect people in multiple ways.

You see, HGH receptors are located throughout the body and the brain, and one area may see a bigger drop in receipt of human growth hormones than another, therefore its corresponding functions will suffer more than a part of the body that receives more of a supply of HGH.

The varied symptoms of low growth hormone levels in adults include:

  • Fatigue, energy loss, and reduced endurance
  • Slow metabolism resulting in weight gain especially belly fat
  • Lower bone density increased risk of osteoporosis
  • Memory fluctuations or loss
  • Impaired quality of life and outlook for the future
  • Sensitivity to changes in temperature
  • Low libido
  • Reduced sexual pleasure
  • High cholesterol
  • Hair thinning or loss
  • Brittle nails

These low HGH levels signs and symptoms may appear in unison or just a few at a time. Once you notice any of these changes, the best option is to contact an HRT specialist to discuss your options for testing and treatment.

Low HGH levels are easily reversed with bioidentical HGH hormone replacement therapy.

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Treatment For Abuse Of Synthetic Growth Hormone

Giving up synthetic growth hormone can be extremely difficult for adults whose positive body image depends on looking large and muscular. Some users continue to take the hormone, even though it is affecting their health and wellbeing. Counselling may help you to stop using synthetic growth hormone. See your doctor for information and referral, or contact an alcohol and other drug service in your area.

Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency Benefits Side Effects And Risks Of Growth Hormone Replacement

  • 1Geriatrics and Extended Care, VA Puget Sound Health Care System, Madigan Health Care System, Tacoma, WA, USA
  • 2Division of Metabolism, Endocrinology, and Nutrition, VA Puget Sound Health Care System, University of Washington School of Medicine, Tacoma, WA, USA
  • 3Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA

Deficiency of growth hormone in adults results in a syndrome characterized by decreased muscle mass and exercise capacity, increased visceral fat, impaired quality of life, unfavorable alterations in lipid profile and markers of cardiovascular risk, decrease in bone mass and integrity, and increased mortality. When dosed appropriately, GH replacement therapy is well tolerated, with a low incidence of side effects, and improves most of the alterations observed in GH deficiency beneficial effects on mortality, cardiovascular events, and fracture rates, however, remain to be conclusively demonstrated. The potential of GH to act as a mitogen has resulted in concern over the possibility of increased de novo tumors or recurrence of pre-existing malignancies in individuals treated with GH. Though studies of adults who received GHRT in childhood have produced conflicting reports in this regard, long-term surveillance of adult GHRT has not demonstrated increased cancer risk or mortality.

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Questions To Ask Your Doctor

You and your family are key players in your childs medical care. Its important that you share your observations and ideas with your childs health care provider and that you understand your providers recommendations.

If your child is experiencing symptoms of growth hormone deficiency and youve set up an appointment, you probably already have some ideas and questions on your mind. But at the appointment, it can be easy to forget the questions you wanted to ask. Its often helpful to jot them down ahead of time so that you can leave the appointment feeling like you have the information you need.

If your child is old enough, you may want to suggest that she write down what she wants to ask her health care provider, too.

Some of the questions you may want to ask include:

  • Whats causing my childs growth hormone deficiency?
  • Will you be prescribing growth hormone replacement therapy?
  • Are there any side effects or potentially dangerous risks to treatment?
  • How long will my child have to remain on medication?
  • How much can I expect my child to grow?

How Is Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency Treated

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The most common way to treat adult growth hormone deficiency is to use growth hormone injections.

Growth hormone injections can have various beneficial effects on the symptoms of growth hormone deficiency including:

  • Effects on body composition and bone mineral content:
  • Growth hormone therapy, when given for a year, can
  • Improve lean tissue or muscle mass.
  • Reduce the risk of diabetes.
  • Growth hormone, when given for 18 months, increases the bone mineral density and reduces the risk of fractures.
  • Effects on physical performance:
  • Growth hormone therapy has a direct effect on the heart and muscle cells, thus increasing the following:
  • Exercise performance
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    What Are The Symptoms Of Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency

    Symptoms of adult growth hormone deficiency are nonspecific. Some people may be asymptomatic.

    Reported symptoms of adult growth hormone can be classified into five types, which include:

    • Neuropsychiatric problems:
    • People with growth hormone deficiency frequently complain of the following:
    • Low energy levels
    • Fibromyalgia syndrome
    • Low self-esteem
  • Growth hormone treatments for 6 to 12 months can significantly improve the following:
  • Energy levels
  • Emotional reactions
  • Cardiac problems:
  • Growth hormone deficiency is associated with endothelial dysfunction in which the large blood vessels on the hearts surface become narrow with or without any blockages.
  • Growth hormone deficiency can lead to the following cardiovascular side effects:
  • High waist to hip ratio
  • High-fat deposition around the abdomen
  • Plaque formation that leads to heart disease
  • Due to high fats in the trunk, a person with adult growth hormone deficiency appears as rounded.
  • Adults with growth hormone deficiency have seven percent higher total fat and altered lipid levels than those without the deficiency.
  • This alteration in lipid levels is responsible for the increase in the thickness of arterial walls.
  • It can increase the risk of heart diseases or even death.
  • Due to decreased skeletal and heart muscle strength, the following problems can occur:
  • People with growth hormone deficiency can have increased abdominal fat and reduced lean body mass.
  • Bone abnormalities:
  • Symptoms of bone abnormalities include:
  • Low bone mass
  • Causes Of Adult Human Growth Deficiency

    There are no specific causes of growth hormone deficiency in most cases. Researchers suggest that genetics can rarely cause the condition. The pituitary gland located in the brain produces the human growth hormone . When it fails, growth becomes slow. Some people are born with this condition which is called congenital growth hormone deficiency. But it can also develop when you are an adult, which is referred to as acquired growth hormone deficiency.

    Other causes of growth hormone deficiency include:

    1. An infection in the brain.2. Severe head injury.3. Hormonal issues linked to the pituitary gland or hypothalamus gland.4. Head tumor or history of pituitary tumors5. Brain surgery or radiation treatments to your head.6. Disrupted flow of blood to the pituitary gland.

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    Indications For Gh Replacement

    Prior to 1996 the use of GH in the US was limited to promoting statural growth in children with confirmed GHD its use to promote growth in other conditions associated with short stature, such as Turner syndrome, was approved subsequently. It has only been in the past 20 years that compelling evidence for a clinical syndrome in adults with GHD has been published and widely accepted. While several consensus guidelines have been published on the management of AGHD with GH replacement, the optimal criteria to select patients who might best benefit from treatment remains controversial, and practices vary among individual practitioners and countries.

    Causes And Symptoms Of Human Growth Hormone Deficiency In Adults


    We have mentioned that the pituitary gland naturally decreases somatotropin production with age, as you can see in the two charts above. However, problems exist that can lead to a more rapid or severely increased decline in GH levels. These issues typically affect the performance of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus, resulting in declining hormone levels.

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    Growth Hormone Deficiency Treatments

    Replacing growth hormone to treat GHD involves:

    Injection: You inject yourself every day with a small needle. Well help you become comfortable with this.

    Side effects: When you first start the medication, you may have muscle or joint aches, and mild swelling from fluid retention. They usually improve after we adjust your dose to the right level for you.

    Monitoring: We test your levels and adjust your dose as needed, to control side effects and improve your well-being. Well make sure you dont get too much GH, which can lead to muscle or joint pain, headaches and blurry vision.

    Effects of treatment: The goal of GH replacement therapy is to improve your health and reverse GHD features, such as belly fat and low bone density. Many patients see significant benefits from GH replacement. They may gain improved bone density, greater ability to exercise and improved well-being.

    Other Chemicals Used To Increase Muscle Size

    Some athletes or bodybuilders who abuse growth hormone in an attempt to gain muscle size and strength also use other medications or illicit drugs to speed up their physical transformation. The dangers of mixing these different chemicals are not fully known.Some of the substances people may use include:

    • steroids synthetic versions of the male sex hormone testosterone. These build muscle tissue and aid rapid recovery
    • amphetamines to aid in fat loss
    • beta-blockers to counteract trembling, a common side effect of steroids
    • diuretics to counteract fluid retention .

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    How To Define That You Have Low Hgh Levels

    Defining low human growth hormone levels in the body is not difficult when you know what to look for in regards to physiological, physical, mental, and emotional changes. GH has a part in all of these areas, and a decline can usually be recognized in many different ways varying from one person to the next.

    At the lower end of the severity spectrum, these changes can be mildly annoying. On the extreme end, the changes taking place can interfere with an individuals ability to function in the professional world. Socializing can become a thing of the past as quality of life declines dramatically.

    Common signs that HGH levels might need to be raised include:

    • Feelings of energy drain, fatigue, lethargy, reduced stamina
    • A higher level of fat retention, particularly belly fat
    • Difficulty maintaining focus and mental performance, including memory
    • Joint pains and decreased bone density leading to osteoporosis
    • Higher level of bad LDL cholesterol
    • Excessive wrinkles and sagging skin
    • Changes in texture of hair thinning, loss
    • Lack of drive and motivation
    • Feelings of depression and worries over the future, mood swings

    These are not the only symptoms associated with Low HGH, but they are the most common warning signs that adults will notice if growth hormone levels have decreased to a point where widespread breakdown is occurring.

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