Sunday, September 15, 2024

Hormone Dumping After Weight Loss

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Tips From Bonnies Interview:

‘Game changer’ painless injections to shed pounds | Weight Loss Wednesday

Bonnies insurance changed shortly before her procedure. She had to find a new doctor. Below are some questions she asked, already knowing the answers she wanted to hear.

  • What are your complication rates?
  • Explain in detail what the surgery entails show me pictures.
  • What is the recovery time?
  • Can I talk to previous patients?
  • This is a great question that more people should ask prior to surgery. Talking to a previous patient and even asking them to meet for coffee is a great way to get real patient feedback.

Bonnies biggest surprise was sudden onset menopause shortly after her gastric bypass surgery.

  • Bonnie had zero libido almost overnight! She says it was almost overnight.
  • Talk to your doctor about the possibility of menopause after surgery. Particularly if you are around 50 years of age.
  • Weight loss surgery can actually regulate menstrual cycles in many women who have had irregular cycles due to obesity.

Bonnies tips for people considering weight loss surgery include:

  • Weight loss surgery is not the easy way out.
  • Diet and lifestyle have to change if you want to be successful.
  • Surgery is a tool to get the weight off and help tell you when you should not be eating.
  • Youll still feel hungry, still want to eat that pizza. But if youre serious about keeping the weight off, stick with your program. Dont test your tool.

You Can’t Stop Thinking About Food

Feeling hungry? Blame it on ghrelin, a hormone made in your stomach. Ghrelin’s job is to ensure that your body has a steady supply of energy on tap. It kicks in when you haven’t eaten for a while, sending hunger signals from your gut to your brain telling you to start thinking about your next meal. Trouble is, ghrelin doesn’t just rise when your belly is empty. It also spikes when you drop pounds, leading to a gnawing hunger that makes it nearly impossible to maintain your new weight.

How To Fix Your Hormones And Lose Weight

Ive hit a stubborn weight-loss plateau, writes this weeks house call, even though I seem to be doing everything right, like eating the right foods and exercising. How can I overcome that obstacle?

Ive discussed different reasons for weight-loss resistance in past blogs. Many obstacles have nothing to do with what you eat or how much you exercise. Instead, they involve things like nutritional imbalances, chronic inflammation, metabolic challenges, leaky gut, changes in your microbiome, environmental toxins and your genes.

One huge but often-overlooked reason for weight-loss resistance involves hormonal imbalances.

No contest: The monster hormone that causes weight gain, inflammation and chronic disease is excess insulin. Think of this hormone as your fat cell fertilizer! My new book, Eat Fat, Get Thin, discusses how to naturally regulate insulin so you can shift your body from fat storage mode to fat-burning mode.

At the same time, insulin isnt the only player other hormones also affect your weight and health. Three big disruptors are: thyroid, cortisol and sex hormones. I discuss these hormones in-depth in The Blood Sugar Solution, however, lets briefly look at each of them here.


Research shows hypothyroidism, or low-thyroid function, affects one in five women and one in ten men. Unfortunately, in over half of these cases, this condition isnt diagnosed.

A common cause of hypothyroidism is gluten intolerance.


Sex Hormone Imbalances

Read Also: Quest Diagnostics Female Hormone Panel

You Might Want To Eat More Often

Know how slowly digested nutrients like protein and fiber keep your belly full between meals? There’s a hormone in your small intestine, called cholecystokinin , that does the same thing. CCK works by reducing the rate at which food empties from your stomach. Unless you start losing weight, that is. Then CCK begins to tank. In one study, the longer volunteers dieted, the more their CCK levels dipped.

The Role Of Hormonal Factors In Weight Loss And Recidivism After Bariatric Surgery

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S. D. PedersenAcademic Editor: Received


1. Introduction

Bariatric surgery is currently the most effective treatment for severe obesity . While mechanical restriction of food intake is a dominating contributor to the weight loss seen after bariatric surgery, at least initially, weight loss that often exceeds that expected by restriction alone is often seen . There is a growing consensus that hormones play an important part in weight loss induced by bariatric surgery .

The extent and sustainability of postsurgical weight loss differ markedly between individuals . This heterogeneity in response is determined by a wide range of factors related to the type of surgery, patient demographics, and psychosocial factors, as well as biological factors that regulate energy intake, storage, and expenditure . The aim of the current paper is to review the available literature regarding the role of hormonal responses to bariatric surgery and examine their contribution to post-surgical weight trajectories, particularly in regard to weight loss failure and weight regain.

2. Key Hormones Involved in Hunger and Satiety

2.1. Glucagon-Like Peptide-1

Bariatric procedures where the delivery of undigested nutrients occurs more rapidly, or farther down, into the small intestine, are associated with a greater L cell response to release GLP-1 in response to a meal this is likely to be an important mechanism that contributes to weight reduction seen after these surgical procedures.

Also Check: How To Naturally Balance Hormones During Menopause

Hormone Balance For Weight Loss: Fact Or Fiction

See the NASM Weight Loss Specialization course for more information on this subject!

A quick online search for weight loss strategies reveals a plethora of hormone-balancing diets, supplements and medications. The premise behind these products is that hormonestiny chemical messengers that regulate physiological processesget out of balance, causing weight gain or foiling attempts to lose weight.

That seems like a reasonable claim, but is it true? What should you say when clients ask about hormones and weight management? In this article, well provide answers on the links between body weight and five of the most talked about hormone imbalances: those relating to insulin, cortisol, the thyroid hormones, testosterone and estrogen. Ill review the science and outline nutrition and exercise strategies to help your clients overcome weight loss plateaus and succeed at long-term weight loss.

The hormone issues discussed below often fade away with proper diet, exercise, sleep and stress management. Supplements and specialized diets typically address the symptoms of hormone imbalances, not the causes. Your clients may get better results if they understand the difference between the two.

Lets dive in!

Did You Hormone Dump

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in treatmentsomethingOn September 6, 2011 at 12:03 PM Pacific Time, Jo777 wrote:On September 6, 2011 at 11:54 AM Pacific Time, MsBatt wrote:

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What Is Dumping Syndrome

Dumping syndrome is a medical condition in which your stomach empties its contents into your small intestine more rapidly than it should. Its also called rapid gastric emptying. When your stomach empties too quickly, your small intestine receives uncomfortably large amounts of poorly digested food. This can cause symptoms of nausea, bloating, abdominal cramps and diarrhea. It can also cause sudden blood sugar changes.

What Drives Your Appetite

How to do Intermittent Fasting for Serious Weight Loss Dr.Berg

Once levels are normalized, this doesnt necessarily mean your hunger hormones are doing battle with your satiety hormones to override them, though.

Its a much more complex circuitry, said Dr. Amy Rothberg, a spokesperson for the Endocrine Society. Other hormones from the digestive system and leptin from fat sources also play a role in determining your senses of hunger and fullness, and thats just one pathway that mediates the appetite control system.

There are also motivational, cognitive, and emotional components to eating, said Rothberg.

Those are the systems that probably drive some of the subjective feelings of hunger, she explained, noting that it can be hard to tease out real, physiological hunger from cravings.

Learning to be more in tune with the reasons for which you eat could help you consume less, she said.

While the research found that obese people who lost weight experienced greater feelings of hunger and an increase in ghrelin, they were still able to maintain their weight loss, said Martins.

Rothberg pointed out there are multiple ways for people to work to maintain their weight loss.

People really can maintain their reduced weight by engaging in modifications to diet and increasing physical activity, Rothberg explained. Whatever those lifestyle modifications that got that persons weight down, they need to stick with it.

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How Does Gastric Sleeve Surgery Affect Your Hormones

Gastric sleeve surgery goes by a few different names. You may hear it referred to as the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy or the Laparoscopic Gastric Sleeve. The latter points to the technique used during the surgery. A laparoscopic camera and other serpentine-like tools allow the bariatric surgeon to work without too much cutting being involved.

Learning that gastric sleeve is performed laparoscopically is often a relief for patients. These minimally invasive surgeries require tiny incisions, come with low risks to your health, and require little downtime.

Most bariatric surgeries limit how much food your stomach can store, making you feel fuller faster during meals. In scientific circles, this limiting of food is known as a restriction. By making it so that you have no choice but to consume smaller amounts, the excess weight drops off more easily.

The gastric sleeve also works the same way. The surgeon will remove around 75% of your stomach tissue. The leftover tissue is fashioned into a pouch or sleeve, which is where food will pass on its way to digestion. A smaller stomach forces you to eat less and slower.

There is another mechanism in play with gastric sleeve surgery that helps you lose extreme amounts of weight.

You guessed it your hormones have changed.

Weight Loss And Gastrointestinal Hormone Variation Caused By Gastric Artery Embolization: An Updated Analysis Study

  • 1Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Chengdu, China
  • 2Laboratory of Diabetes and Islet Transplantation Research, Center for Diabetes and Metabolism Research, West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Chengdu, China

Objective: Many gastric artery embolizations have been performed in recent years. We try to determine whether GAE caused weight loss by decreasing gastrointestinal hormone through the analysis of weight loss and gastrointestinal hormones changes.

Methods: The PubMed and Medline databases, and the Cochrane Library, were searched using the following keywords. A total of 10 animal trials , 15 human trials were included for analysis. After GAE, we mainly evaluated the changes in body weight loss and body mass index , as well as metabolic indexes, such as blood glucose, lipids, and gastrointestinal hormones levels.

GAE may help people lose weight and become a new minimally invasive and effective surgery for the treatment of modest obesity. Physiologic changes in gastrointestinal tract of gastrointestinal hormones level may be one reason for weight loss in GAE.

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Which Bariatric Surgery Is Best

One surgery is not better over another. It is all about your specific needs. Roux-En-Y, Gastric Sleeve Surgery, and Gastric Band have all been associated with positive effects and weight loss reduction.

However, Gastric Band is considered less risky because it does not cause hormonal changes and carries slightly less risk.

Does Gastric Sleeve Surgery Affect Hormones

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Home » Does Gastric Sleeve Surgery Affect Hormones?

Weight loss takes more than willpower, despite what people say.

If the weight wont budge, no matter what you do, your hormones may be to blame.

Gastric sleeve surgery can help to regulate your gut hormones, making weight loss not only possible but nearly assured.

Bariatric surgeries like the gastric sleeve work in several ways to help you lose weight. There are physical changes and hormonal changes.

To understand how a gastric sleeve affects your gut hormones, it helps to understand which hormones are at play.

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Things That Happen To Your Hormones When You’re Trying To Lose Weight According To A Dietitian

Our series, Hormones & Our Health: How What You Eat May Affect How They Work, explores the vast role hormones play in the body and the diet and lifestyle factors that help them function as they should.

Numbers don’t lie. Except when it comes to weight loss. For years, dietitians swore weight management boiled down to one simple equation: Eat less, lose more.

Sounds logical. But today, we know that dropping pounds isn’t just about mathematics. If it were, we wouldn’t still be searching for the latest weight-loss miracle . Why is weight loss such a challenge? One big reason is your hormones.

Our bodies are evolutionarily hard-wired to hang onto fat to protect against starvation and famine. So even though you might want to lose weight quickly, your body has other plans entirely. And it really doesn’t matter which diet you choose. Whether it’s keto, paleo, intermittent fasting or old-school calorie-cutting, rapid weight loss sets off alarm bells telling your body to restore the status quopronto. As soon as it gets the SOS, your body springs into action, releasing a flurry of hormones designed to put the pounds back on. Next thing you know, the weight you worked so hard to shed starts making a comeback.

Related: The #1 Habit You Should Break to Lose Weight, According to a Dietitian

Can Hormones Prevent Weight Loss

Hormones are chemical messengers that give crucial signals for regulating hunger, satiety, thirst, body temperature, or even weight .

With the help of the hypothalamus, a control center in your brain, the hormone balance is significantly involved in keeping bodily functions in a healthy equilibrium.

This principle of homeostasis also applies to essential metabolic processes. Hence, losing weight is hard once your hormones are out of balance.

Hormones decide whether you store energy or mobilize it, whether you are hungry or satiated, and how fat or muscle mass is distributed around the body.

Its not due to a mere lack of willpower that more than 75% of adults in the U.S. are already overweight or obese .

If your hormonal balance is set incorrectly, you will not lose weight no matter how much you restrain yourself from eating or exercising several times a week.

Therefore, pediatric endocrinologist Dr. Robert Lustig concludes that the obesity epidemic is due to a hormonal imbalance, not a caloric one.

The hormonal system has the primary role in developing obesity, even though the cultural changes of the last half-century initiated it .

And this Western lifestyle has long ceased to be a purely American issue but rather a global one.

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Hormones And Hair Loss And Excess Skin Oh My

We all know bariatric surgery promotes weight loss, but with a change that significant to your internal anatomy there are always going to be other effects on your body. Bariatric surgery may cause hormone fluctuations, hair loss, and excess skin. During the September MUSC Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery Program support group meeting, we discussed some of these effects and how current post-operative patients are managing them.

Which Hormones Help You Lose Weight

How To Use HGH To Lose Weight And For Anti Aging – with Vigorous Steve
  • Related Resources – Which Hormones Help You Lose Weight?
  • Hormones play a key role in weight management. When they are out of balance, it can result in weight gain or make it difficult to lose weight. If you are trying to lose weight, certain hormones must be available in adequate amounts for that to occur. Read more to find out which hormones you need to help you manage your weight loss.

    You May Like: What Blood Tests Are Done To Check Hormone Levels

    How Do Hormones Affect Weight Loss

    If you put too many pounds on the scales, you overeat and do not exercise enough. Surprisingly, this is still the general view on weight gain today.

    But are we just too lazy? After all, people have never been so obsessed with living as healthy as they are today.

    Do we move too little on average today to lose weight, as most family doctors would have us believe?

    Do billions of people voluntarily decide to overeat every day?

    If people answer these questions with yes, they probably did their math without the hormones involved in weight loss.

    Positive Outcomes Due To Hormonal Changes After Bariatric Surgery

    Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes

    Bariatric surgery has been associated with positive changes in diabetic health due to improved glucose homeostasis in the body.

    Glucose homeostasis merely refers to a balance between insulin and glucagon that can maintain glucose levels in the body. Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass surgery is often the type of surgery chosen for obese individuals struggling with type 2 diabetes. Gastric bypass has been shown to improve diabetes within days, even before rapid weight loss begins.

    Interestingly, the treatment of diabetes and glucose homeostasis has been primarily associated with hormonal changes and not alterations to diet and a reduction of fat.

    Specifically, an increase has been seen in the GLP-1 hormone and Peptide YY. Peptide YY, which is the hormone responsible for telling the body you are full.

    Peptide YY is often studied in terms of obesity and other eating disorders. Bariatric surgery has shown to contribute to an enhanced Peptide YY response to food intake. In turn, increasing satiety after a small amount of food.

    Bariatric surgery has also been associated with insulin increases. As a result, diabetics may notice improved glucose levels after surgery.

    In fact, this effect has become so pronounced that about 80% of people who are diabetic before surgery, experience improved symptoms after.

    Improved Fertility Rates

    Obesity in women has been linked to low reproductive health and other reproductive issues.

    Increased Testosterone Levels

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