Saturday, July 27, 2024

What Are The Effects Of Low Testosterone In Males

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Other Benefits And Risks Of Trt For Women

The Ugly Side Of Low Testosterone – Irritable Male Syndrome

The benefits of female testosterone replacement therapy have not been extensively studied. Some research has linked testosterone therapy with preventing obesity and coronary heart disease. Its also possible that testosterone therapy could help elevate your sex drive, increase your energy levels, or help you to feel more motivated in your everyday lifebut none of these effects have been proven.

Testosterone therapy may also come with risks. TRT is not recommended for women who are at risk for or have had some hormone-related cancers, because TRT can potentially augment those risks. Some studies indicates that high testosterone might cause cardiovascular disease in some women, but there is ample research in men that low testosterone is linked with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, so many providers feel the risk is low. Testosterone therapy is also highly inappropriate for premenopausal women who are or intend to become pregnant, as high testosterone levels are known to cause complications with pregnancy and significantly increase the risk of miscarriage.

Aside from these serious risks, the most common side effects of TRT in women include acne, deepening voice, and bodily hair growth.

Low Testosterone Symptom: Your Mood Tanks

Some of the side effects of low testosteronesuch as sexual dysfunction;and weight gaincan bring on the blues. But theres also evidence of a more direct effect of low testosterone on mood.;

According to research;in the Endocrine Journal, 23 percent of young men with newly diagnosed low testosterone met the criteria for depression, compared to only 5 percent of young guys with normal levels of the hormone.

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Empty testosterone receptors in brain areas linked to mood are likely responsible for your depressed state, Dr. Ramin says.;

Whats more, mood disorders like depression or anxiety can kick off a vicious cycle, he notesdepression can suppress your testicles ability to produce testosterone, worsening the problem.

Contact A Doctor To Discuss Options For Treating Low Testosterone

You do not have to accept the symptoms of low testosterone. If fatigue, loss of libido, weight gain, and other symptoms are negatively impacting your life, testosterone therapy may help. If you are experiencing low testosterone symptoms, or would like more information about testosterone therapy, call the offices of Dr. Edward Jacobson today and arrange a consultation.

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The Negative Effects Of Low Testosterone For Men

Testosterone;is a vital hormone for males and females alike, yet it is often highly misunderstood.

It helps to regulate and affects many vital human functions, and it is exceptionally important that you pay attention to your own levels. There are many undesirable characteristics that come from low levels.

What You Need To Know

7 Signs Of Low Testosterone Levels

Low T-levels have severe and long-term effects on your health. Fortunately, this is a treatable condition. If you suspect that your T-levels are decreasing, get tested and seek treatment. Let your doctor advise you on the benefits and risks of the different treatment options. Let your specialist know your history, and if you have any underlying condition, he should suggest a safer alternative that may not put your health at risk. Dont wait until the situation affects your health adversely. Seek treatment and intervention before it gets out of hand.

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When And How Should A Low Testosterone Be Treated

Testosterone replacement shouldn’t be used to treat a naturally occurring, age-related decline in this hormone or simply for a low T number, says Dr. Bhasin, but if a man has a testosterone deficiency or classical hypogonadism, the benefits of treating the condition with testosterone is favorable and outweighs any risks.

According to Dr. Bhasin, over the last two to three years there has been greater availability of high quality lab providing good results for testosterone levels, which until recently has been a problematic when trying to make a firm diagnosis.

To confirm the existence of low testosterone requiring treatment, the patient should have two separate blood tests on nonconsecutive days in the early morning that are analyzed by reliable laboratories certified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Bhasin told EndocrineWeb.

A normal range for testosterone levels is 300 ng/dL to 1,000 ng/dL, with the Endocrine Society considering low testosterone below 263 ng/dL, says Dr. Bhasin.

Your doctors should also determine if you shows signs or symptoms of a testosterone deficiency. One problem with the symptoms for testosterone deficiency is many are incredibly nonspecific Dr. Mulhall cautions, which is why getting accurate testosterone levels is vital.

Low Testosterone Symptom: Your Penis May Get Smaller Too

Without a steady flow of testosterone, the tissues in your penis, scrotum, and testicles can atrophy, or shrivel, says Dr. Ramin.

As a result, your penis might lose length and girth. You may notice your balls shrink, toothey often shrivel to half the size and turn squishy instead of firm, he says.;

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Though testosterone replacement therapy wont bring back your testicular volume, when it comes to your penis, the treatment has a good chance of restoring its glory, Dr. Ramin says.

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Prostate Related Risks Of Trt

Another well-established health risk of TRT is increased incidence of prostate/lower urinary tract-related events . Several coauthors of this commentary recently conducted a double-blind randomized clinical trial and observed that TRT produced a 40% prostate enlargement in older hypogonadal male Veterans over 12 mo. These increased prostate-related risks have raised concern that TRT may increase prostate cancer risk or hasten the development of undiagnosed prostate cancer.

However, no published analysis has reported measurable increases in prostate cancer risk or Gleason score in men undergoing TRT, or in hypogonadal men with a history of prostate cancer undergoing TRT. Despite this, Calof et al estimated that an evaluation of 85862 participants is necessary to detect a hypothetical 20% increase in prostate cancer resulting from TRT. The largest meta-analysis evaluating prostate cancer risk associated with TRT included only 1700 men .

Diagnosing High Or Low Estrogen

Effects Of Low Testosterone | Low T Hormones

A doctor will have you take a laboratory blood test if they believe you may have either high or low levels of estrogen.

For this, youll go to a laboratory that collects samples, and someone whos trained to take samples will use a needle and vial to collect the blood for testing.

You should receive your results in about a week. Youll see your blood estrogen levels shown in measurements of picograms per milliliter . Once you get your results, your doctor will let you know what youll need to do next.

If theyre normal, you wont necessarily need to do anything. But if your levels or high or low, your doctor will recommend the next steps to help get your estrogen levels balanced.

Here are some of the possible treatments a doctor may recommend to help control your estrogen levels.

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What Are The Benefits Of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Potential benefits of testosterone replacement therapy may include:

  • In boys, avoiding problems related to delayed puberty
  • Loss of fat
  • Skin irritation

Laboratory abnormalities that can occur with testosterone replacement include:

  • Increase in prostate-specific antigen
  • Increase in red blood cell count

If you are taking hormone replacement therapy, regular follow-up appointments with your physician are important.

Guidelines suggest discussing the potential risk vs. benefit of evaluating prostate cancer risk and prostate monitoring. The doctor and patient will decide together regarding prostate cancer monitoring. For patients who choose monitoring, clinicians should assess prostate cancer risk before starting testosterone treatment, and 3 to 12 months after starting testosterone:

  • PSA levels should be checked at 3, 6, and 12 months within the first year, and then every year after that.
  • A digital rectal examination of the prostate should be done at 3-6 months and 1 year after beginning therapy, and then every year after that. This is recommended even for men who are not on testosterone replacement therapy, as an age-related prostate cancer screening. This usually begins at age 50.
  • Hematocrit levels will be checked before testosterone therapy starts, and then on a regular basis to make sure red blood cell levels remain normal.

When To See A Doctor

A doctor may prescribe testosterone replacement therapy if a person displays a number of symptoms.

Low testosterone does not always present symptoms, and some people only learn about it after a routine physical examination with bloodwork.

However, anyone who experiences one or more of the symptoms listed above should seek medical attention.

To diagnose low testosterone, a doctor will often perform a physical evaluation and review the personâs symptoms. The doctor may also request testing to look for additional signs.

For example, a bone density test can show diminished bone mass, one result of low testosterone.

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy And Prostate Cancer: Is There A Link

In past decades, many scientists believed that higher levels of total testosterone came with an increased risk of prostate cancer.

It was thought that low testosterone production actually helped protect against prostate diseases, so restoring testosterone to normal levels â through testosterone therapy â could mean a greater chance of prostate cancer.

So could prostate cancer be a potential risk of TRT?

Not likely, says todayâs researchers. While initial studies suggested a link between high T levels and prostate cancer, much more modern research â using much more rigorous methods â has convincingly shown that testosterone therapy comes with âlittle if any riskâ of prostate cancer.

Low Testosterone Produces Low Sex Drive

Top 9 effects of low Testosterone that are seen in males

Its no secret that reduced testosterone levels will invariably lead to a reduced desire for physical intimacy in both men and women.

Men who are approaching their 50s or 60s may experience reduced testosterone and, consequently, reduced desire levels as a result of andropause, which, in many ways, is quite analogous to menopause.

As with the physiology of their female counterparts, men will experience significant physiological changes as they leave middle age. One of the most obvious changes occurring in men during this time is a loss of sex drive.

This can lead to a wide range of additional issues, many of them emotionally driven, including insecurity, depression, and reduced emotional well-being.

That being said, as men emerge from the volatility of andropause, the severity of these symptoms should dissipate greatly.

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Is There Such A Thing As A ‘male Menopause’

The “male menopause” is an unhelpful term sometimes used in the media.

This label is;misleading because it suggests the symptoms are the result of a sudden;drop in testosterone in middle age, similar to what occurs in the female menopause. This is not true.

Although testosterone levels fall as men age, the decline is steady at;less than 2% a year from around the age of 30 to 40,;and this is unlikely to cause any problems in itself.

A testosterone deficiency that develops later in life, also known as late-onset hypogonadism, can sometimes;be responsible for these symptoms, but in many cases the symptoms are nothing to do with;hormones.

Low Testosterone Symptom: Your Memory Falters

Trouble with thinking and memory;often occurs in men with low T, Dr. Werthman says.;

In 2015 study;from Australia, men whose testosterone levels declined over 5 years also experienced a drop in scores on tests of their mental function and memory.

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Besides the amygdala, areas of the brain important for memory and attentionsuch as the cerebrumalso have testosterone receptors.;

When theres not enough of the hormone pumping in to those receptors, your brain cells may not be able to function as well, the study authors note.

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Benefits And Risks Of Testosterone Treatment Options

There has been a registered success of treatment among patients with low T-levels. In a week or so, most of them report that the symptoms significantly reduce.

Testosterone treatment, however, is risky to patients with prostate cancer. Patients with cancer of the breast or prostate should avoid this therapy because it can fuel the growth of the cancer cells. It can also lead to the overproduction of red blood cells and lead to the abnormal enlargement of the breast. Talk to your doctor and let him advise you on the right course of action to rectify your condition. Get tested if you suspect that you could be having a drop in your T-level and get treated.

And Youll Get More Regular And Stronger Erections Too

low estrogen vs low testosterone in men

A study published in;Reviews in Urology;;reported that the inability to gain an erection is linked to low testosterone levels.

The research team who led the study suggested that hypogonadism was one of the main causes of hormonal erectile dysfunction, but that treatment with testosterone boosting supplements helped sexual function return to normal.;

Erections are clearly testosterone-dependent, as evidenced by the observation that men with hypogonadism have a marked reduction in the frequency, amplitude, and rigidity of erections.

Key Point: Optimizing your testosterone levels helps you maintain strong erections and a healthy sexual appetite.

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Who Shouldn’t Take Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Testosterone replacement therapy may cause the prostate to grow. If a man has early prostate cancer, there is concern that testosterone may stimulate the cancer’s growth. Therefore, men who have prostate cancer should not take testosterone replacement therapy. It is important for all men considering testosterone replacement therapy to undergo prostate screening before starting this therapy.

Other men who should not take testosterone replacement therapy include those who have:

  • An enlarged prostate resulting in urinary symptoms
  • A lump on their prostate that has not been evaluated
  • A PSA measurement above 4

Recovering Fertility After Testosterone Therapy

Regaining fertility is not guaranteed, but it is possible for some patients depending on their age and duration of testosterone use. The first step is to end any testosterone therapy and get baseline lab tests to know where your levels truly are. Often, we find that the patient’s LH production has been suppressed. In those cases, the next task is to increase it. Most patients start with Clomid. If that isn’t sufficient, we may consider hCG injections.

In rare cases when neither therapy works, we can consider increasing the FSH level as well with injections of the FSH substitute hMG. This drug is more expensive, and success is not guaranteed.

If you are concerned about low-T symptoms, or if you’ve tried therapies that didn’t work, talk with your primary care doctor or urologist. Feeling better starts with a conversation about your needs, goals, and lifestyle. Personalized care from a board-certified urologist or male fertility expert is the healthiest way to get there.

To visit with a men’s reproductive health specialist, call orrequest an appointment online.

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Other Putative Health Risks Associated With Trt

A number of putative health risks have been reported with TRT, including fluid retention, gynecomastia, liver disorders, and worsening of sleep apnea. These adverse outcomes are worrisome because they represent risks for several serious life-threatening adverse events and for other potentially serious clinical conditions. However, current meta-analyses have not established a definite relationship between TRT and these potential health risks, likely because they lack the statistical power. Additionally, the mechanisms through which T incites the above mentioned health risks are not completely understood, but may result in part from tissue-specific 5-reduction of T to dihydrotestosterone or from the aromatization of T to estradiol. This is especially true in the prostate which highly expresses the type II 5-reductase enzyme. Inhibition of this enzyme via finasteride or dutasteride reduces circulating DHT 50%-75% and > 90%, respectively, and reduces prostate mass and prostate cancer risk. Our team and others have demonstrated that finasteride also prevents prostate enlargement resulting from high-dose TRT without inhibiting the beneficial musculoskeletal or lipolytic effects of T, indicating the clinical viability of this combination pharmacologic therapy. It is unknown whether other potentially life-threatening health risks and other adverse events discussed above are mediated by the 5-reduction or aromatization of T.

Seeking Professional Help To Achieve Hormone Balance

Testosterone Deficiency in Men

Clearly, there are so many unanswered questions about hormone balance and the effects of low testosterone in women. To make matters worse, testosterone tests for women are rarely accurate because the low levels naturally present in blood dont reflect the active testosterone in skin and fat cells and other bodily tissues. Even if the tests were accurate, female hormone levels fluctuate throughout the month and even throughout the day. Its almost impossible to say for sure whether you have a clinically low level of testosterone in your body at any given time.

Its possible that testosterone therapy could help with some of the symptoms you experience, that the risks could be relatively low for you, and that TRT could end up being the best possible course of treatment. But considering all thats still uncertain, you should consult with a qualified hormone practitioner who can confidently answer your questions before deciding if treatment is right for you. When it comes to testosterone, dont take matters into your own hands. Reach out and seek help from a hormone health professional you can trust.

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. All content on this website is for informational purposes only. The content is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent diseases.

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Boosting Your T Levels Will Increase Libido Though

Whilst testosterone boosting supplements might not effect your penis directly, they will increase your libido and sexual performance.

Low T levels have been found to be one of the leading causes of low sex drive.

A large study of over 1,600 men based in greater Boston, Massachusetts found that 19% of them had low libido . And there was a significant relationship between;those that reported low libido and the chances of them having low testosterone levels.

T supplementation was associated with increases in sexual functioning, mood, and strength .

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