Saturday, July 27, 2024

How To Balance Hormones For Men

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Consider How Caffeine Is Affecting You

A Mens Guide to Balancing Hormones

When I talk to most women about caffeine, I usually hear something like, Ill do anything you want me to, but dont make me give up coffee.

I get it. Life is nuts, and most of us need to mainline caffeine just to get by. As I said above, though, this could be really problematic, especially if you experience anxiety on the regular, feel like you cant get out of bed in the morning, have energy crashes in the day, or have trouble falling asleep at night.

If youre not ready to ditch the joe, then just observe how you feel 30, 60, and 120 minutes after youve had coffee. If youre wanting to call it quits, ease into it with half decaf and half regular, replace a cup a day with decaf, or experiment with matcha.

Life is full-on for so many of us these days, which is why I hope that you have a clearer picture of what a hormone imbalance actually looks like and how to start to reverse it. Hormones exist in a hierarchy, so its important to take a top down approach to addressing problems that arise from a hormone imbalance.

Hormones are also talking to each other all day long, so once you work on one hormone, the rest will start to fall in line. Thats the beauty of hormones. Theyre working together to support you, always.

Additional Signs Of Hormone Imbalance In Men

Everyones body is different which means you may experience one or many different symptoms of hormonal imbalance. The five symptoms above are the most common or specific to hormone imbalance, but you should also keep an eye out for the following common symptoms, alone or in combination.

  • Trouble sleeping

Learn How What You Eat Can Impact Your Risk For Obesity And Diabetes

As men age, changes in hormone levels may contribute to weight gain and fatigue. Nutritional choices also play a leading role in mens health. And together, diet and hormones can affect your risk of developing diabetes, obesity, heart disease and other chronic medical conditions.

If you suspect you have a hormone imbalance, an endocrinologist or urologist can help you get to the root of the problem. Symptoms of a hormone problem can include rapid weight gain or weight loss, fatigue, changes in your sleep habits, reduced sex drive, changes in body hair growth or muscle mass, unusually irritable mood, lack of appetite, overeating and changes in body temperature.

To get started locating a doctor who can help, sign in to your Member Dashboard. Select Find a Doctor, then select Medical provider. From here, you can search for an in-network provider by selecting Doctors by specialty and entering terms such as endocrinology, internal medicine or urology.

If your doctor recommends a blood test, you can also use the Find a Doctor feature to locate an in-network lab. This will ensure your blood work will be billed at the lowest cost available through your health plan.

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Can Hormones Be Balanced Without Medication

It depends. If your hormones are out of balance due to a lifestyle factor , it is definitely possible to balance your hormones without medication.

However, if your hormonal imbalance is due to something outside of your control, such as PCOS or another underlying condition, you will likely require assistance from a doctor who may prescribe medication.

What Kind Of Doctors Treat Hormonal Imbalances

How to Balance Hormone Levels Naturally

Primary healthcare providers can diagnose and help you manage many hormonal imbalances, but you may benefit from seeing an endocrinologist.

An endocrinologist is a healthcare provider who specializes in endocrinology, a field of medicine that studies conditions related to your hormones. They can diagnose endocrine conditions, develop treatment and management plans and prescribe medication.

Also Check: How Do You Know If Your Hormones Are Balanced

Why Is It Important To Get Hormone Levels Tested

Comprehensive hormone testing is necessary to obtain an accurate overview of your hormone balance. Both free and total testosterone levels are important, but so is the level of estrogen and ratio of testosterone to estradiol. Other hormones, like DHEA, as well as proteins that influence hormone bioavailability, like SHBG, should be tested as well.

Hormone levels will vary widely between men, so it is important to repeat tests periodically to identify trends over time. Consideration should also be given to other symptoms or disease conditions one is experiencing. Only after comprehensive testing and thorough clinical evaluation can one decide whether hormone replacement therapy is a good choice. Testosterone replacement therapy should be embarked upon with the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional experienced in mens hormone restoration and balance.

What Can I Do To Improve My Hormonal Health

As men age, their hormone levels become imbalanced. This causes symptoms, such as an overall feeling of reduced energy, decreased libido, mood changes, loss of stamina, weight gain, and cognitive decline.

A holistic approach is needed, which includes hormone replacement therapy. Combining hormone therapy with a healthy lifestyle can improve quality of life and reverse the effects of age-related hormone decline.

1. Avoid sugar and refined carbs

We all know how important nutrition and food are to our well being. A healthy, well-balanced diet of whole food helps to lower the cortisol levels in the body. Cortisol is often dubbed as the stress hormone. An unhealthy diet filled with added sugars and processed foods will raise cortisol levels. A healthy meal consists of whole grains, high-fiber fruits and vegetables, and moderate amounts of protein.

2. Manage your stress levels

Research has shown that practicing mindfulness can help people manage stress levels and improve overall well-being. Why not try meditation techniques or yoga? Practicing mindfulness involves breathing methods to relax the body and mind and help reduce stress. Not only can deep-breathing exercises lower your cortisol levels, it can also ease anxiety and depression, and improve memory.

Chronic stress brings about high cortisol levels. Many illnesses are aggravated by chronic stress, which compromises the bodys immune system. Mindfulness and breathing techniques are great in lowering the stress response.

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What Causes Hormonal Imbalance In Males

In many cases, hormonal imbalances are caused by stress, medications, and nutrition.

Hormonal imbalances can also be caused by medical conditionsespecially those that involve the endocrine system or glands.

The most common causes include:

  • Andropause: an aging-related change in the hormone testosterone that can affect sex drive, mood, and muscle mass.
  • Hypothyroidism: a condition in which the thyroid is underactive, which may cause fatigue, weight changes, muscle aches, depression, or constipation.
  • Hyperthyroidism: the opposite a condition in which the thyroid is overactive, potentially causing hair loss, unexplained weight loss, fatigue, irritability, and increased sensitivity to cold or heat.
  • Adrenal fatigue: an insufficiency in the adrenal gland to produce adequate hormones, resulting in symptoms like body aches, weight changes, hair loss, or skin discoloration.

What Is A Hormonal Imbalance In Men

How do your hormones work? – Emma Bryce

Hormonal imbalances occur when there is too much or too little of a hormone present in the body. Hormones, which are chemicals produced by glands in the endocrine system, play an essential role in the body. These chemicals travel through the bloodstream to deliver messages to tissues and organs. They regulate major body processes like metabolism and reproduction.

A hormonal imbalance can affect a number of bodily functions, including:

  • Metabolism
  • Mood
  • Body temperature

Hormone levels may fluctuate over time, but symptoms of a hormone imbalance can also occur due to stress, injury, illness, poor nutrition, or a lack of exercise. This can occur at any time, but its more likely to occur as a person grows older.

Both men and women can experience imbalances in hormones such as growth hormones, insulin, and adrenaline. Men are more likely to experience hormonal imbalances in testosterone levels.

A drop in testosterone is also known as hypogonadism, or male menopause.Low testosterone can result in decreased strength, energy, stamina, and sexual function. Studies have found that low testosterone in men may increase their risk of developing coronary artery disease, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes.

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Can Exercise Balance Hormones

Hormonal imbalance happens when you have too much or too little of a type of hormone in your body. Like everything except maybe money having too many hormones can be bad.

Different hormones have different functions in your body, and when there is an imbalance, it could create side effects throughout. Some of those side effects can affect mood, appetite, and how fat is stored in your body.

Hormonal imbalance has different causes, and some of the most common causes are high insulin levels and stress. Exercise comes in here because it is a very effective way of dealing with these two causes.

Some exercises help reduce stress by maintaining a balanced cortisol level, which is known as the stress hormone, while others help a great deal in stabilizing blood sugar levels and increasing insulin sensitivity.

Be Careful With Dairy Products

Consuming dairy products is vital for your bone health and it can even lower the risk of obesity.

However, a recent study has found that dairy might not be as good for women.

Researchers have connected the consumption of dairy products with anovulation and an imbalance in their reproductive hormones. However, further research is required to confirm this claim.

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How To Balance Hormones Naturally 3 Ways To Do That

by ahmet | Aug 9, 2022 | Articles |

Hormonal imbalance can affect the body negatively. When the body produces excess or insufficient growth hormone or cannot manage blood sugar, it can become a problem with cortisol levels or sexual libido. While sometimes patients need medical intervention, you may ask how to balance hormones naturally. We have three ways to do that, that any person can incorporate.

While reading our tips below, note that some medical conditions, such as diabetes require intervention. We recommend natural balancing when crafting a high-quality lifestyle rather than addressing a severe issue single-handedly.

Other Symptoms Of Hormone Imbalances In Men

Natural Ways to Balance Your Hormones  Eleat Sports Nutrition, LLC ...

Hormone imbalances in men and weight gain are linked, as high estrogen and low testosterone contributes to a loss of muscle mass and increased abdominal fat. Other symptoms include:

  • Sexual problems such as low semen volume, low libido, and erectile dysfunction.
  • Bloating, headaches, cold feet or hands, and sleeping or memory problems are also linked with high estrogen levels.

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Consumption Of Green Tea

Green tea is rich in theanine, a molecule that limits cortisol production in the body. Cortisol is a stress hormone. If released in abundance, it makes us feel stressed and anxious. It is therefore essential to regulate the production of this hormone. It relaxes the body and also helps in getting good sleep. Also containing antioxidants, which help prevent inflammation.

Green tea contains antioxidants. Two of them are catechin and epigallocatechin gallate . According to studies, these compounds lower hormones like insulin and oestrogen present in the blood and further prevent the formation of tumours in the body.

Drinking green tea balances progesterone levels in the body. It is an essential female hormone. The lack of it leads to problems during pregnancy, irregular menstruation and healthy reproductive growth.

Can Hormone Imbalance Cause Anxiety

Yes, certain hormonal imbalances can cause anxiety, including:

  • Hyperthyroidism: If you have hyperthyroidism, it means your body has too much thyroid hormone. Excess thyroid hormone speeds up your metabolism. This can cause anxiety, in addition to unusual nervousness, restlessness and irritability.
  • Cushings syndrome: While its not as common of a symptom, Cushings syndrome can cause anxiety, as well as depression and irritability.
  • Adult-onset growth hormone deficiency: Adults with growth hormone deficiency often report having anxiety and/or depression.

Several other conditions and factors can cause anxiety. Its important to talk to your healthcare provider if youre experiencing anxiety.

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Ways To Improve Your Gut Bacteria Based On Science

There are around 40 trillion bacteria in your body, most of which are found in your gut.

Collectively, they are known as your gut microbiome, and theyre incredibly important for overall health. However, certain types of bacteria in your intestines can also contribute to many diseases.

Many factors, including the foods you eat, can impact the type of bacteria found in your digestive tract.

Here are 9 science-based ways to improve your gut bacteria.

How Can I Prevent A Hormonal Imbalance

Estrogen: How to Balance Hormones | Health Hacks- Thomas DeLauer

While many hormonal imbalances arent preventable, there are certain things you can do to optimize your overall health, which could help keep your hormones balanced, including:

  • Maintaining a healthy weight.
  • Managing your chronic health conditions well .
  • Quitting smoking or using tobacco products, if you smoke.

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If You Can Breastfeed For At Least 6 Months

A babys microbiome begins to properly develop at birth. However, studies suggest that babies may be exposed to some bacteria even before birth .

During the first 2 years of life, an infants microbiome is continuously developing and is rich in beneficial Bifidobacteria, which can digest the sugars found in breast milk .

Many studies have shown that infants who are fed formula have an altered microbiome with fewer Bifidobacteria than infants who are breastfed (

38 ).

A number of studies have shown that vegetarian diets may benefit the gut microbiome, which may be due to their high fiber content.

For example, one small 2013 study found that a vegetarian diet led to reduced levels of disease-causing bacteria in people with obesity, as well as reductions in body weight, inflammation, and cholesterol levels .

A 2019 review noted that plant foods are rich in specific nutrients that can increase levels of beneficial bacteria and decrease harmful strains of bacteria to support gut health .

However, it is unclear if the benefits of a vegetarian diet on the gut microbiome are due to a lack of meat intake or if other factors may also play a role.


Vegetarian and vegan diets may improve the microbiome. However, it is unclear if the positive effects associated with these diets can be attributed to a lack of meat intake or if other factors may be involved.

Be Wary Of Dairy Products

Dairy is an important source of nutrients for many people. However, females concerned about levels of reproductive hormones may wish to use caution, especially before consuming cream or yogurt.

A 2017 study notes that eating dairy can reduce levels of some protective hormones.

In addition, the authors point to an association between eating cream and yogurt and missing ovulation. The link is unclear, and the researchers call for further studies.

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How To Know If You Have A Hormone Imbalance

Your body will provide clues to help you determine if you have a hormone imbalance. Each person is different, and symptoms will present differently in men than in women. If you experience any two of the following, you may be experiencing issues with your hormones:

  • Hot flashes
  • Unexplained weight gain
  • Low sex drive

For some people, these symptoms do not signal a hormone imbalance. For women, these symptoms could simply be because of their regular menstrual cycle, for example. For both men and women, these symptoms could also signal a poor diet, particularly when healthy foods are not chosen or the person engages in overeating. Stress also plays a large factor in the symptoms mentioned above. If you are too stressed with regular day-to-day life, it is considered normal to be tired, irritable, or lack energy to name a few.

As previously mentioned, hormone changes are a typical part of aging. If you experience these symptoms and other outside forces like diet and regular exercise and sleep are considered healthy, then you may be experiencing hormone changes that come with advancing age.

A naturopathic doctor can help you determine if your symptoms are indeed a cause of a hormone imbalance. Through lab testing, results can prove the hypothesis and a treatment plan can be created to help you balance hormones naturally.

Eat Protein At Every Meal

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Consuming an adequate amount of protein at each meal is extremely important, as protein influences the release of hormones that control appetite and food intake.

Eating enough protein can and stimulate the production of hormones that help you feel full.

To optimize hormonal health, aim to consume a minimum of the recommended 20 to 30 grams of protein per meal.

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About Our Providers At Leigh Ann Scott Md

Dr. Leigh Ann Scott is board certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology and is a Fellow with the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. She has been practicing for over 30 years and for the last 7 years, she has focused on created individual wellness programs for her patients that balance hormones and restore vitality.

Dr. Scott is devoted to understanding her patients desires, goals, and needs. She accomplishes this by listening carefully as you discuss your symptoms, experiences, and feelings. This communication, coupled with specific lab testing, helps to determine the root cause of why a person feels a certain way. Focusing on prevention, Dr. Scott encourages her patients to preserve and promote long-term wellness by taking proactive measures towards achieving optimal health and wellness. Dr. Scotts knowledge and understanding of health help her design the right protocol of hormone balance, nutrition, supplement support, weight management, and if indicated, food sensitivity testing.

Quality, uninterrupted time with your doctor means everything. In order to provide comprehensive care and address your health care concerns, Dr. Scotts appointments are scheduled hourly.

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