Range Of Surgical Procedures
Depending on the cause of your heavy bleeding, the symptoms it causes, and where you are in your reproductive life, you may have a range of surgical options.
For example, if you require surgery to remove endometrial adhesions, you may opt to have endometrial ablation, a minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery that eliminates scar tissue caused by endometriosis.
If fibroids are causing your heavy menstrual bleeding, you have several minimally invasive treatment options, including laparoscopic robotic surgery. You may also benefit from the Accesa procedure, during which your doctor makes tiny incisions in your abdomen and inserts a device that shrinks fibroids using radiofrequency ablation.
If menstrual bleeding is severe enough and youve completed your family, you may opt to have a minimally invasive hysterectomy. During this procedure, we use the da Vinci® robotic system to remove your uterus and, if necessary, other reproductive organs such as your ovaries, fallopian tubes, or cervix.
Dont let heavy menstrual bleeding sideline you. Your healthcare providers here at Virtuosa GYN in San Antonio, Texas, can talk with you about the best treatment for your heavy periods. Call today for an appointment or book one online.
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How To Stop Heavy Periods
It can be hard to know if you have heavy periods, medically known as menorrhagia. Periods vary so much between women that whats normal for you may be heavy for someone else.
However, as a general rule, you have heavy periods if you experience heavy bleeding or bleeding for more than seven days. Signs that you have heavy bleeding include soaking through your sanitary products in an hour or needing to use more than one at the same time eg a tampon and a pad.
Heavy periods can take an emotional and physical toll on you. Its therefore important to seek help from your GP. If you experience unusually heavy periods for more than a month or two or feel exhausted during your periods, its time to see your GP.
They can help you decide what steps to take to reduce your bleeding and ease any other symptoms. This may include trying home remedies, making dietary changes, taking medication, or in rare cases when all other treatments have failed, surgery.
Top 5 Ways To Address Heavy Bleeding In Perimenopause
Womens HealthWomens Hormones 0
In case you needed one more example of how conventional medicine fails women in perimenopause, lets take a moment to consider heavy bleedingVirtually every woman is going to experience at least occasional heavy bleeding during the perimenopause years .Yet most conventional doctors will say something along the lines of:Just buy heavier pads/tampons.Its not hurting your body to bleed so much its normal after all. So you can keep living your life.Well, you can look forward to menopause and you wont have to deal with it anymore!Can you see the thread running through these suggestions?Deal with it.Itll end, so why should we try to fix it?Youre a woman so youre used to bleeding its not that bad, right?Im here today to tell you that you do NOT just have to suffer from heavy, painful periods in perimenopause. Theres a reason its happening, and there are natural, safe ways to get relief quickly!If you have a broken arm, do you wait until it heals to do something to fix it?Of course not.You get an x-ray, find the root cause of your pain, and make adjustments immediately.In the same way, you shouldnt just think, this will end in a few years when Im in menopause so Ill just deal with the pain.This article is going to be your heavy bleeding x-raylets dive into whats causing this painful disruptive symptom and how you can get relief!
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How To Assess Hmb In Clinical And Research Settings
In the clinical setting, women treated with oral anticoagulants usually do not spontaneously report their change in menstrual bleeding pattern since they initiated or modified their anticoagulant treatment. Hence, HMB is likely underrecognized by physicians. Discussing the potential effect of anticoagulant treatment on menstrual bleeding at the time of anticoagulant initiation will raise patient awareness of the potential for HMB.
Menstrual bleeding history in reproductive age women who are treated with anticoagulants should be specifically sought. A requirement to change sanitary pads or tampons more often than hourly, clots at least 1 inch in diameter, or a low ferritin level are clinical predictors for HMB. An inherited bleeding disorder should be suspected when patients have long-standing HMB or HMB since their menarche. Suspicion of a bleeding disorder on the basis of clinical or family history should trigger further evaluations. Women who report increased bleeding should be assessed for bleeding severity, its consequences, and the impact it has on their quality of life. A complete blood count, serum ferritin, INR in women receiving VKAs, serum creatinine in those receiving DOACs, and pregnancy testing should be performed. Other concomitant drugs that could potentiate bleeding should be reviewed. Referral to a gynecologist should be considered to exclude other causes of AUB.
Hormone Imbalance: What Are The Symptoms And Treatments
When youre browsing social media or watching TV, you may have come across ads telling you to ask your doctor to check your hormones as the first step toward diagnosing and relieving a troublesome set of symptoms. Its true that hormone imbalances can be associated with many problems, such as period problems, unwanted hair growth, fertility struggles, weight gain, and even difficulty sleeping. You should absolutely talk to your doctor about these things. But you may be surprised when your doctor tells you that they cant just give you a hormone check.
A hormone check sounds simpleafter all, we check cholesterol to get a handle on our heart health. However, your doctor cant just give you a hormone test because a single test to check all your hormones doesnt exist.
So if there isnt a simple hormone test, how does your doctor discover hormone imbalances? And how can you learn what could be causing your symptoms?
Lets look at problems caused by hormone imbalances and how your doctor could potentially determine which hormones may be responsible for your symptoms.
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Removal Of The Lining Of The Womb
Another option is to remove the lining of the womb . Here the tissue is removed using surgical instruments or destroyed, for instance using laser beams or microwave energy . After the procedure, the woman often stops having periods, or her periods are much lighter. This makes pregnancy unlikely.
But the lining of the womb can grow back. If heavy periods start again as a result, the procedure can be repeated. About 20 out of 100 women have this kind of surgery again within two years.
Endometrial ablation or resection can sometimes be performed as outpatient surgery. Women recover relatively quickly afterwards.
How Otc Medications Can Help
Some OTC pain relievers can help reduce blood loss during your periods. This includes nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Advil, Motrin, or aspirin.
NSAIDs dont lighten bleeding as well as prescription drugs, but you can combine them with other medications for better relief. These drugs may also help relieve painful cramps.
High doses or long-term use of NSAIDs can lead to unwanted side effects. You should always have your doctor monitor your dose, and never take NSAIDs if youre allergic or have been told not to.
If you see your doctor about your heavy periods, theyll likely start by prescribing one of the following medications:
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Drawback Or Side Effect Of Delaying Your Periods
Stopping your period can be beneficial. Delaying or stopping your menstruation cycle can help treat and prevent various menstrual symptoms.
Depending on what you are using to stop your period, there might be some drawbacks or side effects associated with it. For instance, those using hormonal birth control methods to stop their periods, common side effects may include breakthrough bleeding or spotting between periods. For most women, spotting will typically decrease over time.
Another side effect of stopping or delaying your periods is that it may be difficult to tell whether or not you are pregnant. In such cases, if you have some of the common symptoms associated with pregnancy and you are not sure whether or not you are print, we recommend you take a home pregnancy taste as soon as possible.
What Are No Period Birth Control Pills
Combination birth control pills are often the most common way to stop periods.
Thats because the schedule you use to take them can result in fewer periods or no periods at all.
For example, you may continually take a pill containing estrogen and progestin every day until you decide not to.
Or you might take so-called active pills for a few months straight before having a break. During your break, you might take inactive pills that contain no hormones for a week.
Other forms of birth control can have no period effects but theres often less of a guarantee.
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Acute Severe Uterine Bleeding
Severe uterine bleeding is often treated as an emergency. It may be treated with medicine, such as high-dose estrogen. Or it may be treated with a procedure, such as a dilation and curettage . When needed, a blood transfusion may be used to quickly restore blood volume.
Later, you and your doctor can choose a treatment that is safe for the longer term.
Breakthrough Period In Early Pregnancy
Around 30 percent of women experience spotting in early pregnancy. Spotting, in this case, is as a result of implantation.
According to Belly Belly, some women experience a breakthrough period in early pregnancy at the time when their menses would be due. This translates to around 4 weeks, 8 weeks and 12 weeks of pregnancy. This intermenstrual period may be accompanied by cramping, backache, and mood swings.
Vaginal bleeding after a month or three weeks of gestation means a serious underlying problem. It is always advised that you visit your doctor immediately to rule out a miscarriage or any medical problem.
Other common causes of vaginal bleeding that might be life-threatening during pregnancy include:
- Placenta previa
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Emergency Treatment To Rapidly Stop Heavy Bleeding
Some women have very heavy bleeding during a period. This can cause a lot of blood loss, and distress. One option as an emergency treatment is to take a course of norethisterone tablets. Norethisterone is a progestogen medicine. Progestogens act like the body’s natural progesterone hormones – they control the build-up of cells lining the womb .So, if a period is very heavy or prolonged, your doctor may advise that you take norethisterone tablets. A dose of 5 mg three times daily for 10 days is the usual treatment. Bleeding usually stops within 24-48 hours of starting treatment. If bleeding is exceptionally heavy then 10 mg three times daily may be given. This should then be tapered down to 5 mg three times daily for a week, once your bleeding has stopped.
Menopause And Hormone Replacement Therapy
Menopause is when you permanently stop getting your period, but it doesnât happen overnight. You may have symptoms for years. A common one is light, irregular bleeding, which might seem like bloody discharge.
Thereâs another reason why women in the early stages of menopause often have unusual vaginal bleeding. Some of them take hormone replacement therapy to control their symptoms. HRT is a common cause of uterine bleeding.
Donât assume that any blood you see is due to changes in your body as you near menopause or any medicine you take. Itâs better to play it safe and call your doctor, especially since endometrial and uterine cancer are more common in older women than younger ones.
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How Is Menorrhagia Treated
Your healthcare provider will consider your age and overall health and your personal preferences when finding the best treatment for you.
Treatment for hormone problems may include:
- Prostaglandin inhibitors. These are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines , including aspirin or ibuprofen. They help reduce cramping and the amount you bleed.
- Birth control pills. These stop ovulation and result in lighter periods.
- Progesterone. This is a type of hormone treatment.
Treatment for problems with the uterine lining may include:
- Ablation. Healthcare providers use this procedure to destroy the lining of the uterus .
- Resection. In this procedure, the lining of the uterus is removed.
- Hysterectomy. This is the surgical removal of the whole uterus.
- Iron supplements. If you have anemia as a result of the heavy loss of blood, you may need iron supplements.
Progesterone For Heavy Periods
Progesterone lightens periods by thinning the uterine lining. In that way, its similar to synthetic progestins such as norethisterone and medroxyprogesterone , but progesterone is better for mood and does not carry the breast cancer risk of progestins.
The standard way to take Prometrium is at bedtime during the final two weeks of the cycle.
Tip: If your doctor is reluctant to prescribe Prometrium or Utrogestan, refer her to Professor Jerilynn Priors document For Healthcare Providers: Managing Menorrhagia Without Surgery.
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Heavy Periods Caused By Endometriosis Or Adenomyosis
Endometriosis or adenomyosis are gynecological conditions that can cause pain and heavy bleeding. Your doctor might be able to pick them up with an ultrasound, or she might refer you to a gynecologist for further assessment.
Natural treatments for endometriosis and/or adenomyosis:
- Anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial treatments including zinc, turmeric, and a dairy-free diet. Read Immune treatment for endometriosis.
- Calcium-d-glucarate .
- Natural or micronized progesterone .
Tip: Fibroids are rarely the cause of heavy bleeding because most fibroids are located inside the muscle or on the outside of the uterus where they do not affect flow. Only ten percent of fibroids cause heavy bleeding.
Signs Of Abnormally Heavy Periods
About 1 in 5 women is living with abnormally heavy periods, but many women dont seek treatment. You might be experiencing abnormally heavy menstrual periods if you have any of the following symptoms:
- Periods lasting longer than seven days
- Passing blood clots larger than a quarter
- Needing to change pads or tampons every hour
- Needing to change pads or tampons during the night
- Anemia
- Missing out on daily activities due to period symptoms
These are all signs of heavy periods. Experiencing heavy bleeding can drain your energy, cause symptoms of anemia, and make you miss out on activities because youre tired or uncomfortable.
Talk to Dr. Sejour about your periods to find out if your menstrual cycle might be abnormal. If youve tried other methods of controlling your period, or you dont want to use hormones, an IUD, or other method, endometrial ablation might be a good option for you.
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How Can I Prevent Postmenopausal Bleeding
In some circumstances, there is nothing a woman can do to prevent bleeding after menopause. It can be a crucial message your body is sending that something just isnt right. But often, there are steps you can take to avoid the conditions that cause these bleeding events.
Maintaining hormonal balance
When hormones are at play, there are some relatively simple lifestyle changes that can keep your hormones balanced, thus avoiding one of the most common conditions that leads to bleeding after menopause:
- Eat as well as you can. Make sure your body is getting the nutrients it needs by choosing fresh vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats.
- Get up and move. Staying active can be instrumental in keeping your body balanced and healthy.
- Relax. Taking time for self-care is crucial. Find ways to relieve the stress of everyday life. Yoga, meditation, deep breathing, or regularly indulging in activities you love can go a long way towards stress reduction.
- Supplementation. You can prevent on overabundance of estrogen by giving your body some natural endocrine support.
- Minimize exposure to xenoestrogens. Pay attention to how often you expose your body to chemicals that can wreak havoc on your hormones. Perfumes, cleaning products, even cash register receipts may impact your hormonal balance, so go natural any chance you can.
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Surgery For Heavy Periods
If youve tried medication for your heavy periods and it isnt effective, your doctor may discuss surgical options with you. They will consider how severe your symptoms are, whether you plan on having children and if there is an underlying cause for your heavy periods. If there is an underlying cause, such as fibroids in your womb or endometriosis, treatment for this condition will ease or stop your heavy periods.
Surgery for fibroids in your womb
If your heavy periods are caused by fibroids in your womb, treatment may be non-invasive, using focused ultrasound to shrink your fibroids. However, in cases where this isnt appropriate, your doctor may recommend one of the following surgical procedures:
- Myomectomy your surgeon will remove your fibroids either via your vagina or through several small cuts or one large cut made into your abdomen
- Uterine fibroid embolisation your surgeon will insert a thin tube called a catheter into an artery in your thigh they will guide the catheter into the arteries in your womb and inject tiny beads into the blood vessels supplying your fibroids, which will make your fibroids shrink
Other types of surgery
If your heavy periods are not caused by fibroids in your womb, your doctor may recommend one of the following surgical procedures:
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Treating Heavy Periods In Blood Disorders
Treatment for blood disorders varies depending on the type and severity of the disorder. In some cases, women take iron supplementation to replenish the iron in their body lost from excessive bleeding in others, women may receive intravenous iron or a blood transfusion in which they receive blood from a donor to replace lost blood.
If we find that a hormonal imbalance is causing a patients heavy periods, hormones often are effective. The most common types include:
- Birth control pills
- Intrauterine device , a small, T-shaped plastic device inserted into the uterus
- Birth control ring , a tiny, flexible ring thats inserted into the cervix
When we diagnose a young woman with a blood disorder, we have other tricks up our sleeves to control her periods better, such as allowing her to have a period only four times a year using hormones to prevent anemia or using non-hormonal options for additional protection. We also work with dentists and surgeons to make plans for dental procedures and surgeries so patients do not experience unnecessary bleeding.
Additionally, some women with heavy periods receive psychiatric care because mental health problems such as anxiety and depression can arise while experiencing symptoms. In this case, a hematologist, Ob/Gyn, or adolescent doctor will refer patients to a psychologist or psychiatrist.
To find out whether you or a loved one might benefit from the Young Womens Blood Disorders Program, call or request an appointment online.