Saturday, July 27, 2024

What Is Hormone Replacement Treatment

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Q: Are There Risks In Using Bio

What is Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)?

A: Yes, there are some risks as there are benefits in taking bio-identical hormones and BHRT in general. Primarily, older concerned women may increase blood clots, strokes, gallbladder. They may develop heart disease and breast cancer for those who use hormone therapy for more extended periods than usual. But many doctors claim the use of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy to be much safer than the standard hormone replacement therapy. However, much more research to better support these claims is still very much needed.

Can Taking Estrogen Help You Lose Weight If You Are A Man

Men begin to experience the cons of andropause during the after-50 period. Males lose sexual drive, muscles become weak, and overall well-being drops. Does hormone replacement cause weight gain in men? Testosterone accumulates fat in the abdomen and its low to up levels cause risks for syndrome X and fatness in tummy and breast areas. Katya B. Rubinow, MD, published an article in NCBI which goal was to answer the question can taking estrogen help you lose weight if you are a man? Clinical trials and thorough research asserted that decreased and excessive levels of estrogen in the male organism result in metabolic dysfunction and obesity. The implication of the research claims the crucial role of estrogen in hormone therapy for weight loss.

What Are The Risks Of Taking Hormone Therapy

While hormone therapy helps many women get through menopause, the treatment is not risk-free. Known health risks include:

  • An increased risk of endometrial cancer .
  • Increased risk of blood clots and stroke.
  • Increased chance of gallbladder/gallstone problems.
  • Increased risk of dementia if hormone therapy is started after midlife. HT started during midlife is associated with a reduced risk of Alzheimers disease and dementia.
  • Increased risk of breast cancer with long-term use.

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  • Menopausal symptoms can be managed with education, lifestyle changes, support and hormone replacement therapy , also known as menopausal hormone therapy .
  • In the early postmenopausal years, HRT is an effective therapy for menopausal symptoms. In most women with moderate to severe symptoms, the benefits outweigh the small increases in risk.
  • The long-term use of HRT has some benefits, but also has some risks.
  • The current role of HRT is for menopausal symptom relief, at the lowest effective dose and for the shortest duration required for the control of bothersome menopausal symptoms.
  • The decision to use HRT, and for how long it should be used, must be based on individual assessment and needs.

What Is Hormone Replacement Therapy How Does It Help

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Hormones are responsible for regulating most functions of the body. Regardless of where you currently are in life, hormones play a big role in how you feel daily.

If these hormones are not balanced or produced at the appropriate times inevitably unwanted symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia, weight gain, irregular menstrual cycle, and more will start to present.

At this time people often reach for sleeping pills, anti- anxiety medication, or birth control pills. Often with mild if any success.

What they do not realize is that Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy may be all they need to address the cause and lead a more fulfilling, energized life, including in places like Phoenix, Arizona!

  • In Summary
  • Recommended Reading: What Are The Benefits Of Hormone Replacement Therapy

    Do You Have A Hormone Imbalance

    Maintaining healthy levels of hormones is crucial to ensure the optimal functioning of your body. With the natural process of aging, the level of sex hormones in your body begins to gradually reduce. This often creates hormone imbalances.

    Men experience a decrease in testosterone levels in their mid-forties to fifties and sometimes as early as their thirties. However, there are men who maintain healthy testosterone levels even in their seventies. Getting your testosterone level checked can help identify any cases of hormonal deficiency.

    Women may also experience a decrease in their sex hormones at as early as in the thirties. Further, perimenopause and menopause cause hormonal fluctuations in the body leading to debilitating symptoms.Some of the common symptoms of deregulated hormones include:

    • Night sweats
    • Nutritional deficiencies
    • Acute physical stress

    Pellet hormone replacement therapy helps to balance the levels of the sex hormones estrogen and testosterone which are essential for the production of serotonin, a chemical and neurotransmitter that regulates mood, social behavior, sleep, sexual desire, appetite, digestion, and memory. Lack of serotonin can cause tiredness, irritation, and difficulty concentrating. In women, pellet therapy can help reduce depression, severe PMS, menstrual migraines, and sleeping disorders. The therapy can also help correct hormonal deficiencies caused by birth control pills.

    Types Of Hormone Therapy For Prostate Cancer

    Hormone therapy may be part of prostate cancer treatment if the cancer has spread and cant be cured by surgery or radiation therapyor if the patient isnt a candidate for these other types of treatment. It may also be recommended if cancer remains or returns after surgery or radiation therapy, or to shrink the cancer before radiation therapy.

    Additionally, hormone therapy may be combined with radiation therapy initially if theres a high risk of cancer recurrence. It can also be given before radiation therapy to shrink the cancer and make other treatments more effective. Other types of hormone therapy for prostate cancer include:

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    Can Taking Estrogen Help You Lose Weight

    The transition period for both genders leads to the hormonal imbalance that provokes serious adverse effects. One of them is the increase in body mass, especially in the abdomen and chest areas. Can hormone therapy help lose weight? Endocrinologists speak about the benefits of hormone therapy for weight loss. Fitness coaches state that weight gain is the result of reduced activity and wrong eating lifestyle. They believe that healthy eating habits and physical load guarantee the same results as hormone replacement therapy and weight loss.;

    To answer the question can hormone replacement therapy help you lose weight?, it is necessary to find out the reason for menopause and its consequences in detail.;

    Hormone replacement therapy weight loss is connected with the endocrine system that is responsible for hormone production. Hormones inform the body systems and organs about the functions they have to perform. Consequently, hormone replacement therapy for weight loss must send messages that force organs and systems to reduce fat. What hormones can do that?

    Surgical menopause weight gain relates to the removal of reproductive organs like testicles and ovaries that leads to hormonal collapse. In this case,; hormone replacement therapy weight loss is inevitable.;

    Enhancing Healthcare Team Outcomes

    What is hormone replacement therapy?

    Patients undergoing menopause require management from an interprofessional team that also includes the pharmacist and nurse. To improve patient outcomes, clinicians should not empirically prescribe hormone replacement therapy. These hormones correlate with a variety of adverse effects, including an increased risk of breast cancer, stroke, heart disease, and deep vein thrombosis. The duration of treatment of these hormones should not be more than a few years, and close monitoring is required. If the female has mild symptoms of menopause, then education should be provided about the benefits and harm of these hormones. The pharmacist should consult with the prescriber on the exact agent and dosing, while also examining the patient’s medication record. Nursing needs to be very aware of signs of adverse events, and monitor closely on subsequent visits, alerting the clinician of any concerns. This interprofessional team approach will drive the best outcomes with HRT.

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    Traditional Hormone Replacement Therapy Vs Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy: Whats The Difference

    Although they do still need to be processed in some ways to make them effective for human use, natural hormones used in BHRT are derived from products like plants and animal sources, rather than being created synthetically in a lab like some products.;

    Some health care providers who prescribe BHRT products perform saliva or blood tests in their patients first in order to;assess their unique hormonal needs and then prescribe customized treatment solutions. This is called custom-compounded hormone therapy. Not all BHRT is customized, however. There are also FDA-approved hormone therapy products that;are commercially available which;are not specialized for each patient, and those that are not naturally produced.

    The FDA has reported that, according to clinical studies, hormones that;are marketed as bioidentical or natural dont appear to be any more effective or safe compared to hormones used in traditional hormone therapy products. Some research also shows that;hormones that;are marked as bioidentical might not be much different at all from those in traditional hormone replacement therapy;and might even be riskier in some cases.

    FDA-approved hormone therapy drugs undergo;a lengthy process to meet federal standards for approval, but custom-compounded BHRT drugs usually dont meet these standards. Its possible for some BHRT mixes to contain other inactive ingredients that help bind pills, creams or lotions, which can cause side effects or allergies in some patients.

    Conditions That May Cause Low Hormone Levels

    Hormones naturally decline as you continue aging. However, there are certain conditions that may cause unusually low levels of sex hormones that may need treatment. These conditions include:


    Menopause is the time when you have been period-free for one year without being pregnant, breast-feeding, sick, or taking certain medications. It is a natural occurrence as a result of aging.;

    In the years before menopause, the ovaries shrink and the amount of hormones fluctuates. This can create symptoms like hot flashes and vaginal dryness that many people find difficult.;

    Surgical removal of ovaries

    If your ovaries are removed before age 45, you may not have enough estrogen that helps protect against heart disease, osteoporosis, stroke, dementia, certain types of cancer, or mood changes. You may pursue HRT to prevent these conditions.

    Early menopause

    If you experience menopause before age 45, you may not have enough estrogen that helps protect the body. You may need hormone replacement therapy to prevent disease.

    Primary ovarian insufficiency

    This is a condition where the ovaries lose normal function. If this occurs before age 45, you may not have enough estrogen and you may need hormone replacement therapy.

    Other hormone conditions

    Hormone replacement therapy may be used to treat other conditions like breast cancer, infertility, and endometrial hyperplasia, which is the overgrowth of the lining in the uterus.

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    Benefits Of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

    1. Might Help Protect Bones

    Many studies have found that estrogen and testosterone have benefits for preventing bone loss, so some research suggests that BHRT might help defend against problems like osteoporosis or hip fractures.;The Womens Health Initiative study did demonstrate reduced hip fracture risk when estrogen and progesterone levels were restored however, claims that BHRT can prevent;bone loss or rebuild lost bones have not been proven.

    2. May Help Improve Energy

    Because declining levels of hormones like progesterone, DHEA and testosterone might be tied to your low levels of energy, its possible to experience more mental clarity, motivation, better sleep and alertness when using BHRT. However, this likely wont translate to a faster metabolism or easier weight loss.

    According to a statement by the ;Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, There is no evidence of an effect of oestrogen or combined oestrogen with progestogen on body weight and on the BMI increase normally experienced at the time of menopause.

    3. Can Help Decrease Hot Flashes/Night Sweats and Improve Sleep

    4. May Improve Sex Drive and Reduce Vaginal Dryness

    Up to 45 percent of menopause or postmenopausal women might be affected by vaginal atrophy, which causes symptoms like vaginal dryness, pain during sex, itching, irritation, burning and discharge. Hormone replacement drugs used for about one year or less are often prescribed ;to alleviate these symptoms.

    A Higher Risk Of Certain Cancers

    Menopause: Should you take hormone replacement therapy ...

    A 2020 study found that past use of HRT was linked to a higher risk of breast cancer. This elevated risk was associated with both estrogen-only and combined therapies.

    There is some debate about the risk of ovarian cancer. Some studies suggest that both estrogen-only and combined therapies raise your risk of ovarian cancer. Other say ovarian cancer is only a risk with estrogen-only therapy, but not with combination therapies.

    Estrogen-only HRT may also increase the risk of endometrial cancer . A of 28 studies concluded that the following HRT regimens may all increase the risk of endometrial cancer:

    • estrogen-only, sequential combination therapy
    • tibolone
    • micronized progesterone

    Because of the risk, these therapies are generally recommended for women who no longer have a uterus.

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    Does Hormone Replacement Cause Weight Gain

    Another question that worries menopausal individuals is does hormone therapy cause weight gain? Scientific researches and clinical studies prove that hormone therapy for menopause weight gain is possible.

    Hormone therapy for weight loss has its pros and cons. In most cases, women manage to get rid of the excessive fluid accumulation which is an inevitable part of fat-burning fitness programs. The increase of hormones that are responsible for the fat-to-energy transformation help to reduce belly fat and control the situation with floating. If a woman or a man relies only on hormone therapy weight loss, the outcome can be unsatisfying.;

    Weight management is a process that demands a complex approach. Hormone therapy weight loss involves specialists who understand what the transition period is, its impact on the human body, and can find and delete barriers that prevent midlife people from normal life. Hormone replacement for weight loss needs a specific program that navigates a patient telling what and how to do and to take to achieve the desired results. Hormone replacement therapy and weight loss cannot exist separately without dieting, workload, variety of physical activities, and stress management programs.

    Are Other Kinds Of Drugs Used In Hrt Safe

    Researchers arent sure, but it is possible that other HRT drugs arent safe to use, either. Women who use them could be at higher risk for breast cancer, blood clots, heart attacks, and strokes. Even so, many doctors believe that short-term use of HRT to control menopausal symptoms is still safe for most women. Women who have a history of heart disease or blood clots are at the highest risk and should most likely not receive HRT.

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    Frequently Asked Questions Expand All

    When progestin is added, it can come in different forms, including pills you take by mouth, or tablets and gels you place in the vagina. The intrauterine device , which releases progestin, also may be an option. Progestin also can be combined with estrogen in the same pill or patch.

    You and your obstetriciangynecologist can talk about what form may work best for you. You can decide based on your symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle.

  • How often is hormone therapy taken?

    Estrogen-only therapy is taken daily. There are two ways to combine estrogen and progestin for women who still have a uterus:

  • Continuous-combined therapy: Both estrogen and progestin are taken every day.

  • Cyclic therapy: Estrogen is taken daily. Progestin is added for 10 to 14 days each month . Another name for this is sequential hormone replacement therapy.

  • You and your ob-gyn can discuss the approach that works best for you.

  • How should I decide whether to take hormone therapy?

    Talk with your ob-gyn about what may work best for you based on your symptoms and your personal and family medical history. If you decide to take hormone therapy, you and your ob-gyn should talk every year about whether to continue hormone therapy. Each year, this decision will depend on your symptoms, risks, and benefits. Some women may need longer therapy if their symptoms go on for a long time.

  • What are the benefits of hormone therapy?
  • Both systemic and local estrogen therapy relieve vaginal dryness.

  • Breast or endometrial cancer

  • Q: How Do Doctors Select Their Clients Dose

    Hot Topic 4 Hormone Replacement Therapy

    A: Through meticulous and thorough observations, doctors adjust doses based on their patients symptoms and particular needs. They keep the dose to its minimum requirement in achieving the best desired outcome. Doctors may make dose adjustments based on relative hormone needs and may use routine blood, saliva, or urine tests in checking hormone levels. However, the FDA does not recommend using hormone level checking as a dosing guide for women because of the fluctuation in normal day-to-day levels and varies per patient.

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    What Is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

    Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is the use of hormones to help resolve symptoms related to hormonal imbalance or decline in hormone production tied to aging. Certain hormone treatments are called bioidentical or sometimes natural because the types of hormones used are chemically identical to those produced by the human body.

    Specific hormones that BHRT aims to increase or balance include those tied to reproduction and youth, such as;estrogen , progesterone, and sometimes testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone and adrenal hormones. During the years leading up to menopause, and then through this transition, a womans body produces less of these hormones , which may lead to symptoms like fatigue, hot flashes/night sweats, vaginal dryness and thinning bones.;Various hormone therapy products are used to overcome these symptoms, some of which have been approved by the FDA and are available by prescription through health care providers, but many of which have not.

    BHRT treatments include creams, lotions, injections, gels, sprats or tablets that;have the goal of raising hormone levels back up to a more youthful state. Examples of popular bioidentical hormone replacement therapy products now on the market include Estrace, Premphase, Prempro, Activara and Vivelle-Dot, just to name a few .

    Concerns Over The Safety Of Hrt A History

    HRT was first available in the 1940s but became more widely used in the 1960s, creating a revolution in the management of the menopause. HRT was prescribed commonly to menopausal women for the relief of their symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweats, sleep disturbances, psychological and genito-urinary problems urinary frequency and vaginal dryness and for the prevention of osteoporosis.

    In the 1990s two of the largest studies of HRT users were undertaken, one clinical randomised trial in the USA and one observational questionnaire study in the UK . The published results of these two studies during 2002 and 2003 raised concerns regarding the safety of HRT. These safety concerns revolved around two main issues: 1) that the extended use of HRT may increase the risk of breast cancer and 2) that the use of HRT may increase the risk of heart disease.

    The results of the studies received wide publicity, creating panic amongst some users and new guidance for doctors on prescribing.

    After the results were published, the UK regulatory authorities issued an urgent safety restriction about HRT, recommending that doctors should prescribe the lowest effective dose for symptom relief, should use it only as a second line treatment for the prevention of osteoporosis, and advised against its use in asymptomatic postmenopausal women.

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