Tuesday, September 17, 2024

How To Tell If Your Hormones Are Balanced

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Macafem For Hormonal Balance

How To Know If Your Hormones Are Out Of Balance

Macafem is rich in essential nutrients and beneficial alkaloids that support the endocrine system, nourishing and stimulating the hormonal glands. Unlike phytoestrogens and hormone treatments, this 100% natural dietary supplement does not introduce exogenous hormones into the body it simply helps the body naturally produce its own again. Overall, how Macafem works is by improving the endocrine systems functions to offer a holistic approach to hormonal balance and ultimate health and well-being.

Ultimately, it is important for you to listen to your body and how youre feeling on a day-to-day basis. Are you feeling down for no reason? Are you experiencing body aches and pains even without having performed strenuous physical activity? Are you starting to see more hair in the shower drain? All of these and more could be signs of an underlying hormonal imbalance. With proper lifestyle changes implemented and supplementation with Macafem, it is possible to get hormones back on track.

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Hormone Imbalance: What Are The Symptoms And Treatments

When youre browsing social media or watching TV, you may have come across ads telling you to ask your doctor to check your hormones as the first step toward diagnosing and relieving a troublesome set of symptoms. Its true that hormone imbalances can be associated with many problems, such as period problems, unwanted hair growth, fertility struggles, weight gain, and even difficulty sleeping. You should absolutely talk to your doctor about these things. But you may be surprised when your doctor tells you that they cant just give you a hormone check.

A hormone check sounds simpleafter all, we check cholesterol to get a handle on our heart health. However, your doctor cant just give you a hormone test because a single test to check all your hormones doesnt exist.

So if there isnt a simple hormone test, how does your doctor discover hormone imbalances? And how can you learn what could be causing your symptoms?

Lets look at problems caused by hormone imbalances and how your doctor could potentially determine which hormones may be responsible for your symptoms.

To Decoding Your Hormones: How Long Should Your Period Be

Since we only have our own period to compare to, it can be hard to know whether what we experience is normal. Lets run through some normal cycle parameters so that you can determine where you fall:

The length of your periodrefers to the number of days from the first day of your bleed to the last day before your next bleed. A healthy range for your cycle length is anywhere between 21 and 35 days, with the average being around 29 days.

Many of my clients tell me their period is always late because it comes on day 30 . This is a huge misconception: that if your period isnt 28 days, you arent normal. If your period consistently arrives around the same day of your cycle, and it falls within the healthy range of 21 to 35 days, this is your normal, healthy cycle length.

Whether or not you fit this textbook 28 day cycle , the most important factor to consider is whether your normal has changed or not.

Our menstrual cycles are very responsive to stress in our lives and demonstrate this most clearly in the length of our cycles. Stress is not always psychological , but may be physical .

When we are more stressed, our body does not deem our environment to be a safe place to bring a baby in to the world, and can shut down ovulation all together, or delay it until it deems we are safe. The end result of this change in ovulation is a missing period altogether, or longer cycles than your normal. Think this might explain your menstrual cycle problems?

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What Happens When These Hormones Become Imbalanced

When there is an excess of estrogen in your system, this can lead to heavy and painful periods, sore breasts, PMS, and weight retention around thighs and hips. The causes of estrogen excess include higher production from ovaries and poor metabolism and detoxification.

Low estrogen can also have negative effects on your health, which include low libido, missing periods, or very long cycles. The causes for low estrogen include under-eating, over-exercising, stress, and smoking.

The consequences of low progesterone include PMS, spotting before period begins, anxiety, and prolonged bleeding. The causes of low progesterone include stress and not ovulating.

Having high testosterone can cause acne, male pattern hair growth, hair loss, and irregular cycles. It is associated with polycystic ovary syndrome , which is associated with irregular cycles and excess androgens .

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Signs Of Hormonal Imbalance In Men

The 9 Signs of Hormonal Imbalance

As hormones play a crucial role in many bodily functions, there is a broad range of symptoms that could indicate a hormonal imbalance in men. These signs can vary depending on the hormones or glands that are affected. The following are signs of hormonal imbalances in men:


Gynecomastia, or enlargement of the breast tissue, is a sign of hormonal imbalance in men. While breast tissue may become larger due to age, diet, or lifestyle, a decrease in testosterone or an increase in estrogen can also lead to its growth.

It may not be physically harmful, but gynecomastia can have an impact on self-esteem. It may also be a sign that a hormonal imbalance may be affecting other functions as well.

Loss of libido

Another sign of low testosterone or high estrogen levels is a loss of libido, or sex drive. While these changes in libido can have many root causes, a hormonal imbalance could be a factor. A low sex drive can be a psychological challenge and can strain intimate relationships.

Erectile dysfunction

Hormonal imbalances can also interfere with sexual performance. This can lead to erectile dysfunction , or difficulty having or maintaining an erection for sexual activity. Erectile dysfunction can be influenced by factors like age, depression, heart disease, stress, chronic illness, and insomnia.

Some medications, like opiates and those that treat hypertension , can also lead to erectile dysfunction. ED can also be a sign of low testosterone.

Loss of muscle

Mood changes

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Signs You Need Your Hormones Balanced

Finding hormone balance for women in their 40s and early 50s can be a rough road. Rougher for some than others. There are two main determining factors to consider:

1. Genetics: Thanks, Mom and Dad!

2. Lifestyle: Stress, sleep, nutrition, exercise, and environmental estrogens

For women, the most pronounced changes come in their 40s and 50s. More recently, a bombardment from external estrogens are forcing these changes earlier in life. It is not out of line to see women as early as their mid-30s seek care for perimenopause-like symptoms. Our hormones are affected by not only our genetics and lifestyle, but also by the pollution, toxins and xenoestrogens that were exposed to every day. How do I know if I have hormone imbalance? Here are the 9 signs:

1. Persistent weight gain.

Yes, there are lifestyle, diet and physical activity components to maintaining a healthy weight, but that isnt the end of the story. Many women have underlying hormonal imbalances that make it difficult to maintain a healthy weight. Unaddressed or emerging insulin resistance is one of the most common. When small changes in diet such as eliminating processed foods, sugars and wheat are unproductive a deeper dive into the hormones that drive metabolism is necessary.

2. Belly fat and loss of muscle mass.

3. Low libido.

4. Fatigue.

5. Anxiety, irritability and depression.

6. Insomnia and poor sleep patterns.

7. Sweating.

8. Digestion problems.

9. Cravings.

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Engage In Regular Exercise

Physical activity strongly influences hormonal health. Aside from improving blood flow to your muscles, exercise increases hormone receptor sensitivity, meaning that it enhances the delivery of nutrients and hormone signals (

7 ).

Insulin is a hormone that allows cells to take up sugar from your bloodstream to use for energy. However, if you have a condition called insulin resistance, your cells may not effectively react to insulin. This condition is a risk factor for diabetes, obesity, and heart disease .

However, while some researchers still debate whether the improvements come from exercise itself or from losing weight or fat, evidence shows that regular exercise may improve insulin resistance independently of body weight or fat mass reduction .

Many types of physical activity have been found to help prevent insulin resistance, including high intensity interval training, strength training, and cardio .

Being physically active may also help boost levels of muscle-maintaining hormones that decline with age, such as testosterone, IGF-1, DHEA, and human growth hormone .

For people who cannot perform vigorous exercise, even regular walking may increase these hormone levels, potentially improving strength and quality of life .


Strength training, aerobics, walking, and other forms of exercise may modify hormone levels to reduce your risk of disease and prevent muscle mass decline as you age.

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A Healthy Diet Is Key

When it comes to getting all the essential macronutrients and micronutrients necessary to balance hormones, we should always turn to food first. Supplements are great, but theres no substitute for good, whole foods the ones that come directly from the Earth, just as nature intended. Your endocrine system needs certain foods, which contain specific nutrients, to do its job. Lets see which ones those are!

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Estrogen Dominance And Birth Control Pills

How To Use Fasting To Balance Your Hormones

Natural hormone balance is the foundation of a womans emotional and physical health. During a womans natural menstrual cycle her estrogen levels rise and fall at different times of the month. The pill disrupts this cycle altogether keeping estrogen levels high all month.

Continuously elevated levels of estrogen can overload the liver, which cant perform its essential function of detoxification. As a result, these unhealthy estrogen metabolites go back into your bloodstream and get circulated in your body quickly leading to Estrogen Dominance

ED from the pill also leads to too much estradiol , also known as an aggressive estrogen, compared to estriol , which is the protective estrogen. This imbalance can be behind tender breasts, mood swings, hair loss, weight gain, fibroids, endometriosis, breast, and ovarian cysts, and even breast and ovarian cancer.

High estrogen levels can also cause a rise thyroid binding globulin, which binds up thyroid hormones making less available to do its work in your body. ED has also been linked to the development of thyroid nodules and cancer.

To learn more about estrogen dominance and what you can do to reduce it, read my other blog post on the topic.

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Why Cortisol Testing Is Important

Cortisol testing is important because that system does not always function in the normal, healthy manner outlined above. Sometimes cortisone levels can stay too high for too long, which can have far-reaching effects on your health, such as:

  • Problems with memory and/or concentration

Issues That Can Cause Abnormally High Cortisol Levels include:

1- Chronic stress: The bodys natural fight-or-flight stress response system is set up to manage short-term stress situations. Stress in todays world is often a longer-term health issue. Rather than being stressed by a sudden encounter with a predator, a situation that can be resolved quickly by running away, we are more likely to face ongoing problems that cause stress, like job pressures, for instance, or financial ones. This can cause long-term activation of the stress response system, leading to chronically high levels of cortisol.

2- Problems with the pituitary gland: Tumors on the pituitary gland or excess growth of the gland can cause it to release too much ACTH, increasing cortisol levels.

3- Problems with adrenal glands: Tumors on the adrenal glands can cause overproduction of cortisol.

4- Other tumors: Growths in other areas of the body can increase cortisol production.

5- Medications: Overuse of corticosteroid medications or long-term use of them can lead to abnormally high cortisol levels.

How Is Low Testosterone Diagnosed What Treatments Are Available

Most healthcare providers will measure their testosterone levels by having a blood test, doing a physical exam and having the patient describe his symptoms. Finally, they may order additional tests to rule out other possible diagnoses.

Testosterone is sometimes prescribed for men with low testosterone. Almost all hormone supplements and testosterone treatments are available in different forms, including lozenges, patches, gels and creams.

Because of the limited knowledge regarding this condition, challenges in having a proper diagnosis, as well as the possible side effects of treatments, HRT should not administer for men without proper testing, retesting and consultation with a healthcare provider to discuss the pros and cons. One may want to consider an endocrinologist who specializes in hormones.

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How To Balance Your Hormones With Exercise

When it comes to working out, more is more, right? Actually, wrong. Too much exercise might actually wreak havoc on your hormones. But how would you even know if your hormones werenât, in fact, ticking along perfectly? Okay, picture this: Youâve been hitting it hard at the gym but just not getting the results you want. Or, is that excess fat just not budging, no matter how many HIIT sessions you rack up on ClassPass? The likelihood is that your hormones are out of sync, according to our experts.

Hormones are chemical messengers that keep our bodies in a happy state of equilibrium. Unfortunately, crossed wires and miscommunications happen, and before you know it, your hormones are all over the place, and youâre drowning your sorrows in vats of wine and ice cream . So what causes our internal communication system to go haywire? It could be work stress, a high-sugar diet , or even too much exercise.

Jenni Rivett is a personal trainer who has built her method, Body by Rivett, around boosting beneficial hormones and suppressing the less beneficial ones . Dr. Amy Lee is currently board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine and is a member of the National Board of Physician Nutrition Specialists and the American Board of Obesity Medicine. We called on Rivett and Lee to explain the different hormones worth knowing about and how they affect us, plus how the right exercise can get everything back into balance.

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What Are Hormones And What Makes Them Fluctuate

Hormone Balancing

Hormones are chemicals that are produced by glands in the endocrine system and released into the bloodstream. They do far more than allow us to reproduce. When balanced, hormones are meant to help our bodies function properly. They can influence our skin, mood, sleep, and much more.

Unfortunately, hormone production can easily rise and fall, especially for women. In fact, female hormone levels naturally fluctuate at various life stages, including puberty, during monthly menstrual cycles, pregnancy and menopause. Hormones can also be affected by certain lifestyle choices and medical conditions.

When there is too much or too little of a certain hormone, it is referred to as an imbalance. Since we cant measure our hormone levels without a physician, it is important to recognize the outward symptoms this imbalance can cause in our bodies. Unfortunately, these symptoms rarely go unnoticed.

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How Long Does It Take To Balance Hormones

As you can imagine, this varies. However, research shows that by taking a holistic, well-rounded approach, you can balance your hormones in less than four months. In fact, you can significantly reduce the amount of chemicals and pesticides in your body, in one week. How so? Switch to an organic diet. And in less than 10 days, you can improve your blood sugar by eating less sugar .

By incorporating more fermented foods and a potent probiotic, women can more easily detox estrogen, which helps balance hormonesin less than two months. By four months, eating a hormonally-supportive diet makes an impact, slowing the aging process and protecting fertility.

Image by Michelle Nash

Consider Supplements And Alternative Medicines

There is some evidence that alternative therapies or supplements may address some hormonal issues.

For instance, a found that a Chinese herbal therapy routine resulted in doubled pregnancy rates among female participants with infertility when compared to Western, drug-based treatment.

A reports that Nigella sativa, known as black seeds or fennel flower seeds, helped raise estrogen levels in an animal model.

If studies in humans confirm these findings, the supplement may be beneficial for people going through menopause.

The following tip may benefit males:

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How Does The Male Reproductive System Work

While there are hundreds of hormones that control the bodys chemistry, testosterone is a versatile and critical part of the balance that specifically controls male characteristics and sex drive. When the levels dip, the result can cause a male to experience low sex drive and depression, among other complaints. Low T as it is commonly referred to in the media, can cause a number of symptoms, including:

  • Fatigue or generalized weakness
  • Memory problems or lack of concentration
  • Changes in mood or irritability
  • Erectile dysfunction

Some diseases, like diabetes, can cause similar symptoms, so it can be hard to diagnose. To further complicate matters, testosterone decline in men is a slow process and, some healthy men can produce sperm well into their 80s.

In addition, there are variables that affect hormonal decline and speed up the process. These include weight gain, drug use, tobacco or alcohol abuse, mental illness or severe depression, as well as stress and chronic illness. One may need to keep in mind that medical experts still disagree about the link between declining hormone levels in men and their need for HRT.

Hormone Balancing Tip #: Get Off The Sugar Roller Coaster

How To Balance Hormones Naturally In 2 Easy Steps

Eating large amounts of processed sugar and refined carbohydrates can lead to insulin resistance. This is where your body gets tired of receiving the signal that your blood sugar is high, and becomes less responsive to it. Excess insulin production causes inflammation in the body and increased production of testosterone from the ovaries. This can lead to irregular cycles, acne and hair growth on the face.

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