Saturday, July 27, 2024

How To Treat Hormonal Acne In Your 40’s

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Could My Acne Be Related To Anemia

How I Cured My Adult Hormonal Cystic Acne Naturally (no accutane)

The link between anemia, low iron, and acne is not proven. A few studies have shown a small connection. However, scientists believe anemia’s probably not the real cause of acne. Instead, taking too much zinc to treat acne may cause anemia. There is limited scientific evidence that zinc works to treat acne.

What Are The Symptoms Of Hormonal Acne

For teenagers, hormonal acne breakouts will often appear in the same places as typical teen acne: the forehead, cheeks, around the mouth, and the chin. Unlike teenage acne which is predominantly on the upper parts of the face, hormonal acne appears mostly on the lower parts of the face around the mouth, chin, and lower jawline. Though the chin and jawline are the most common locations for adult hormonal acne, the face and sides of the neck may also be affected.

Like teenage acne, hormonal acne will include comedones . Many women with hormonal acne will also have “under-the-skin bumps”, cysts that are not red or visible on the skin’s surface.

What’s The Best Way To Prevent Acne

First, avoid touching your face. Touching your face can increase oiliness, irritate your skin, and encourage the growth of bacteria. Develop a hands-off policy.

Second, keep oily hair off your skin. And look for oil-free hair products. Oily hair care products can get on your face and clog pores.

Third, be gentle with your skin. Use your fingertips to wash your face with a non-abrasive cleanser. Use mild skin care products.

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Stay Away From Cows Dairy :

Research shows that dairy can cause acne due to high levels of iodine. While milk itself does not naturally contain iodine, farmers give their cows iodine-fortified feed to prevent infection. They also use iodine solutions to sanitize cow udders and milking equipment. As a result, the iodine gets into the milk itself.

According to research published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology consuming dairy specifically, low fat/skim milk is much higher in teenagers who have acne. Safer options are goat and sheep milk.

Acne In Your 40s & 50s When It Suddenly Appears

How to treat Hormonal Acne?

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes

Its not fair, when youve never had a pimple in your life, or certainly not since your teenage years, to be suddenly inflicted with breakouts and Acne in your 40s or 50s. Acne during this stage of your life is not often talked about so lets help you work out what you can do

Forgive me, as this concern is complex and as I want you to understand everything I have to say. I also cant give you a book so I have included a lot of links extra reading when the insomnia of menopause is keeping you up beats doing the ironing!

Most adult acne affects your chin and jawline, traditionally hormonal areas. It can actually affect anywhere on your face though, or might even be on your chest, back and shoulders anywhere really. Unfortunately, there are no quick fixes, no immediate cures or magic pills. It needs to be controlled and managed carefully and individually. If you want to find out more about the general causes and treatment of your acne, have a read of the Acne article. Acne can also be a manifestation of Rosacea, which will be treated slightly differently. If you have reddened cheeks or chin that may be bumpy and/or pimply and your skin is quite reactive, discover how to reverse your Rosacea, whatever the stage, by also following the Rosacea link.

Also Check: How To Find Out If Your Hormones Are Imbalanced

Do Diet And Lifestyle Affect Hormonal Acne At All

“There is no evidence that poor hygiene, chocolate or greasy foods cause acne in all people,” says Dr Tomizawa.

“Although eating healthy will improve your well-being, changes to your diet will not miraculously cure your skin.

“Dermatologists have researched diet modification for a number of skin diseases and unfortunately avoiding certain ingredients in foods usually does not improve the appearance of the skin or cure acne for all people.

“However, in certain people, they may find that a particular food group especially those in high refined sugar can exacerbate their acne. For these people, avoiding these foods can help to reduce their breakouts.”

What Are My Treatment Options

To get to the root of acne, schedule a visit with a dermatologist. A dermatologist is a doctor who specializes in skin health. If the doctor confirms that hormones are to blame, a woman may start a prescription to adjust hormone levels. Oral contraceptives are one option. Women may also take drugs that repress androgen. This can be particularly helpful for women in the perimenopausal period when androgen is increasing. In mild cases, prescription topicals may help. Many women find that a retinoid, a vitamin A derivative, can effectively keep breakouts at bay.

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Looking At The Bright Side

Treating acne can take a long time. For many women, breakouts dont go away for at least 2 months after starting treatment. However, the bright side is that hormonal changes do not last forever. Eventually, hormones even out, and so do symptoms. For more information about perimenopause symptoms and hormonal acne, speak with a healthcare provider.

When To See A Dermatologist

How to Treat Hormonal Acne

Whether you have had acne since your teenage years, or it is a new skin problem, consider seeing a dermatologist, a hair, skin, and nails specialist, for treatment options.

A dermatologist can help you understand what may be causing your acne. They may prescribe medications or offer topical treatments applied directly to the skin.

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Why Is Hormonal Acne Important

Hormonal acne does not always respond fully to treatment with acne creams, such as topical retinoids, and antibiotics. In some cases hormonal acne does not even respond well to treatment with Isotretinoin . Hormonal acne is more likely to come back after a course of Roaccutane has successfully cleared it.

Besides being stubborn to treat, hormonal acne causes redness for prolonged periods, scarring and pigmentation. Some types of hormonal acne cause a large number of comedones to develop especially on the sides of the face temples, cheeks and jaw line.

Enlarged pores on the nose and cheeks are commonly seen with hormonal acne. Hormonal acne can be really frustrating and cause a reduced quality of life for sufferers.

Hormonal acne can be distinguished from fungal acne on the type of spots and their location. Fungal acne causes smaller spots that are more evenly sized and itchy.

Ayurvedic Therapies To Balance Hormones

  • Abhyanga
  • Oil massage with essential oils helps to balance the doshas and clear out ama. Useful essential oils include turmeric oil, neem oil, jojoba oil, etc.

  • Shirodhara
  • Shirodhara involves pouring medicated oil on the forehead. It helps relieve stress and hence reduce stress and cortisol levels. It also balances doshas.

  • Nasya
  • Nasya involves pouring medicated oils like ghee down the nostrils. It is especially useful for relieving Pitta.

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    What Is The Treatment Of Hormonal Acne

    There are many treatments to take to clear up hormonal acne. From over the counter options, face washes or creams, DIY methods and doctor-prescribed medications, you can try out many different techniques to get rid of your acne.

    For over the counter medications or face washes, try to include products and cleaners that include salicylic or glycolic acid. These ingredients stop bacteria and reduce inflammation.

    If you go with the cream option, dermatologists recommend patients use topical retinoids. Retinoids can help rid your skin of dead skin cells that end up clogging your pores. And over time, these creams will help your skin stay clear. While you can find many of them over the counter, your doctor can prescribe a higher dose for more severe acne.

    Some patients cure their acne problems with DIY or natural methods. Tea tree oil and alpha hydroxy acid are some of the best ways to fight hormonal acne organically. For more severe acne, contact your doctor or dermatologist.

    If you are a woman, one of the medications a health specialist might recommend is birth control. Birth control balances out your hormones and clears your skin. However, not every woman can take oral contraceptives, and men cannot at all. So what can a doctor recommend? The next medication they can give you is anti-androgen drugs. Anti-androgen drugs suppress the male hormone androgen, which lowers oil production and secretion.

    Whats The Truth About Chocolate And Acne

    How To Treat Hormonal Imbalance Acne

    Theres no scientific proof that eating chocolate, sugar, or greasy food causes acne. However, if it seems that certain foods trigger breakouts, avoid them.

    Sugary or greasy foods hinder your health in other ways, contributing to diabetes and heart disease. Reach for fresh food for better overall health.

    Recommended Reading: How To Manage Hormonal Acne

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    How Can You Control Hormonal Acne

    Aside from good skincare, the first step would be to see your dermatologist about testing your hormone levels, blood sugar, and cortisol levels. Sometimes oral contraceptives and anti-androgen drugs can help.

    Take a look at your diet. Eat foods rich in probiotics or take a probiotic supplement to rebalance the beneficial microbes on the skin. Probiotics will also ramp up your body’s first line of defense against anything harmful: your gut, which can also help to train the rest of your body to handle infection. They work by helping your gut ease the inflammation that can trigger a host of skin problems, including acne. Probiotics can reduce levels of the hormones that drive acne, help your body absorb skin-essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, reduce the effect of chronic stress, and regulate glycemic levels that can contribute to acne.

    How Do You Know If Acne Is Hormonal

    There are several signs that your pimples are related to hormones. According to dermatologists, here are a few signs of hormonal acne:

    While wed love to leave acne behind once we enter our 20s, the reality is acne flare-ups are possible at any time. Hormonal acne is the type thats most likely to attack in your 20-something years, since those are the years when people with vaginas tend to be most hormonally active. Your 20s is often the peak childbearing age, says Dr. Jegasothy. This makes people with vaginas more prone to the intense hormonal fluctuations of pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding.

    But age alone wont determine whether or not youll break out. Genetics can dictate when hormonal breakouts start and stop. Throughout my professional career, Ive found that nearly half of women in their 20s experience acneand menopause can cause a resurgence of breakouts, Marina Peredo, M.D.6, cosmetic and medical board-certified dermatologist and associate clinical professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital, tells SELF.

    This is because these excess hormones in your body stimulate the oil glandsmany of which are around your chin area, says Dr. Peredo. These excess oil glands make your skin a prime spot for these types of breakouts.


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    Prescription Treatment Options For Perimenopausal Acne Include:

    • Prescription antibiotics like Benzamycin could do the trick, as well as blackhead treatments like Retinoids . Consider using a skincare product that contains retinol or peptides. When using Retinoids, be sure to apply plenty of sunscreen daily, as they are notorious for increasing the skins sensitivity to UV rays. Retinoids help your skin slough off dead skin cells at a more normal rate so the dead skin cells dont bind together and clog your pores.
    • Oral medications. Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics, androgen blockers like spironolactone, or a low dosage of severe acne medication such as Accutane.
    • Hormone Replacement Therapy . The most effective treatment for adult acne is usually some form of hormonal therapy. For menopausal women, this means Hormone Replacement Therapy. Some women who start HRT report that their complexion has cleared up, while others find that its made their acne troubles worse. HRT can relieve many unpleasant symptoms of menopause, but there are some risks with starting HRT, mostly for women who have a history of breast or endometrial cancers. Most likely, your medical professionals wouldnt prescribe HRT for skin troubles alone but may prescribe it if youre suffering from a host of problems related to menopause.

    Dont Underestimate Natures Healing Power

    How To Treat Hormonal Acne

    As you can see, I am very passionate about the topic of hormonal acne because it is often not discussed by mainstream skincare professionals when treating blemished skin.

    Although there are wonderful topical products on the market , addressing hormones is a huge component for achieving lifelong clear skin. Not only have I successfully done this for myself, thousands of NAC clients have as well, and so can you. Let us show you how!

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    Could My Makeup Cause My Acne

    Yes. In fact, anything you put on your face has the potential to clog pores. Look for oil-free makeup, sunscreens, and other skin products. Non-comedogenic and nonacnegenic products can be better for acne-prone skin.

    You might also try using powder cosmetics instead of cream foundations. If you do want to use foundation, some dermatologists recommend oil-free liquid silicone matte foundations, such as those containing dimethicone or cyclomethicone.

    Why Dairy Is Bad For Hormonal Acne

    Consuming dairy can also make it difficult to sustain a low-inflammatory diet. Dairy, especially cow milk-based dairy, is very inflammatory, as is whey protein, which is found in cow milk. Its important to know that whey is often used as a protein source in power bars and protein shakes. In our practice, we commonly meet patients with new, onset acne who have recently started drinking whey protein shakes. Like with gluten, the inflammatory nature of whey can stimulate acne flareups.

    We recommend replacing whey protein with plant-based protein when using it in shakes and other meal recipes. Plant-based proteins are an excellent alternative to whey for a hormonal acne diet as they provide equal amounts of protein and will not induce acne or inflammation. Some of our favorite brands of plant protein are Aloha and Vega, both of which taste delicious! We do say its always better to get protein and nutrition from actual food rather than powdered drinks, but if for your lifestyle or diet requires you to utilize protein powders, we recommend trying one of these brands.

    Some other additional Blogs that you might like to check out regarding diet and skin health as well as the best supplements for acne and rosacea.

    -Dr P

    Also Check: Hormones For Transgender Female To Male

    The Best Ways To Treat And Prevent Hormonal Acne

    There are several different treatment options that can help you get rid of hormonal acne, but you should start by talking to a dermatologist about how best to tackle your breakouts, especially if you’re experiencing cystic, inflammatory acne. Your derm can help come up with a plan that works specifically for your needs. Note that while over-the-counter acne products can be especially effective if you’re only dealing with mild breakouts, when it comes to cystic acne , it’s likely you’ll need to incorporate prescription-strength acne products and oral medications into your routine, in addition to certain lifestyle changes. But whatever course you take, note that consistency and patience is key.

    Here are some additional potential solutions your dermatologist may discuss with you:

    1. Start a consistent skincare routine.

    According to Dr. Hartman, the best place to start dealing with and preventing hormonal acne is to wash your face one to two times daily with an acne face wash, refrain from harsh scrubbing and avoid picking or popping pimples. “Also, keep your hair clean and try to avoid touching your face unnecessarily,” he adds.

    2. Try a prescription retinoid.

    Because retinoids can often cause dryness or irritation at the early stages of use, both Dr. Hartman and Dr. Zeichner recommend the prescription medicine Altreno. It contains prescription strength tretinoin in a hydrating lotion vehicle that is well tolerated by most patients, says Dr. Hartman.

    Hormonal Acne: Diet Dos And Donts

    Dermatologists Say This Is How to Treat Hormonal Acne

    The exact role between diet and hormonal acne isnt fully understood. Some foods may help prevent acne particularly inflammation-fighting foods.

    Plant-based foods high in antioxidants may help reduce inflammation and promote clearer skin. Omega-3 fatty acids may also decrease skin inflammation.

    Contrary to popular belief, junk food alone doesnt cause acne. But overdoing it on certain foods may lead to increased inflammation.

    You may consider limiting the following:

    • sugar
    • refined carbs, such as white bread and pasta
    • red meats

    To clear up hormonal acne and keep it at bay its important to establish an appropriate skincare routine.

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    Causes Of Hormonal Acne

    There are two main indicators: Your breakouts happen along the lower third of your face, and they get worse before your period when there is an excess build-up of testosterone, according to Joshua Zeichner, MD, the director of cosmetic and clinical research in dermatology and assistant professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City.

    Besides Aunt Flow, there are a few other hormonal acne causes. Pregnancy and the fluctuating hormones that come along with it, for one. Also, the decline in reproductive hormones can cause hormonal acne due to your body adjusting to fluctuating levels. Polycystic ovary syndrome is another culprit. It can occur in women at a reproductive age and causes a fluctuation in hormones that can increase the length of your menstrual cycle, cause obesity, and result in breakouts.

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