Saturday, July 27, 2024

Blood Tests To Check Hormone Levels

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Get Hormones Tested Near You

Hormones (specifically testosterone levels) & blood testing with APRN Cass.

You no longer have to ask yourself, Where can I get hormone testing near me? Shop Personalabs hormonal imbalance tests online at your convenience and get your lab order right away. Choose one of our partner labs thats closest to you and get your testing done. Shouldnt all your healthcare choices be that easy? Browse our lab test selections today.

Order Lab Panels Offer For The Hormones Balance Community

Magdalena W.: Yeah, lets do that. Like Dr. Alan mentioned, the URL is We are going to make the URL available in all different places. Just before I show you the labs, just want to share that its a really simple ordering process. You order them online with the link down below here. You go to the local quest lab, which has got over 4,000 locations throughout the country. Then, you get the results online within 48 hours, really as simple as that, just absolutely wonderful. No need to see a doctor, no need to argue why you want to have those labs done. We always get a lot of questions of what about us Canadians, what about us in the UK. We cant help you with this.

Alan Hopkins: Yeah, yeah, absolutely cheat sheets. Ill talk about those in a minute. We have cheat sheets for people to try and make it easier for them.

I dont need to read that. This is a great starting point, especially if you have already done a lot of things in the past. We basically repackage the panels into three options here. If you feel like maybe you want to just pick and choose what you want, there is always an option of that. I love this website for that. You could just basically click on what would you like to order, and then go and add it to cart, and then check it out. Everything that Dr. Alan has covered is all in here. I didnt even see that. We have even exposure. This is heavy metal testing here, right?

Alan Hopkins: Yes.

Why Do I Need An Estrogen Test

You may need an estradiol test or an estrone test if you:

  • Are having trouble getting pregnant
  • Are a woman of childbearing age who is not having periods or having abnormal periods
  • Are a girl with early or delayed puberty
  • Have symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes and/or night sweats
  • Have vaginal bleeding after menopause
  • Are a boy with delayed puberty
  • Are a man showing female characteristics, such as the growth of breasts

If you are pregnant, your health care provider may order an estriol test between the 15th and 20th week of pregnancy as part of a prenatal test called a triple screen test. It can find out if your baby is at risk for a genetic birth defect such as Down syndrome. Not all pregnant women need to get an estriol test, but it is recommended for women who have a higher risk of having a baby with a birth defect. You may be at a higher risk if you:

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Hormonal Changes In The Menopause

Menopause causes a change in hormone levels, such as decreased levels of the hormones oestrogen and progesterone. On average, menopause usually occurs between 45 and 55 years of age.

Menopause is a natural change which all women will go through, but it can have a big impact on a woman’s sense of wellbeing. Symptoms of menopause include:

  • Mood changes such as depression and anxiety
  • Changes to your menstrual cycle
  • Reduced sex drive

Is This Test Still Useful If I Am Using A Form Of Contraception

Treating Estrogen Dominance

If you are taking a progesterone only form of contraception such as progesterone-only pill, progesterone implant, or Minerva coil then this test is still useful as these forms of conception do not suppress normal production of FSH, LH, or oestradiol. This test is not useful if taking a combined form of conception e.g the combined oral conceptive pill .

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Why Hormonal Imbalance Blood Testing Makes Sense

Hormones are chemicals that are produced by glands in the endocrine system and play a critical role in regulating bodily functions. Hormones naturally fluctuate as you age, and some hormonal imbalances are to be expected as you transition through various stages of life.

However, hormonal imbalances can also occur at any time and may be indicative of an underlying disease or disorder. Below, learn all about hormones, hormonal imbalances, common endocrine disorders and hormonal testing.

Why Would I Need This Test

Your doctor might suggest a blood test for oestrogen if:

  • your menstrual cycle is abnormal, or you have heavy bleeding
  • you can’t get pregnant
  • you have symptoms of menopause, like hot flushes
  • you have symptoms that might mean your hormones are unbalanced

If you are pregnant, you might have a blood test for oestrogen:

Young girls occasionally have blood tests for oestrogen if they are developing sex organs when very young. Young boys occasionally have blood tests for oestrogen if they are developing breasts.

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Possible Causes Of Abnormally Low Cortisol Levels

Addisons disease

Also called primary adrenal insufficiency, this is a condition that occurs when the adrenal glands are damaged and become unable to produce enough cortisol and/or other stress hormones. This is most often caused by auto-immune activity, where the immune system attacks the bodys own tissues. Other potential causes include long-term use of steroid medications, certain blood thinners, tumors and infections.

Problems with the pituitary gland

Low cortisol levels can be caused by the pituitary gland failing to release enough ACTH. This latter is important to trigger adequate amounts of cortisol to be released from the adrenal glands. This is typically referred to as secondary adrenal insufficiency, or hypopituitarism and, can be caused by trauma to the pituitary gland, brain tumors, pituitary gland tumors, stroke, autoimmune diseases and tuberculosis, among many other possible causes.

Hormonal Imbalance And Women

The Ideal Testosterone To Estrogen Ratio In Your Blood Work For Health And Performance

Female hormones are powerful chemical messengers that regulate the reproductive system and influence many other vital systems. When they are present in the body in the proper amounts and ratios, they work in concert with one another to promote optimal health and well-being. However, when female hormonal imbalance becomes an issue, the consequences can manifest themselves throughout the body, taking a toll on a woman’s health and quality-of-life. When the condition is accurately identified and treated, the balance of female hormones can be corrected, reducing the symptoms and health risks associated with hormonal imbalance.

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Signs Of Hormone Imbalance In Women

So often we attribute our body’s changes incorrectly. As women progress through life, the body responds differently, and it plays out in a number of ways.

1- Estrogen Imbalance

Estrogen is made by your ovaries, your adrenal glands, and to a much lesser extent, by your fat cells. It has many functions, including:

  • Maintaining Bone Calcium
  • Regulating HDL and LDL Cholesterol in Blood
  • Helping Maintain Blood Sugar Levels
  • Helping with Memory
  • Balancing Emotions

Estrogen imbalance can cause numerous symptoms which will depend on whether you are experiencing an overabundance of the hormone or less of it. The causes and signs can be discerned, but they take a watchful eye. Too little estrogen is often caused by:

  • Hypopituitarism
  • Failed Pregnancy

3- Testosterone Imbalance

Testosterone is not just a male sex hormone. Women also have lesser amounts of this hormone. It is produced by your ovaries and adrenal glands. Testosterone has the important function of aiding you by protecting you against developing osteoporosis. It has many other effects on your health, including sex drive, mood, energy levels and body fat percentage.

If you have too much testosterone in your body, such as when you have a condition called polycystic ovary syndrome, you could experience:

  • Irregular Periods
  • Increased Body or Facial Hair

Too little testosterone often occurs during menopause and can lower your sex drive, cause depression, weakness of your muscles and fatigue.

What Are Hormone Blood Tests Used For

Most commonly, a lab test for hormonal imbalance is ordered based on reported symptoms, including hot flashes, irregular periods, infertility, or loss of libido, among others.

These symptoms that might require hormonal blood work are generally indicative of various conditions, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome , thyroid disease, diabetes, obesity, and more.

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How Do Hormone Tests Work

The simplicity of at-home hormone tests makes them an easy, effective option. After ordering your test, a box will arrive with thorough instructions to collect testing samples.

Depending on the test selected, youll be asked to take a urine sample or blood sample using a finger pricking tool.

Once you finish your test, youll ship your results to a lab for review. Results are typically provided online between 2 and 5 business days after the samples reach the lab.

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Samples of urine, saliva, faeces and finger-prick blood, which can be collected at home, are currently used by the NHS for specific tests, especially in relation to children.

It is recommended that all tests are overseen by the patients GP and/or endocrinologist. This is because it is important that a doctor has carried out a full examination of the patient and talked to them face-to-face to ensure that they can properly interpret the results of any tests. The advantage of a professionally collected sample , eg, blood from a vein, is that enough is taken to allow double-checking of extreme results, repeating the analysis after dilution, investigating possible human or biological interference, allowing additional tests to be carried out if required without the delay and discomfort of taking another sample.

Some internet laboratories are acceptable, but the small volume of self-taken samples creates limitations. With hormones, it is often best to measure more than one at once in order to get the full-picture.

It can be difficult for internet laboratories without full knowledge of individual medical details, for example, the drugs being taken, to appreciate the significance of the results, or fully interpret them.

It is important to take care when comparing results from different laboratories because significant variation can arise from differences in the measurement technology.

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This Type Of Blood Work Is Key To The Whole Picture Because The Hypothalamus Is Controlling All Of These Endocrine Glands

However, I cant measure the hormones from the hypothalamus. Therefore, I need to look at the function of the glands controlled by the hypothalamus to determine whether or not theres miscommunication with the hypothalamic pituitary endocrine gland axis or not.

For instance, if your fT4 and fT3 levels are low, but so is your TSH, then you have hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid miscommunication.

How To Test Your Hormones At Home

My gold standard is a blood draw for serum testing, but its hard to get a blood draw during a pandemic! There are convenient, reliable alternatives for many biomarkers. In the video, I talk about the blood spot test from ZRT Labs. I also love the dried urine test for hormone metabolism and to follow certain hormones in my patients on bioidentical hormone therapy. Occasionally I will run saliva tests but only for limited indications.

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How And When Will The Patient Find Out The Results

Results are returned to the doctor or specialist nurse who is looking after the patient. They may be contacted immediately to discuss the results or wait until they are next seen in clinic.

Results must be interpreted in the context of other medical details. With endocrinology in particular, the same numerical result may signify health in one person, but a problem in another. Patients should discuss results with their doctor rather than trying to interpret them themselves.

Routine results are produced within one working day providing additional measurements are not required, for example, if it has to be double-checked. Results on samples sent to reference laboratories for special tests may take one to four weeks to return.

Who May Need A Female Hormone Panel

Testosterone Blood Levels for Women | Testosterone Blood Test Results

Middle-aged women, and those experiencing difficulties with becoming pregnant, will most benefit from having their hormone levels checked in order to either begin hormone replacement therapy, or make lifestyle changes which could improve certain aspects of their hormone levels. Also, patients who have experienced symptoms related to menopause, as well as those looking to discover the source of a chronic condition possibly linked to abnormal hormone levels or general health, will also be provided enough information to work with their physician in determining a method of treatment.

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Can A Blood Test Help To Diagnose Menopause

Yes, in certain circumstances but their reliability depends on your age and several other factors. More on this will be explained below, but first, its important to understand that hormonal blood tests work by measuring the hormone levels in your blood. When you are in menopause or post-menopause, the hormonal changes expected to be found in your blood are low levels of the sex hormone estradiol and raised levels of the gonadotrophin hormones FSH and LH , which control the functioning of the ovaries. When the ovaries start to fail, FSH and LH levels increase in an attempt to keep the ovaries going. If a blood test confirms raised menopause-range FSH levels, it can be a good indication that you are undergoing menopause. However, it is not clear cut! A test indicating raised, menopausal-range FSH levels should be repeated in 6 weeks to confirm that you are in menopause. In contrast, a normal, non-menopausal range FSH level does not rule out menopause.

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The Role Of Estrogen In Your Body

In its role as the major sex hormone in your body, estrogen does some pretty important things that aren’t related to fertility. As a hormone, estrogen acts on the parts of your body that have estrogen-specific hormone receptors. Estrogen is involved with numerous important functions throughout your body.

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What Can It Tell Us

Hormones in the bloodstream that are not bound to protein are filtered through the salivary glands and enter saliva. Saliva testing accurately measures the hormones that are bioavailable to organs and tissues. If these active levels are too high or too low, it may be the cause behind health issues such as irregular periods, weight gain, fatigue, hot flashes, night sweats and many others.

Hormone testing may often require baseline measurements as well as periodic tests to monitor a particular condition or adjust therapeutic dosing.

If you are experiencing the symptoms of a hormonal imbalance, theres an easy way to find out if your hormones are to blame! Schedule your consultation with the expert team at Coyle Institute and well track down the cause of your hormonal issues through a saliva test, then work with you to get the care and treatment you need to feel like yourself again!

At Coyle Institute, We Restore Womens Lives Through Improved Pelvic Health So You Can Focus On Whats Important: Enjoying Your Life and the People You Love.

What Is Hormone Testing For Women

Serum Thyroid Levels

Hormones are substances that send chemical messages in the body and have a variety of effects on processes like physical development, reproduction, and mood.

People of any sex have a wide range of hormones in their body. Hormone testing for women and people assigned female at birth often focuses on hormones that play a role in puberty, fertility, menopause, and health conditions more common in this population.

Hormone testing may be used for a variety of purposes in women and people assigned female at birth. Hormone testing can be used to confirm pregnancy, track menopause, detect hormonal imbalances, and understand the cause of reproductive health issues.

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Your Normal Might Not Be Average

At Mens T Clinic®, we take time to learn all about your present symptoms, in addition to other symptoms or health conditions youve had in the past. We may also conduct a number of blood tests during the initial consultation to determine your baseline levels of:

  • Total testosterone
  • Estradiol hormone

Even if your T levels are considered normal by medical standards, they may not be normal for you. If you have symptoms that are associated with low T and dont have an underlying medical condition that could account for them, we work to restore your T levels until your symptoms diminish or disappear.

What The Results Mean

If progesterone levels are low during pregnancy, it could be a sign that you’re at risk of miscarriage or premature labor. You may be given a synthetic form of progesterone to prevent early labor.

High progesterone levels usually do not signal any health problems unless they continue for a long time. In those instances, high levels may indicate an increased risk of breast cancer.

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Natural Ways To Support Healthy Hormones

While you should always speak to your doctor if you have hormonal imbalance, he might not have to give you any kind of medication to restore the balance. This is particularly true if the imbalance is caused by something like diet or stress. In general, people who have the following criteria are at higher risks of developing hormonal imbalances:

  • Being overweight or obese
  • Consuming an excessive amount of alcohol
  • Being exposed to pesticides and toxins
  • Experiencing high stress levels
  • Not sleeping enough

Many of these risk factors are easily controlled when you’re mindful of your diet, exercise routine, and daily habits. If you quit smoking, moderate your drinking, or avoid exposure to pesticides, you can help reduce your risk factor for hormonal imbalances and naturally keep them moderated.

Changing the way you eat can go a long way towards improving your hormonal balance. For example, when you exchange carbohydrates for healthy fats, like coconut oil and avocado, you can lower your bodys inflammation and help maintain your hormone at the right levels. Consuming enough proteins will help control the ghrelin hormone that makes you feel hungry. This gives you the feeling of fullness and then, you will stop eating at the appropriate time and maintain a healthy weight.

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