Saturday, July 27, 2024

Does Viagra Help Low Testosterone

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Taking It On A Full Stomach


If you take Viagra on a full stomachparticularly with a heavy, high-fat mealthe medication may take longer to work. A full stomach can delay your bodys absorption of Viagra, meaning your erection might come later than expected, be less strong than you wanted, and not last as long as you wouldve liked.

What Medications Boost Your Testosterone

Testosterone medications comes in a few different forms, including:

  • Testosterone gels, like Tostran or Testogel, that rub into your skin
  • Injections of testosterone
  • Testosterone patches, like nicotine patches for quitting smoking, except they release testosterone instead
  • Gum and cheek testosterone, a putty-like medication, that releases testosterone into your mouth
  • Nasal gels, these go up your nose to introduce testosterone that way
  • Implants, like the contraceptive implant, which is inserted under the skin and releases testosterones.

Are There Any Research Studies To Support The Testosterone Boosting Effects Of Viagra

In 2010 a study was conducted on leydig cells of isolated rat, which showed that the active ingredient found in Viagra, i.e. sildenafil, has the tendency to boost the levels of testosterone by increasing the cAMP levels. cAMP serves as the second messenger between hormones and cells and with the increase in cAMP secretion, the testosterone levels boost almost instantaneously.

Study led by Matthew Spitzer further confirmed the findings of this phenomenon. As part of the study, Spitzer collected the data from 140 men with erectile issues and low testosterone levels i.e. lower than 330n/dl). These men;were given optimum dose of sildenafil. Men on alpha blocker received 25mg of sildenafil, men who were using it for the first time received a dose of 50mg, and the group of men who had used it in the past got 100mg of sildenafil.

The scientist noted and observed the promising results on the subjects for a periodof 3-7 weeks. The results yielded:

  • Elevation of total testosterone by 40%
  • Elevation of free testosterone by 50%
  • Significant elevation in the levels of DHT

With vast studies, it has been proven that Viagra affects the serum levels of testosterone positively and helps increase the levels to a great deal in men with poor levels of testosterone.

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Potential Side Effects Of Viagra

Common side effects of Viagra include dizziness, headache, flushing, upset stomach or indigestion, abnormal vision , nasal congestion or runny nose, back pain, insomnia, rash, and muscle pain.

Less common side effects of Viagra include priapism , heart attack-like symptoms such as chest pain, eye problems such as sudden vision loss, ringing in ears or hearing loss, seizures, or swelling in the extremities.

How Do Steroids Work

Viagra and Testosterone Levels

Anabolic steroids can be taken in a variety of ways: injections, pills, patches worn on the skin, and gels or creams rubbed into to the skin.

Like naturally occurring hormones, such as testosterone, anabolic steroids have both anabolic and androgenic properties. Androgenic effects refer to changes in sexual characteristics, such as deepening your voice. Anabolic properties refer to things like muscle growth.

Anabolic steroids are designed to enhance muscle growth. But this is done at the cost of unhealthy androgenic side effects, such as:

  • breast enlargement

Steroids can actually become addictive. Athletes may think theyll only use steroids for one season, or for a short time to speed up injury recovery. But they may find that its not so easy to quit. This increases the risk of serious side effects and long-term health problems.

If youre struggling to stop steroid use, call the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration hotline at 1-800-662-HELP.

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Does Viagra Help You Recover Faster After Orgasm

Another common belief about Viagra is that it can reduce your refractory period — the amount of time that needs to pass for a man to recover after having sex and reaching orgasm.

In this case, the common belief about Viagra is actually true. Scientific studies usually show that ED medications such as Viagra reduce the amount of time needed to recover after sex, often by quite a significant amount.

For example, a small study of 20 people into Viagras effect on post-ejaculatory refractory time found that a 100mg dose of sildenafil reduced the average recovery time from 10.8 +/- 0.9 minutes to 2.6 +/- 0.7 minutes.

A different study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine also found that some men with PE were able to recover in less time after sex after using Viagra.

However, its worth noting that not every study produces these results. For example, one study found that healthy men who took Viagra had a longer average ejaculatory time, but didnt show any changes in refractory period.

Does Viagra Change Your Sexual Experience

If you have erectile dysfunction, Viagra can have a significant impact on your sexual experience and enjoyment.

This is because even a relatively modest dose of Viagra can make it significantly easier for you to get and maintain an erection during sex.

In a long-term study, more than 95 percent of men with erectile dysfunction who used sildenafil reported that they were satisfied with its effects on their erections.

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Effect Of Viagra On Serum Testosterone Levels

We have all known the iconic blue pill and the red pill. However, this blue pill the whole world is talking about right now is definitely not from Matrix. Viagra is that blue pill that has done wonders for men with ED . It has the active pharmaceutical ingredient, called sildenafil that works by inhibiting PDE-5 an enzyme which is not only responsible for relaxing the penis tissues but also regulating the blood supply to penile tissue.

The use of Viagra, however, is not just confined to the blood flow enhancement. While some are aware of it, Viagra is a prescription drug that is effectively used to boost the levels of testosterone in men.; It has been extensively researched drug that has revealed engrossing results. Therefore, its use has become more frequent and is now a commonly prescribed testosterone booster.

How Are Diabetes And Erectile Dysfunction Related

10 Ways To Cure Erectile Dysfunction Naturally (without Viagra, Levitra, or Cialis)

For men, type 1 and type 2 diabetes can lead to an increased risk of erectile dysfunction, or ED for short. Based on data from a survey study, the risk is 50% higher for men with diabetes compared to men without diabetes, regardless of what type of diabetes they have. While many men may develop ED as they age, those who have diabetes may develop ED 5 10 years earlier than most.

It is important to note that ED can be related to insufficient blood flowing to penis , emotional issues such as depression , or problems with the nerves to the penis . Diabetes can cause or make these issues worse. As such, patients with diabetes who experience ED tend to notice that the problem gradually gets worse.

Current medical knowledge has identified several likely causes in patients specifically with diabetes.

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Viagra Won’t Work For You Low Testosterone Men Warned

More than half the Viagra prescribed to men is not working, says an expert in sexual medicine.

Dr Geoffrey Hackett, a consultant urologist, says men with erectile dysfunction could be “wasting hundreds of pounds on tablets” when their real issue is low testosterone.

He was speaking at the launch of new guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of sexual disorders.

The guidelines are published in the journals Maturitas and Human Fertility.

Dr Hackett, sexual health specialist at Good Hope Hospital in Birmingham and former chairman of the British Society for Sexual Medicine, says the most common sexual problem men see their GP about is erectile dysfunction.

It affects 40% of men over 40 years old, and more than one in five men with erectile dysfunction have a testosterone deficiency.

Testosterone levels in men peak in their mid-20s then slowly decline throughout life, but a fall can also be a sign of underlying health problems.

“Low testosterone is linked to increased risk of mortality from diabetes and cardiovascular events so diagnosing it is very important in preventing those diseases,” Dr Hackett said.

Can Testosterone Boosting Improve Sexual Performance

Boosting your levels of testosterone could improve sexual performance if you already have low testosterone.; Low testosterone levels can negatively affect your sex life in a few ways, such as:;

  • Making it harder to get or keep an erection which is hard enough to have sex with erectile dysfunction;
  • Lowering your sex drive low libido;
  • Causing you to stop or take breaks during sex because youre too tired physical fatigue

Normal testosterone levels are considered to be between 10 and 30 nmol/L, and below 10 nmol/L could be a sign of ongoing low testosterone. If you want to know what your testosterone levels are, you can have your testosterone levels checked with a simple at-home test kit.

Most men have normal levels of testosterone. If you have a normal level of testosterone in your body, boosting your testosterone levels higher wont improve your sexual performance, and could actually be dangerous. Its best to think about more likely causes of your sex-related problems:

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy And Ed

If your testosterone level measures in the normal range, raising it through testosterone replacement therapy probably won’t help your ED. Instead, you’ll have to look for and address other causes.

For men who do have low testosterone levels, TRT has a better track record of restoring a man’s sex drive than overcoming ED.

While many men on TRT do report improvements in their erections, they often need added help from ED drugs known as PDE-5 inhibitors, such as:

These drugs encourage erections by increasing blood flow to the penis. Some men with low T, on the other hand, don’t respond to these drugs without also undergoing TRT.

Some research suggests that erection improvements that result from TRT may not last over the long term.

Treating low testosterone can improve a man’s sex life by restoring theirà libido and brightening theirà mood, thereby renewing theirà interest in sex.

In men with low testosterone, TRT may also protect against some of the risk factors for ED by reducing belly fat, increasing insulin sensitivity, and lowering the risk for diabetes.

Some studies suggest that TRT in men with low T may benefit heart health, although in high doses it can make heart disease worse.

TRT does have risks and side effects, though, and its long-term safety and effectiveness have not been thoroughly studied.

Some of the side effects of TRT include:

How Does Viagra Make You Feel

Does Viagra Lower Your Blood Pressure Or Raise It?

Viagra isnt a psychoactive medication, meaning it wont have any noticeable effect on the way you feel, think or perceive things during sex.;

Its effects are purely physical, meaning it will help you to get and maintain an erection, but wont change your emotions.

With this said, if you have erectile dysfunction, Viagras effects on your sexual performance can potentially provide a confidence boost or make sex more enjoyable.

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What Does Viagra Do To Your Sexual Experience

Medically reviewed by Kristin Hall, FNP

Viagra®, which contains the active ingredient sildenafil, is one of the most popular medications available for treating erectile dysfunction .

Since it came onto the market in the late 90s, Viagra has grown from a niche medicine into an ED treatment used by millions of men around the world.;

One of the most common Viagra-related questions, particularly from younger men interested in using Viagra, is how Viagra affects sexual experience.;

Does it change the way sex feels? Does it have any impact on sexual enjoyment? Can it boost sexual performance? Will you last for longer in bed after using Viagra?

In this guide, well cover the basics of how ED medications like Viagra work, as well as how they can change the experience of having sex.

Well also bust several of the most common myths about how Viagra works to clear up what this type of medication can and cant do for your erections and sexual performance.

How A Healthy Diet Affects Erectile Dysfunction

Like exercise, a healthy diet has multiple benefits. However, the main advantage of eating well is that it can help you to lose weight and keep fit and healthy. Avoiding unhealthy foods will help you avoid high cholesterol, which can lead to the narrowing of the arteries and contribute to erectile dysfunction by blocking blood flow to the penis. Read more about how diet can affect ED.;

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What The Link Between Masturbation And Testosterone

Testosterone is tagged as the sex hormone. It is actually what drives sexual desire and triggers secondary changes in men. Thus, the link between masturbation and testosterone is clear. Testosterone triggers sexual desire and may contribute to the urge to masturbate in men.

We can say that testosterone is equally related to masturbation than sex itself, to a certain degree. It can be considered sexual behavior, which is triggered by a surge of testosterone.

But what happens after we have sex, or masturbate, for that matter? Does masturbation decrease our testosterone concentration? Is it possible to decrease testosterone levels every time we masturbate, ending up with testosterone level problems?

When Erection Pill Isn’t Enough: Gel Treatment For Men With Low Testosterone Columbia University Medical Center Study Shows

Can Low Testosterone Cause Erectile Dysfunction? How Do I Know If It’s Low-T That Is Causing My ED?

Men with Sexual Dysfunction Should Take Simple Blood Test To Determine Necessity of Combination Treatment

New York, NY

For men with erectile dysfunction and low testosterone who do not respond to Viagra* alone, the supplemental use of AndroGel** improves erectile function and overall sexual satisfaction, according to a Columbia University Medical Center study.

Dr. Ridwan Shabsigh, associate professor of urology at Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons and director of the New York Center for Human Sexuality at Columbia University Medical Center at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital presented the multicenter study findings at the annual meeting of the American Urological Association in Chicago.

Our data support the potential benefits of a combination therapy with testosterone gel for men with erectile dysfunction and low testosterone who find sildenafil by itself ineffective, said Dr. Shabsigh. When assessing erectile dysfunction, doctors and patients should consider using a simple blood test to determine if low testosterone is a contributing factor. If the root cause is low testosterone, sildenafil alone won’t fix the problem.

It is estimated that four to five million American men have low testosterone. Furthermore, low testosterone, also called hypogonadism, affects about one in 10 men between the ages of 40 and 60. Low testosterone may lead to decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, osteoporosis, reduced lean body mass, depressed mood and fatigue.

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Erectile Dysfunction And Low Testosterone Risk Factors

While low testosterone doesnt necessarily cause erectile dysfunction, many of the potential contributing factors for both conditions overlap.;

For example, low testosterone is associated with obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

These are also common risk factors for erectile dysfunction that can compromise blood flow to your penis and affect your sexual performance.;

If youve been diagnosed with any of these risk factors and have ED, you may want to consider talking to your healthcare provider about checking your testosterone levels.

Testosterone Viagra Not A Winning Combination For Erectile Dysfunction

Using a testosterone gel in addition to Viagra doesn’t make the little blue pill work any better, according to a new study.

The report’s lead researcher said testosterone is typically prescribed to men who have both low testosterone levels and symptoms such as little interest in sex or low bone and muscle mass.

But, “there’s a tremendous amount of clinical judgment” that goes into that, said Dr. Matthew Spitzer, from the Boston University School of Medicine. “People are certainly being prescribed and using these medications at increasing amounts.”

According to Spitzer, studies have suggested that about one-quarter to one-third of men with erectile dysfunction, or ED, also have low testosterone. There’s a range in part because doctors and researchers don’t all agree on where the cutoff should be for low levels of the male sex hormone.

Spitzer and his colleagues found that a starting course of sildenafil citrate, marketed as Viagra, helped improve sexual functioning for men with both conditions. But adding testosterone on top of that didn’t provide any added sexual benefits.

The study included 140 men, aged 40 to 70. All were prescribed Viagra at 50 or 100 milligrams, which they took as needed before sex. After three to seven weeks, half of the men were randomly assigned to also use a daily testosterone gel, Testim, and the other half used a drug-free placebo gel.

The testosterone gel used in the study was provided by Auxilium Pharmaceuticals and the Viagra by Pfizer.

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Does Taking Viagra Immediately Result In An Erection

This is another common Viagra myth — that taking Viagra will result in you immediately getting an instantaneous, uncontrollable erection.

The reality of Viagra is very different. Viagra and other ED medications dont directly cause you to get an erection or provide any kind of sexual stimulation on their own.

Instead, all these medications do is improve the rate of blood flow to your penis when you feel aroused.;

This makes it easier to get and maintain an erection, but it wont cause you to get an erection spontaneously.

Without any type of sexual stimulation , you wont get an erection after taking Viagra.;

Your sexual arousal process will still be the same as normal. However, when you feel sexually aroused, youll find it easier to get an erection due to Viagras effects on blood flow.

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